Indigenous trade mission to New Zealand

In partnership with the Canadian Chapter of the World Indigenous Business Network, and on behalf of the Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of International Trade Diversification, Omar Alghabra, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Trade Diversification, will lead an Indigenous trade mission to the World Indigenous Business Forum (WIBF) 2018, which will take place in Rotorua, New Zealand, from October 9 to 11, 2018.

At WIBF, the Canadian delegation will meet with representatives of Māori businesses, Indigenous entrepreneurs from other countries and other participants. They will develop and strengthen Indigenous-to-Indigenous relationships and enhance international trade and investment. There will be a separate business program in Auckland, New Zealand, for Canadian delegates on October 8 that will offer opportunities to network and connect with the broader business community in New Zealand.

Mission details

Activities: Trade mission webinar (an invitation will follow separately)
September 25, 2018 at 3:00-4:00 p.m. EDT

Activities: Business program to be confirmed
Venues: To be confirmed
Date: October 8, 2018
City: Auckland, New Zealand

Event: World Indigenous Business Forum (WIBF) 2018
Venue: Energy Events Centre
Dates: October 9 to 11, 2018
City: Rotorua, New Zealand

Sectors of focus

Multi-sectoral, including:

Trade mission features

What is WIBF?

WIBF is the world's only gathering dedicated to Indigenous economic development, entrepreneurism and business. It provides a network that supports and connects Indigenous businesses, entrepreneurs, leaders and communities around the world as they inspire and grow Indigenous international business and trade. This year’s event is expected to draw up to a thousand business participants from over 15 countries. Attendees will enjoy international programming and two days of acclaimed speakers and networking opportunities, including the welcome and closing receptions and the Global Artisans Village, in the beautiful setting of Rotorua.

Who should participate?

Program at a glance

Key date and events in Auckland, New Zealand

  1. October 8: Business program organized by Canada’s High Commission in New Zealand followed by the delegation’s travel to Rotorua in the afternoon/evening. There will be opportunities to network and connect with the broader business community in New Zealand.

Key dates and events in Rotorua, New Zealand

  1. October 9 (morning and early afternoon): Business program to be confirmed.  Possible networking opportunity with foreign companies.
  2. October 9 (late afternoon): Welcome reception (to be confirmed)
  3. October 10: Plenary sessions (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
  4. October 11: Plenary sessions (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and closing reception (7 p.m.)
  5. October 12: WIBF site visits (to be confirmed)


Registration for WIBF

Early bird registration deadline: August 10, 2018 (US$749)
Final registration deadline: September 30, 2018, space permitting (US$849)
Registration: WIBF online registration form
WIBF contact: Uriel Jelin

Registration for trade mission led by the Minister of International Trade Diversification

  1. Register for the World Indigenous Business Forum (see above).
  2. Email the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) to register for the trade mission or receive more information about it (TCS services are provided free of charge).

Registration deadline: September 27, 2018


CanExport is a risk-sharing program that provides financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises striving to diversify their exports. With contributions of up to $50,000 per project, CanExport helps small firms offset some of the costs associated with targeting a new market, including travel to meet potential partners and clients, adaptation and translation of marketing tools, participation in key industry events and even consultations for some kinds of business, legal, regulatory, tax or intellectual property advice.

Eligible companies targeting countries in Oceania are encouraged to apply.

CanExport’s service standard is 25 business days for a decision on the application to be rendered and that only expenses incurred after that decision will be eligible.

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