Canada - Chile Free Trade Agreement

Second Additional Protocol to the Free Trade Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Chile

The Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Chile ("the Parties");

  • Considering that the Parties signed a Free Trade Agreement on December 5, 1996, the fundamental objective of which is to establish a free trade zone, gradually lowering their tariffs in order to facilitate the movement of goods and services between their territories; and
  • In view of the Government of Chile’s adoption of a safeguard measure with respect to wheat imports, and since Chapter F of the Free Trade Agreement requires that when a safeguard measure is applied, mutually agreed upon trade liberalizing compensation must be granted in the form of concessions having substantially equivalent effect upon commerce;
  • Have agreed as follows:


To eliminate from Chile’s Tariff Reduction Schedule the following goods identified according to the tariff classification established in the same Annex:

0713.10 (dry peas and dry beans);

2004.10 (potatoes); and

2309.10 (pet foods).

Accordingly, importations of originating goods from Canada corresponding to the tariff classifications listed above shall be exempt from duties upon entry into force of this Protocol.

Article 2

The present Protocol shall constitute an Implementation Agreement under the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Chile, and shall enter into force after the last notification in which one of the Parties communicates to the other, via diplomatic Note, fulfillment of its internal requirements for such entry into force, but no later than November 1, 2001.

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this Protocol.

Done in two original copies in Ottawa, this 25th day of October 2001, in the English, French and Spanish languages, each version being equally authentic.



Pierre S. Pettigrew

For the Government of Canada



Don Alvaro Zuniga Benavides

For the Government of the Republic of Chile