General Export Permit No. 41 – Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations


The Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA) authorizes the Governor in Council to establish a list of goods and technologies called the Export Control List (ECL), which identifies goods and technology that are controlled for export or transfer from Canada to most other countries.  The principal objective of Canada’s export control regime is to ensure that exports of items included on the ECL are done in accordance with Canada's foreign and defence policies. 

The administration of Canada’s export control regime is not intended to hamper legitimate trade but to seek a balance between these foreign and defence policies and the economic and commercial interests of Canadian exporters.  Over the past number of years, the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development has introduced various measures, including the introduction of multiple new General Export Permits (GEPs) to streamline the export process for certain exports that are considered to be of low risk.

GEPs are intended to be used to facilitate trade in defined circumstances and are issued generally to all residents of Canada to allow the export or transfer of specified goods and technology that are included in the ECL to certain specified destinations, subject to terms and conditions.  The use of GEPs represents a more administratively streamlined method of export for many Canadian businesses as GEPs do not require an individual application to be submitted to Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development for the proposed export or transfer.  Instead, exporters must simply comply with the terms and conditions of the GEP, which includes declaring its use upon export to the Canada Border Services Agency, if so required.


The purpose of the proposed GEP No. 41 - Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations is to allow residents of Canada, subject to certain conditions and limitations, to export or transfer certain items included in Group 1 and ECL item number 5504 for end –use in certain eligible destinations.  These destinations include like-minded countries that are members of multiple multilateral export control regimes of which Canada is a member and have implemented an effective system of export controls.

Additional Information

The full text of this regulation and its accompanying Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement is available in the August 12, 2015 edition of the Canada Gazette, Part II.

The Notice to Exporters for GEP No. 41 - Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations can be found on the Export Controls Division website:

For further information, please contact:

Judy Korecky
Deputy Director
(343) 203-4332