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Canada Tightens Sanctions Against North Korea

December 4, 2013 - Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today issued the following statement:

“Canada strongly condemns North Korea’s continued belligerence and provocative actions. I am pleased to announce that Canada will implement additional sanctions on North Korea, in accordance with United Nation Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2094.

“This resolution, co-sponsored by Canada, sends a clear message that the international community will make every possible effort to halt the country’s reckless pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities.

“The current path of the regime will only result in further isolation.  North Korea continually scorns its international obligations, while ignoring the fundamental human rights of its people, who continue to suffer under its dictatorship.

“Canada will continue to work with our international partners to counter North Korean aggression and promote freedom in the region.”

A backgrounder follows.                                                

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Backgrounder - Additional Sanctions on North Korea

On March 7, 2013, acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2094 (2013), which strengthens and significantly expands upon the scope of the sanctions against North Korea by, inter alia, imposing new financial sanctions to block financial transactions in support of illicit activity by North Korea; cracking down on bulk cash transfers; further restricting ties to North Korea’s financial sector where there are links to illicit activities; and strengthening states’ authority to inspect suspicious cargo and deny port and overflight access to North Korea-affiliated shipments, where warranted.

The effect of the amending regulations will be to

  1. amend the definitions of “DPRK” [Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea] and “luxury goods”;
  2. prohibit transfers of bulk cash;
  3. prohibit the provision of financial services to, from, for the benefit of, or on the direction or order of the DPRK or any person in the DPRK with respect to activities already prohibited under the Regulations; and
  4. further elaborate on the prohibition on the provision of services or assistance in relation to arms and related material or resources contributing to the DPRK’s weapons program, namely, to explicitly include brokering or other intermediary services in the class of prohibited services or assistance.

This year Canada has used every opportunity to voice its concerns within international forums. In March, as well as co-sponsoring Resolution 2094 at the UN General Assembly, Canada co-sponsored a resolution at the Human Rights Council establishing a commission of inquiry to investigate ongoing, widespread and systematic human rights violations in North Korea.