Declaration of Intent between Canada and the State of Israel on Enhancing Trade Promotion

Canada and the State of Israel, hereinafter referred to as the “Participants”,

Recognizing that they are trading countries, and both their economic growth and prosperity are inextricably linked to trade;

Recognizing that there is considerable scope to expand and more fully develop their commercial partnership by improving the framework, knowledge and understanding of the opportunities available to the private sector in each country;

Committing to engaging their business communities to ensure that the economic partnership reaches its full potential;

Recalling the Memorandum of Understanding between Canada and Israel regarding a Canada-Israel Strategic Partnership, signed at Jerusalem on 21 January 2014;

Hereby declare as follows:

  1. The Participants will jointly promote Canada-Israel trade, particularly for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), through initiatives such as:
    1. Organizing economic seminars in Canada and in the State of Israel to promote business opportunities and attract investments between both respective countries;
    2. Encouraging Canadian and Israeli companies to conduct business development missions in each other’s markets;
    3. Promoting Ministerial or senior official visits to significant Canadian and Israeli trade shows;
    4. Exploring joint business opportunities and cooperation in third countries. 
  2. This Declaration of Intent will take effect on the date of its signature by the Participants.

Signed in duplicate at Jerusalem on this 18 day of January 2015, which corresponds to the 27 day of Tevet 5775 in the Hebrew calendar, in the English, French and Hebrew languages, all versions being equally valid.

John Baird
For Canada

Avigdor Lieberman
For the State of Israel