At a Glance: Import for Re-Export Program Forms and Procedures

IREP Reporting Overview

This presentation provides an overview of the forms used for the IREP reporting requirements.

Companies participating in the IREP are required to submit:

  • An Export Product List (Section 13 form) – submitted with the application, for each ingredient imported under IREP
  • An Export Report – on a monthly basis
  • An Inventory Report (Section 16 form) - every 2 months

The information provided in these forms is used by the IREP team to assess company trends, performance, and compliance with the IREP requirements.

  • The completion of the forms must be accurate and thorough in order for analysis of company activity and reporting to be effective.
  • Similarly, to ensure extraction of the data leads to accurate results during the analysis process, it is of utmost importance that the forms not be modified in any way.

Detailed information is available in the five tabs below.

Export Product List (Section 13)

This is an example of a section 13 report. Please note that as an automated system extracts information from this report, it is extremely important that information is entered correctly, and that the form is not altered in any way.

Example of properly completed Export Product List (Section 13) form

Long description

The export product list form contains fields regarding a company’s finished products that contain a certain IREP ingredient. These fields include information about the company, IREP ingredient being imported (by EIPA code), finished product name and code, exporting HS code, the percentage of imported IREP ingredient included in each finished product, and the loss percentage associated with each product. Companies are required to send an individual report for each IREP commodity.

Monthly Export Report

This is an example of a monthly export report. These reports are submitted on a monthly basis, by the last day of the month (e.g. April’s exports are reported by no later than May 31). They are used to gather the total amounts of an ingredient exported within a certain month.

Example of properly completed Monthly Export Report

Long description

The Monthly Export Report contains information regarding a company’ export of finished products containing IREP ingredients within a certain month. It includes fields to be completed such as internal product codes, export and import HS codes, shipment information, finished product weights, percentage of imported ingredient, and a few more types of information relevant to the company’s exports.

*Please note that this information is extracted through an automated system that references all the information in this report. Therefore, it is extremely important that all information is filled out correctly, and the form is not changed in any way.

Inventory Report (Section 16)

All information must be entered in the correct format. This is an example of an Inventory (Section 16) report. These reports are submitted by companies on a bi-monthly basis and contain reported inventory amounts.

Example of properly completed Inventory (Section 16) Report

Long description

The inventory report contains fields for companies to complete regarding the amount of finished product and IREP ingredient still in their inventory. Fields include the name and EIPA code of the imported ingredient, finished product weights, weights and percentages of imported ingredient (in eviscerated equivalent when required), and the total weights of the IREP and finished product remaining in the company’s inventory.

Reconciliation Table

  • The objective of the reconciliation table is to ensure all IREP participants are in compliance with the program.
  • Using an Excel tool, called the reconciliation table, the IREP team extracts and analyzes information contained in the forms and reports submitted by companies, with the aim of ensuring that all imports are accounted for through exports, manufacturing losses, including, where applicable, preapproved disposals.
  • The next slide provides an example of a reconciliation table, and explains how the information is integrated.

*The reconciliation table is only used by the IREP team at DFATD – IREP participants do not have to submit this

This is an example of a reconciliation table. The IREP team uses the reconciliation table to compile, summarize and analyze information from the section 13, section 16, and monthly export reports submitted by companies, along with permit issuance information from the Department’s Export and Import Permits system. All figures are in kilograms.

Sample filled reconciliation table for Jan-May 2014

Long description

This is a table that DFATD uses to summarize all information regarding import permits and the three forms previously discussed, for each IREP commodity. It contains columns for the amounts imported, exported, lost, the reported inventory, and the remaining balance. It also contains calculations regarding the totals of each column and the total utilization.

Explanation of columns:

Under “Imported” column – Total quantities for which import permits were issued.
Under “Exported” column – Total quantity of imported ingredient exported in finished product form.
Under “Loss” column – Total loss due to the manufacturing process not already included in the BOM.
Under “Balance” column – Current calculated balance.
Under “Physical Inventory” column – Reported inventory amount (Section 16) submitted by company.

*Calculated by previous month’s balance + current month’s imports – current month’s exports – current month’s loss and disposals