Export permits for cryptographic items

End-use statement template

The text below is intended to assist Canadian exporters and their foreign clients in the preparation of end-use statements for the purpose of obtaining an individual export permit – text in bold, capital letters should be replaced or deleted as applicable. The template may be customized to fit specific circumstances.

End-use statements confirm what goods or technology are being exported, to whom, and for what purpose.

The statement must be written in English or French on the consignee's letterhead.

The completed statement must be provided to the applicant. The applicant must retain a copy and provide a copy with the relevant application for an export permit.

Completion of this statement does not in any way oblige the foreign client to conduct business with the Canadian exporter.

This document, once completed, is a statement of the foreign client's intentions. The Canadian exporter has a responsibility to review this statement, once completed, and to notify the Government of Canada of any discrepancies between this and other information provided to the Canadian exporter by the foreign client, at the time of and if this statement is submitted with an application for an export permit. The completed statement must be legible.

(on final consignee letterhead)

Export Controls Division
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2

The following products:

(List products identified in application)
for individual export permits (excluding broadbased), include quantities.

will be exported to us by (Canadian exporter) and will be [used by us at State final consignee address] [retransferred by us to State end-user name and address].

The above-mentioned products will be used for: (Sufficiently describe the use such as demonstration or evaluation of products, protection of company proprietary and/or internal communications, secure communication with clients, secure communication with branches, secure communication with supply chain, and provision of network/crypto service).

The items are being supplied to us via the following intermediary consignee[s] or other parties to this transaction: (List other companies and identify role, such as intermediate consignee or agent)

The above-mentioned products will not be used for military purposes nor in any nuclear or missile proliferation activity, in the design of chemical or biological weapons nor resold or exported to any entity involved in such activity.

I am familiar with this transaction and am authorized to represent my organization for the purpose of providing this declaration to the exporter and to the Government of Canada. To the best of my knowledge, all information above is complete and correct. The items listed above will not be diverted to any end-use or location other than as described above. The exporter will be promptly notified of any changes to the above information.



Job title:
Telephone (with country and area codes):
Email address: