Export Controls Online (NEXCOL)

NEXCOL Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

GCKey and SecureKey Concierge

Q: What is a "credential"?

A: "Credentials" in information systems are widely used to control an individual's access to information or services. The combination of a card number or user name and a password is a widely-used example of a credential. The Government of Canada uses electronic credentials to allow users to communicate securely with online-enabled Government of Canada services.

Q: What is GCKey?

A: The GCKey service is provided by the Government of Canada to allow you to securely conduct online business with various governmental programs and services. The GCKey service issues you your GCKey.

Q: What is SecureKey Concierge?

A: SecureKey is a Canadian company and has partnered with some of the largest financial institutions in Canada, including the BMO Financial Group, TD Canada Trust and Scotiabank to provide a credential service. SecureKey Concierge service uses your same online banking credentials making it easier to access a variety of Government of Canada services online, including your bank information.

Q: Why is the Government of Canada offering users a choice of credentials?

A: By offering a choice of credentials, the Government of Canada is making its online services more convenient and easier to use. Many individuals already use their online banking credentials regularly. Being able to use these same credentials to access Government of Canada services online will simply mean one less User ID and password to remember.

Q: Do I have a choice?

A: Yes, you can choose to remain with your current GCKey credential to access to Export Controls Online (NEXCOL). Or, you can use SecureKey Concierge and your online banking credentials.

Q: Is any of my banking information shared if I use SecureKey Concierge?

A: When you use either your government credential or your online banking credential, The transaction is completely private and anonymous. No information associated with you as an individual is ever shared between the GC and the financial institutions. For users that choose to log in to NEXCOL using their banking credentials, no personal information is shared between your financial institution and the Government of Canada.

Q: How do I access my Government of Canada account using SecureKey Concierge?

A: If you would like to use the SecureKey Concierge service, you must be registered with your financial institution for online banking access. Your bank will assist you in registering online.

Q: Will the bank charge me for using my banking credential to access government services?

A: No, this is part of the service your bank offers its customers.

Q: Why isn't the financial institution I do business with on the list?

A: The 3 financial institutions (BMO Financial Group, TD Bank Group and Scotiabank) are the initial credential service providers however it is expected that other commercial credential providers will be added in future.

Q: Will I still be able to use my GCKey even if I decided to use my online banking credentials once?

A: Yes, but the Government of Canada service only knows you by one credential, the last credential you used. If you go to a service with a new credential, you may have to re-enrol with GCKey to use this credential service again.

Q: If I have questions about Access Key login and registration, who do I contact?

A: More information about GCKey is available through the GCKey Frequently Asked Questions website, or by calling GCKey Help Desk at:

  • Phone: 1-855-438-1102 (bilingual)
  • TTY: 1-855-438-1103
  • Outside North America: 1-800-2318-6290

Q: If I have questions about SecureKey login and registration, who do I contact?

A: Information about SecureKey Concierge can beobtained by calling the Secure Key Help Desk at:

  • Phone: 1-855-433-5397
  • TTY: 1-855-224-1714
  • Outside North America: 1-416-733-5403

Note that you should contact your financial institution for forgotten passwords, lost bank cards, or missing credential information (missing username or security question).


Q: Do I need an EIPA file number (formerly EICB Number) to complete the registration form?

A: An EIPA file number is needed to complete the enrolment process but not necessary on the application. You may submit the application without the EIPA file number.

Q: What is the EIPA file number for?

A: The EIPA number is a unique identifier for your company. An email containing your company EIPA number will be sent to you in order to complete enrolment.

Q: Why do I need a Recognized User form when I have already signed the Recognized Business form?

A: The Recognized Business form is signed by an officer of the company listing all approved users. The Recognized User form bears the individual's signature, attesting that (a) they understand the rules regarding the Access Code and the electronic submissions, and (b) they consent to the collection, retention and sharing of the personal information required for the NEXCOL account.

  • Note that a private person as exporter is still considered a "Business" for the purposes of NEXCOL.


Q: Is there a fee?

A: There is no fee for enrolment or the use of NEXCOL. Export permits for Roe Herring and Logs do have fees attached.

Q: Can I submit documents electronically?

A: Yes. However, all original documents must be kept for a period of7 years following the exportation of goods. See the Customs Act.

  • Note: your permit officer may require the original documentation to process your application

Q: Will there be training for this new application?

A: There is no formal training for the NEXCOL application. A User Guide (PDF format)is available within NEXCOL, from the button at the top.

Q: Can I apply for an export permit on behalf of a subsidiary?

A: Yes you may apply for an export permit for a subsidiary.

  • Note in this instance you are the applicant and the subsidiary is the exporter.