Notice to Importers
Chicken and Chicken Products (Items 96 to 104 on the Import Control List)
Appendix 7 - Affidavit by Applicants Requesting an Allocation under the Foodservice Pool
1. I am employed by [name of firm] as a [job title].
2. My firm does and will continue to do business throughout the next quota year as a [food-service operator] as outlined in Notice to Importers - Chicken and Chicken Products.
3. The information provided by our suppliers covers the purchases made by [name of firm], during the reference period of September 1 to August 31 immediately preceding the new quota year. The totals are:
- [quantity] kg in eviscerated equivalent weight; and,
- [amount] dollars
The attached Suppliers Questionnaire Forms (appendix 2) are for the following sellers:
- [Name and address of each supplier who has filed a Form]
The attached Supplier Questionnaire Forms indicate:
- The weight of the chicken purchased;
- The type of chicken purchased;
- The costs (being an amount greater than nil) of the chicken purchased; and
- The name and full address of the purchaser.
4. With respect to [name of firm's] chicken sales, I have examined the value of the gross sales during the reference period of September 1 to August 31 immediately preceding the new quota year. I have reviewed [name of firm's] estimate that chicken sales represent % of these gross sales and believe that it is a reasonable estimate. Based on this estimate, the total value of the chicken sold by [name of firm] during the reference period of September 1 to August 31 immediately preceding the new quota year was [amount]. Based on a value/kg of [amount], these sales represent approximately [quantity] kg of chicken.
5. The volume of [name of firm's] final chicken purchases [is greater than/is less than] 50% of our total volume of meat purchases (i.e. including poultry, beef, pork, other meats and fish but excluding vegetables, french fries, beverages, etc.).
6. I compared the type of chicken described in the purchase invoices outlined above, to the types permitted in the Import Control List (ICL) detailed in Appendix 12 of the Notice and found that the type of chicken described was similar to the description found in the ICL.
7. I recalculated the conversion of purchases of chicken as reported in [name of firm's] purchases journal during the reference period of September 1 to August 31 immediately preceding the new quota year into eviscerated equivalent kilograms, as described in the application, based on the formulas set out in Appendix 10 of the Notice. I confirmed that the calculations were mathematically correct.
8. I confirm that all related applicants and all related persons as defined in Appendix 11 to the Notice were described in the application.
9. I am listing the name, address and percentage of share ownership of all shareholders owning 5% or more of the total voting shares as described in [name of firm's] register of share ownership similar to that mentioned in the application.
10. I agree that any information provided by me or my firm to Global Affairs Canada in support of my firm's application for an allocation of the next year chicken and chicken products tariff rate quota (TRQ) is subject to review by an independent public accountant (or an accountant named by Global Affairs Canada). I further agree that the determination of whether an accountant's report is required shall be made solely by Global Affairs Canada. I also agree that all costs of the accountant shall be borne by my firm and that the accountant's report will be in the form specified by Global Affairs Canada.
11. I understand that the information provided by me in this affidavit will be used to assess my firm's application for an allocation of the next year chicken TRQ. I realize that section 17 of the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA) forbids anyone to furnish false or misleading information or knowingly to make any misrepresentation in any application in order to procure an import permit. I am aware that section 18 of the EIPA forbids any person to knowingly induce, aid or abet any other person to contravene any of the provisions of the EIPA.
12. All information provided by me on the "Application form for a chicken and chicken products TRQ allocation" for the period that extends from January 1 to December 31 is accurate and complete.
Sworn before me at the City of________________ in the province of_________________________, on the date of___________________________.
Notary Public, Justice of the Peace or Commissioner of Oaths
Signature and printed or typed name of swearer.
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