Notice to Importers

Chicken and Chicken Products (Items 96 to 104 on the Import Control List)

Appendix 6 - Affidavit by Applicants Requesting an Allocation under the Processor or the Distributor Pool


1. I am employed by [applicant name] as [job title].

2. The information contained in this affidavit pertains to [applicant name] application form for an import allocation for the [processor] or [distributor] portion of the chicken and chicken products TRQ for the period that extends from January 1 to December 31, inclusive (“the application”).

3. [Applicant name] does and will continue to do business throughout the next quota year as a [processor] or [distributor] as outlined in Notice to Importers - Chicken and Chicken Products. For distributors, in particular [applicant name] uses both (1) trucks; and (2) one or more warehouses in carrying on its business as a chicken distributor.

4. I reviewed [applicant name] purchase invoices covering purchases made in the reference period of September 1 to August 31 immediately preceding the new quota year, having a total of [quantity] kilograms in eviscerated equivalent weight and a total of [amount] dollars of chicken.

5. I compared the type of chicken described in the purchase invoices noted in (4) above to the products listed in the Import Control List (ICL) detailed in Appendix 10 of the Notice and found that the type of chicken described in the purchase invoices corresponded to the products listed in the ICL.

6. I compared the total dollar amount of each of the purchase invoices outlined above to cancelled cheques (or other banking records or cash disbursement documentation) and found them to be in agreement.

7. I reviewed sales invoices of [applicant name] covering the reference period of September 1 to August 31 immediately preceding the new quota year having a total of [quantity] kilograms in eviscerated equivalent weight and a total of [amount] dollars of chicken.

8. I confirm that the sales invoices outlined above excluded (1) all sales of chicken at the retail level to consumers and (2) all export sales as required by Global Affairs Canada policy.

9. I compared the total dollar amount of each of the sales invoices to cash receipts (or other financial documents indicating that full payment had been received) and found them to be in agreement.

10.I examined and, where necessary, recalculated the conversion of purchases and subsequent sales of chicken as reported in [applicant name] purchases and sales journals for the reference period of September 1 to August 31 immediately preceding the new quota year into eviscerated equivalent kilograms, as described in the application, based on the formulas set out in appendix 10 of the Notice. I confirm that the calculations were mathematically correct.

11. I confirm that all related applicants and all related persons as defined in Appendix 11 to the Notice were described in the application.

12. I confirm that the name, address and percentage of share ownership of all shareholders owning 5% or more of the total voting shares as described in [applicant name] register of share ownership matches that listed in the application.

13. I agree that any information provided by me or my firm to Global Affairs Canada in support of my firm's application for an allocation of the next year chicken and chicken products tariff rate quota (TRQ) is subject to review by an independent public accountant (or an accountant named by Global Affairs Canada) if and as required by Global Affairs Canada, and that all costs related to such work by the accountant shall be borne by [applicant name].

14. I understand that the information provided by me in this affidavit will be used to assess [applicant name] application for an allocation of the next year chicken and chicken products TRQ. I realize that section 17 of the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA) forbids any person from furnishing false or misleading information and forbids knowingly making any misrepresentation pursuant to the EIPA. I am aware that section 18 of the EIPA forbids any person from knowingly inducing, aiding or abetting any other person in contravening any of the provisions of the EIPA.

15. For processor pool applications: I confirm that the purchase invoices noted in (4) above involved only product that was bought for processing and excluded (1) all export and distribution sales, (2) all non-ICL products and (3) all products with meat from spent fowl or old roosters as an ingredient.

16. For distributor pool applications: I confirm that the purchase invoices noted in (3) above involve only product that was bought for distribution and excluded (1) all export sales, (2) all purchases from and sales to other distributors, (3) live chickens, (4) all non-ICL products and (5) all products with meat from spent fowl or old roosters as an ingredient.

17. I confirm that all information provided in the application is accurate and complete.

Sworn before me at the City of ________________________________ in the province of ________________________________, on the date of ________________________________

Notary Public, Justice of the Peace or Commissioner of Oaths  

Signature and printed or typed name of swearer.