Canada – Chile Free Trade Agreement
Amendments to Chapter D: Rules of Origin
Article D-01: Originating Goods
Subparagraph (a): Replace reference to “Article D-16” to “Article D-17”, as follows:
(a) the good is wholly obtained or produced entirely in the territory of one or both of the Parties, as defined in Article D-17;
Subparagraph (d): Delete text in subparagraph (d) and footnote 1 and replace with the following:
(d) except as provided in Annex D-01 (Specific Rules of Origin) or except for a good of heading 39.01 through 39.15 or Chapter 50 through 63 of the Harmonized System,
1. the good is produced entirely in the territory of one or both of the Parties;
2. one or more of the non-originating materials used in the production of the good cannot satisfy the requirements set out in Annex D-01 (Specific Rules of Origin) because both the good and the non-originating materials are classified in the same subheading, or heading that is not further subdivided into subheadings,
3. the regional value content of the good, determined in accordance with Article D-02 is not less than 35 per cent when the transaction value method is used, or not less than 25 per cent when the net cost method is used, and
4. the good satisfies all other applicable requirements of this Chapter.
Article D-02: Regional Value Content
Paragraph 3: Renumber footnote as footnote number 1.
Subparagraph 5(b): Replace reference to “Customs Valuation Code” to “Customs Valuation Agreement” as follows:
(b) the transaction value of the good is unacceptable under Article 1 of the Customs Valuation Agreement;
Subparagraph 5(d): Delete.
Subparagraph 5(e): Renumber subparagraphs 5(e) as subparagraphs 5(d).
Subparagraph 5(f): Renumber subparagraphs 5(f) as subparagraphs 5(e).
Paragraph 6: Replace reference to “Customs Valuation Code” to “Customs Valuation Agreement”, as follows:
6. If an exporter or producer of a good calculates the regional value content of the good on the basis of the transaction value method set out in paragraph 2 and a Party subsequently notifies the exporter or producer, during the course of a verification pursuant to Chapter E (Customs Procedures), that the transaction value of the good, or the value of any material used in the production of the good, is required to be adjusted or is unacceptable under Article 1 of the Customs Valuation Agreement, the exporter or producer may then also calculate the regional value content of the good on the basis of the net cost method set out in paragraph 3.
Paragraph 8: Renumber footnote as footnote number 2.
Subparagraph 9(a): Replace reference to “Customs Valuation Code” to “Customs Valuation Agreement”, as follows:
(a) be the transaction value of the material determined in accordance with Article 1 of the Customs Valuation Agreement; or
Subparagraph 9(b): Replace the two references to “Customs Valuation Code” to “Customs Valuation Agreement”, as follows:
(b) in the event that there is no transaction value or the transaction value of the material is unacceptable under Article 1 of the Customs Valuation Agreement, be determined in accordance with Articles 2 through 7 of the Customs Valuation Agreement; and
Paragraph 10: Renumber footnote as footnote number 3.
Paragraph 13: Delete.
Paragraph 14: Delete.
Article D-03: Automotive Goods
Paragraph 1: Delete.
Paragraph 2: Renumber as paragraph 1, insert new subparagraph (b), renumber existing subparagraphs (b), (c) and (d) as subparagraphs (c), (d) and (e) respectively and, in subparagraph (e), replace reference to “Annex D-03.2” with “Annex D-03.1”, as follows:
1. For purposes of calculating the regional value content of a motor vehicle, the producer may average its calculation over its fiscal year, using any one of the following categories, on the basis of either all motor vehicles in the category or only those motor vehicles in the category that are exported to the territory of the other Party:
- a. the same model line of motor vehicles in the same class of vehicles produced in the same plant in the territory of a Party;
- b. the same model line of motor vehicles produced in the same plant in the territory of a Party;
- c. the same class of motor vehicles produced in the same plant in the territory of a Party;
- d. the same model line of motor vehicles produced in the territory of a Party; or
- e. if applicable, the basis set out in Annex D-03.1.
Paragraph 3: Renumber as paragraph 2 and, in the chapeau, replace reference to “Annex D-03.1” with Annex D-03.2”, as follows:
2. For purposes of calculating the regional value content for any or all goods provided for in a tariff provision listed in Annex D-03.2 produced in the same plant, the producer of the good may:
1. average its calculation
- a. over the fiscal year of the motor vehicle producer to whom the good is sold,
- b. over any quarter or month, or
- c. over its fiscal year, if the good is sold as an aftermarket part;
2. calculate the average referred to in subparagraph (a) separately for any or all goods sold to one or more motor vehicle producers; or
3. with respect to any calculation under this paragraph, calculate separately for those goods that are exported to the territory of the other Party.
Article D-04: Accumulation
Paragraphs 1 and 2: Delete and replace with the following:
1. For purposes of determining whether a good is an originating good, the production of the good in the territory of one or both of the Parties by one or more producers shall, at the choice of the exporter or producer of the good for which preferential tariff treatment is claimed, be considered to have been performed in the territory of either of the Parties by that exporter or producer, provided that:
- a. all non-originating materials used in the production of the good satisfy the requirements set out in Annex D-01 (Specific Rules of Origin), entirely in the territory of one or both of the Parties; and
- b. the good satisfies all other applicable requirements of this Chapter.
2. Subject to paragraph 3, where each Party has a trade agreement that, as contemplated by the WTO Agreement, concerns the establishment of a free trade area with the same non-Party, the territory of that non-Party shall be deemed to form part of the territory of the free trade area established by this Agreement, for purposes of determining whether a good is an originating good under this Agreement.
3. A Party shall give effect to paragraph 2 only once provisions with effect equivalent to paragraph 2 are in force between each Party and the non-Party. Where such provisions in force between a Party and the non-Party apply to only certain goods or under certain conditions, a Party may limit the application of paragraph 2 to those goods and under those conditions and as otherwise set out in this Agreement.
Article D-05: De Minimis
Paragraph 1: Replace the two references to “9 per cent” with “10 per cent” and the reference to “Customs Valuation Code” with “Customs Valuation Agreement”, as follows:
1. Except as provided in paragraphs 3 through 5, a good shall be considered to be an originating good if the value of all non-originating materials used in the production of the good that do not undergo an applicable change in tariff classification set out in Annex D-01 is not more than 10 per cent of the transaction value of the good, adjusted to a F.O.B. basis, or, if the transaction value of the good is unacceptable under Article 1 of the Customs Valuation Agreement, the value of all such non-originating materials is not more than 10 per cent of the total cost of the good, provided that:
- a. if the good is subject to a regional value-content requirement, the value of such non-originating materials shall be taken into account in calculating the regional value content of the good; and
- b. the good satisfies all other applicable requirements of this Chapter.
Paragraph 2: Replace the two references to “9 per cent” with “10 per cent” and the reference to “Customs Valuation Code” with “Customs Valuation Agreement”, as follows:
2. A good that is otherwise subject to a regional value-content requirement shall not be required to satisfy such requirement if the value of all non-originating materials used in the production of the good is not more than 10 per cent of the transaction value of the good, adjusted to a F.O.B. basis, or, if the transaction value of the good is unacceptable under Article 1 of the Customs Valuation Agreement, the value of all non-originating materials is not more than 10 per cent of the total cost of the good, provided that the good satisfies all other applicable requirements of this Chapter.
Paragraphs 3: Delete.
Paragraphs 4: Delete.
Paragraph 5: Renumber as paragraph 3.
Paragraph 6: Delete text and footnote attached thereto and replace with the following:
4. A good of any of Chapters 50 through 60 of the Harmonized System, that does not originate because certain non-originating fibres or yarns used in the production of the good do not fulfil the conditions set out for that good in Annex D-01 (Specific Rules of Origin), shall nonetheless be considered to originate if the total weight of all such fibres or yarns does not exceed 10 per cent of the total weight of that good.
5. A good of any of Chapters 61 through 63 of the Harmonized System, that does not originate because certain non-originating fibres or yarns used in the production of the component of the good that determines the tariff classification of that good do not fulfil the conditions set out for that good in Annex D-01 (Specific Rules of Origin), shall nonetheless be considered to originate if the total weight of all such fibres or yarns in that component does not exceed 10 per cent of the total weight of that component.
Article D-06: Fungible Goods and Materials
Subparagraph (a): replace “on the basis of any of the inventory management methods set out in the Uniform Regulations” with “in accordance with any of the inventory management methods recognized in, or otherwise accepted by, the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles of the Party in which the production is performed” as follows:
(a) where originating and non-originating fungible materials are used in the production of a good, the determination of whether the materials are originating need not be made through the identification of any specific fungible material, but may be determined in accordance with any of the inventory management methods recognized in, or otherwise accepted by, the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles of the Party in which the production is performed; and
Subparagraph (b): replace “on the basis of any of the inventory management methods set out in the Uniform Regulations” with “in accordance with any of the inventory management methods recognized in, or otherwise accepted by, the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles of the Party from which the good is exported” as follows:
(b) where originating and non-originating fungible goods are commingled and exported in the same form, the determination may be made in accordance with any of the inventory management methods recognized in, or otherwise accepted by, the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles of the Party from which the good is exported.
Article D-13: Interpretation and Application
Subparagraph (a): Delete footnote.
Subparagraph (c): Delete “and specifically describes” and replace “its parts” with “the materials that are used in the production of the good”, as follows:
(c) where applying Article D-01(d), the determination of whether a heading or subheading under the Harmonized System provides for both a good and the materials that are used in the production of the good shall be made on the basis of the nomenclature of the heading or subheading and the relevant Section or Chapter Notes, in accordance with the General Rules for the Interpretation of the Harmonized System;
Subparagraph (d): Replace the four references to “Customs Valuation Code” with “Customs Valuation Agreement” and replace the reference to “Article D-16” with “Article D-17”, as follows:
(d) in applying the Customs Valuation Agreement under this Chapter
1. the principles of the Customs Valuation Agreement shall apply to domestic transactions, with such modifications as may be required by the circumstances, as would apply to international transactions,
2. the provisions of this Chapter shall take precedence over the Customs Valuation Agreement to the extent of any difference, and
3. the definitions in Article D-17 shall take precedence over the definitions in the Customs Valuation Agreement to the extent of any difference; and
Article D-16: Insert the following new Article D-16 after Article D-15:
Article D-16: Sets or Assortments of Goods
1. Except as provided in Annex D-01 (Specific Rules of Origin), a set or assortment as defined in Rule 3 of the General Rules for the Interpretation of the Harmonized System, shall be considered as originating, provided that:
- a. all the component products, including packaging materials and containers, are originating; or
- b. where the set or assortment contains non-originating component products, including packaging materials and containers, the regional value content of the set or assortment is not less than 50 per cent under the transaction value method.
2. For purposes of subparagraph 1(b), the value of packaging materials and containers for the set shall be taken into account as originating or non-originating materials, as the case may be, in calculating the regional value content of the set.
Article D-16: Definitions
Renumber Article D-16 as Article D-17, as follows:
Article D-17: Definitions
aquaculture: Insert the following new definition immediately after the chapeau:
aquaculture means the farming of aquatic organisms, including fish, molluscs, crustaceans, other aquatic invertebrates and aquatic plants, from seedstock such as eggs, fry, fingerlings and larvae, by intervention in the rearing or growth processes to enhance production, such as regular stocking, feeding, protection from predators, etc.
goods wholly obtained or produced entirely in the territory of one or both of the Parties:
Subparagraph (d) – insert “or aquaculture” after “fishing”, as follows:
(d) goods obtained from hunting, trapping, fishing or aquaculture in the territory of one or both of the Parties;
Subparagraph (i) – delete “and” at the end of subparagraph (ii), as follows:
(i) waste and scrap derived from
1. production in the territory of one or both of the Parties, or
2. used goods collected in the territory of one or both of the Parties, provided such goods are fit only for the recovery of raw materials;
Subparagraph (j) – insert new subparagraph (j), renumber existing subparagraph (j) as “(k)” and, in renumbered subparagraph (k), replace reference to “(i)” with “(j)”, as follows:
(j) components that have been extracted from used goods collected in the territory of one or both of the Parties, and have undergone any process necessary to ensure their working condition; and
(k) goods produced in the territory of one or both of the Parties exclusively from goods referred to in subparagraphs (a) through (j), or from their derivatives, at any stage of production;
identical or similar goods: Replace reference to “Customs Valuation Code” with “Customs Valuation Agreement”, as follows:
identical or similar goods means "identical goods" and "similar goods", respectively, as defined in the Customs Valuation Agreement;
producer: Delete “or” after “processes” and insert “or disassembles” after “assembles”, as follows:
producer means a person who grows, mines, harvests, fishes, traps, hunts, manufactures, processes, assembles or disassembles a good;
production: Delete “or” after “processing” and Insert “or disassembling” after “assembling”, as follows:
production means growing, mining, harvesting, fishing, trapping, hunting, manufacturing, processing, assembling or disassembling a good;
transaction value: Replace reference to “Customs Valuation Code” with “Customs Valuation Agreement”, as follows:
transaction value means the price actually paid or payable for a good or material with respect to a transaction of the producer of the good, adjusted in accordance with the principles of paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of Article 8 of the Customs Valuation Agreement, regardless of whether the good or material is sold for export; and
Amendments To Annex D 01: Specific Rules Of Origin
Section I – General Interpretative Note
Subparagraph (f): Delete subparagraph (f) and replace with the following:
(f) where two or more rules are applicable to a heading, subheading or group of headings or subheadings and the alternative rule contains a phrase beginning with the words "whether or not":
- (i) the change in tariff classification specified in the phrase beginning with the words "whether or not" reflects the change specified in the first rule applicable to the heading, subheading or group of headings or subheadings,
- (ii) the only change in tariff classification permitted by the alternative rule, in addition to the change in tariff classification specified at the beginning of that rule is the change specified in the phrase commencing with the words "whether or not",
- (iii) unless otherwise specified, only the value of the non-originating materials referred to at the beginning of the alternative rule shall be included in calculating the regional value content set out in the rule, and
- (iv) the value of any non-originating materials satisfying the change in tariff classification specified in the phrase beginning with the words "whether or not" shall not be included in calculating the regional value content set out in the rule;
(g) paragraph 1 of Article D-05 (De Minimis) does not apply to a non-originating material used in the production of a good provided for in Chapter 1 through 21 of the Harmonized System unless the non-originating material is provided for in a different subheading than the good for which origin is being determined;
Subparagraph (g): Renumber as subparagraph (h), replace "paragraph 6" with "paragraphs 4 and 5" and "applies" with "apply", as follows:
(h) paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article D-05 (De Minimis) apply to a good provided for in Chapter 50 through 63; and
Subparagraph (h): Renumber as subparagraph (i).
Section II – Specific Rules of Origin
03.01 – 03.07: Delete heading 03.01-03.07 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 03.01-03.05: A change to heading 03.01 through 03.05 from any other chapter.
- 0306.11-0308.90 A change to subheading 0306.11 through 0308.90 from any other chapter; or
No required change in tariff classification to a smoked good of any of subheading 0306.11 through 0308.90, provided that the good is smoked in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
04.01-04.10: Insert the following note above the rule of origin applicable to heading 04.01-04.10:
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 does not apply to non-originating milk or cream of subheading 0401.40 used in the production of milk or cream of subheading 0401.50, to non-originating milk or cream of subheading 0401.50 used in the production of milk or cream of subheading 0401.40, or to non-originating fresh eggs of subheading 0407.11 through 0407.29 used in the production of other eggs of subheading 0407.90.
06.01-06.04: Insert the following note above the rule of origin applicable to heading 06.01 06.04:
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 does not apply to non-originating fresh mosse or lichen of subheading 0604.20 used in the production of other mosse or lichen of subheading 0604.90.
07.01-07.14: Insert the following note above the rule of origin applicable to heading 07.01-07.14:
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05: De Minimis, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 applies to non originating truffles of subheading 0709.59 used in the production of mixtures of mushrooms and truffles of subheading 0709.59 and non originating capers of subheading 0711.90 used in the production of mixtures of vegetables of subheading 0711.90.
08.01-08.14: Insert the following note above the rule of origin applicable to heading 08.01-08.14:
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 does not apply to non-originating chestnuts, pistachios or macadamia nuts, in shell, of subheading 0802.41, 0802.51 or 0802.61, respectively, that are used in the production of shelled chestnuts, pistachios or macadamia nuts of subheading 0802.42, 0802.52 or 0802.62 respectively.
09.01-09.10: Delete heading 09.01-09.10 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 09.01 A change to heading 09.01 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 0902.10-0902.40 A change to subheading 0902.10 through 0902.40 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 09.03 A change to heading 09.03 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 0904.11 A change to subheading 0904.11 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 0904.12 A change to subheading 0904.12 from any other subheading.
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 does not apply to non-originating fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, neither crushed nor ground, of subheading 0904.21 used in the production of crushed or ground goods fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta of subheading 0904.22.
A change to subheading 0904.21 through 0904.22 from any other chapter.
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 does not apply to non-originating vanilla beans, neither crushed nor ground, of subheading 0905.10 used in the production of vanilla beans, crushed or ground, of subheading 0905.20.
A change to heading 09.05 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
0906.11-0906.19 A change to subheading 0906.11 through 0906.19 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
0906.20 A change to subheading 0906.20 from any other subheading.
09.07 A change to a good of heading 09.07 from within that heading or any other chapter.
0908.11-0909.62 A change to a good of any of subheading 0908.11 through 0909.62 from within that subheading, any other subheading within that group or any other chapter.
0910.11-0910.12 A change to a good of any of subheading 0910.11 through 0910.12 from within that subheading, any other subheading within that group or any other chapter.
0910.20 A change to subheading 0910.20 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
0910.30 A change to a good of subheading 0910.30 from within that subheading or any other chapter.
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05: De Minimis, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 applies to non originating curry of subheading 0910.91 used in the production of mixtures of subheading 0910.91.
A change to curry of subheading 0910.91 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 0910.91 from any other heading.
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05: De Minimis, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 applies to non originating thyme or bay leaves of subheading 0910.99 used in the production of mixtures of subheading 0910.99.
A change to bay leaves, crushed or ground, of subheading 0910.99 from bay leaves, neither crushed nor ground, within that subheading or any other chapter;
A change to dill seeds, crushed or ground, of subheading 0910.99 from dill seeds, neither crushed nor ground, within that subheading or any other chapter; or
A change to any other good of subheading 0910.99 from any other chapter.
10.01-10.08: Insert the following note above the rule of origin applicable to heading 10.01 10.08:
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 does not apply to non-originating durum wheat, other wheat and meslin, rye, barley, oats, grain sorghum or millet, seed, of subheading 1001.11, 1001.91, 1002.10, 1003.10, 1004.10, 1007.10 or 1008.21, respectively, mixed in with originating durum wheat, other wheat and meslin, rye, barley, oats, grain sorghum or millet, other than seed, of subheading 1001.19, 1001.99,1002.90, 1003.90, 1004.90, 1007.90 or 1008.29, respectively, or to non-originating durum wheat, other wheat and meslin, rye, barley, oats, grain sorghum, or millet, other than seed, of subheading 1001.19, 1001.99, 1002.90, 1003.90, 1004.90, 1007.90 or 1008.29, respectively, mixed in with originating durum wheat, other wheat and meslin, rye, barley, oats, grain sorghum, or millet, seed, of subheading 1001.11, 1001.91, 1002.10, 1003.10, 1004.10, 1007.10 or 1008.21, respectively.
11.01-11.09: Insert the following note above the rule of origin applicable to heading 11.01-11.09:
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 applies to non-originating rice or rye flour of subheading 1102.90 used in the production of mixtures of flours of subheading 1102.90.
12.01-12.14: Delete heading 12.01-12.14 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 does not apply to non-originating soybeans or peanuts, seed, of subheading 1201.10 or 1202.30, respectively, mixed in with originating soybeans or peanuts, other than seed, of subheading 1201.90, 1202.41 or 1202.42, respectively, or to non-originating soybeans or peanuts, other than seed, of subheading 1201.90, 1202.41 or 1202.42, respectively, mixed in with originating soybeans or peanuts, seed, of subheading 1201.10 or 1202.30, respectively.
A change to heading 12.01 through 12.06 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 does not apply to non-originating cotton seed, seed, of subheading 1207.21 mixed in with originating cotton seed, other than seed, of subheading 1207.29 or to non originating cotton seed, other than seed, of subheading 1207.29 mixed in with originating cotton seed, seed, of subheading 1207.21.
A change to subheading 1207.10 through 1207.70 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
1207.91 A change to a good of subheading 1207.91 from within that subheading or any other chapter.
1207.99 A change to subheading 1207.99 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
12.08 A change to heading 12.08 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 5 of Article D-05: De Minimis, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 applies to non-originating timothy grass seed of subheading 1209.29 when used in the production of mixtures of subheading 1209.29.
A change to subheading 1209.10 through 1209.30 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
1209.91 A change to celery seeds, crushed or ground, of subheading 1209.91 from celery seeds, neither crushed nor ground, within that subheading or any other chapter; or
A change to any other good of subheading 1209.91 from any other chapter.
1209.99 A change to subheading 1209.99 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 does not apply to seaweed or algae, fit for human consumption, of subheading 1212.21 used in the production of other seaweed or algae of subheading 1212.29.
A change to heading 12.10 through 12.14 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
13.01-13.02: Insert the following note above the rule of origin applicable to heading 13.01-1302:
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05: De Minimis, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 applies to non-originating saps and extracts of pyrethrum or of the roots of plants containing rotenone of subheading 1302.19 when used in the production of goods of subheading 1302.19.
16.01-16.05: Delete heading 16.01-16.05 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 16.01-16.04 A change to heading 16.01 through 16.04 from any other chapter.
- 16.05 A change to heading 16.05 from any other chapter, except from a smoked good of heading 03.06 through 03.08.
17.01-17.03: Insert the following note above the rule of origin applicable to heading 17.01-17.03:
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 does not apply to non-originating cane sugar of subheading 1701.13 used in the production of cane sugar of subheading 1701.14, or to non-originating cane sugar of subheading 1701.14 used in the production of cane sugar of subheading 1701.13.
18.01-18.05: Delete heading 18.01-18.05 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 18.01-18.02 A change to heading 18.01 through 18.02 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 18.03-18.05 A change to heading 18.03 through 18.05 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
1806.10: Delete tariff item 1806.10.aa, subheading 1806.10 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 1806.10 A change to subheading 1806.10 from any other heading.
1806.31, 1806.32, 1806.90: Delete subheadings 1806.31, 1806.32, 1806.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 1806.31-1806.90 A change to subheading 1806.31 through 1806.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
20.01-20.07: Insert the following note above the rule of origin applicable to heading 20.01-20.07:
- Note: Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of Article D-05, paragraph 1 of Article D-05 applies to non-originating truffles of subheading 2003.90 used in the production of mixtures of mushrooms and truffles of subheading 2003.90.
2009.41-2009.80: Delete subheading 2009.41-2009.80 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 2009.41-2009.89 A change to subheading 2009.41 through 2009.89 from any other chapter.
2009.90: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 2009.90 and replace with the following:
- 2009.90 A change to subheading 2009.90 from any other subheading.
2103.30-2103.90: Delete subheading 2103.30-2103.90 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 2103.30 A change to subheading 2103.30 from any other chapter.
- 2103.90 A change to mixed condiments or mixed seasonings of subheading 2103.90 from yeasts of subheading 2102.10 through 2102.20 or any other chapter; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2103.90 from any other chapter.
22.03-22.09: Delete heading 22.03-22.09 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 22.03-22.07 A change to heading 22.03 through 22.07 from any heading outside that group.
- 2208.20 A change to subheading 2208.20 from any other heading.
- 2208.30 A change to a good of subheading 2208.30 from within that subheading or any other subheading, provided that the total alcoholic volume of the non-originating materials of heading 22.03 through 22.08 does not exceed 10 per cent of the volume of the total alcoholic strength of the good.
- 2208.40-2208.90 A change to subheading 2208.40 through 2208.90 from any other heading.
- 22.09 A change to heading 22.09 from any other heading.
26.01-26.21: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 26.01-26.21 and replace with the following:
- 26.01-26.21 A change to heading 26.01 through 26.21 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
Chapter 27: Immediately after Chapter 27 and its title, insert the following chapter notes:
- Note 1: For the purpose of heading 27.07, a "chemical reaction" is a process (including a biochemical process) which results in a molecule with a new structure by breaking intramolecular bonds and by forming new intramolecular bonds, or by altering the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule.
The following are not considered to be chemical reactions for the purposes of this definition:
(a) dissolving in water or other solvents;
(b) the elimination of solvents, including solvent water; or
(c) the addition or elimination of water of crystallization.
- Note 2: For the purpose of heading 27.10, the following processes confer origin:
(a) Atmospheric distillation - A separation process in which petroleum oils are converted, in a distillation tower, into fractions according to boiling point and the vapour then condensed into different liquefied fractions. Liquefied petroleum gas, naphtha, gasoline, kerosene, diesel/heating oil, light gas oils, and lubricating oil are produced from petroleum distillation;
(b) Vacuum distillation - Distillation at a pressure below atmospheric but not so low that it would be classed as molecular distillation. Vacuum distillation is useful for distilling high-boiling and heat-sensitive materials such as heavy distillates in petroleum oils to produce light to heavy vacuum gas oils and residuum. In some refineries gas oils may be further processed into lubricating oils;
(c) Catalytic hydroprocessing - The cracking and/or treating of petroleum oils with hydrogen at high temperature and under pressure, in the presence of special catalysts. Catalytic hydroprocessing includes hydrocracking and hydrotreating;
(d) Reforming (catalytic reforming) - The rearrangement of molecules in a naphtha boiling range material to form higher octane aromatics (i.e., improved antiknock quality at the expense of gasoline yield). A main product is catalytic reformate, a blend component for gasoline. Hydrogen is another by-product;
(e) Alkylation - A process whereby a high-octane blending component for gasolines is derived from catalytic combination of an isoparaffin and an olefin;
(f) Cracking - A refining process involving decomposition and molecular recombination of organic compounds, especially hydrocarbons obtained by means of heat, to form molecules suitable for motor fuels, monomers, petrochemicals, etc.:
- (i) Thermal cracking - Exposes the distillate to temperatures of approximately 540-650C (1000-1200F) for varying periods of time. Process produces modest yields of gasoline and higher yields of residual products for fuel oil blending,
- (ii) Catalytic cracking - Hydrocarbon vapors are passed at approximately 400C (750F) over a metallic catalyst (e.g., silica-alumina or platinum); the complex recombinations (alkylation, polymerization, isomerization, etc.) occur within seconds to yield high-octane gasoline. Process yields less residual oils and light gases than thermal cracking;
(g) Coking - A thermal cracking process for the conversion of heavy low grade products, such as reduced crude, straight run pitch, cracked tars, and shale oil into solid coke (carbon) and lower boiling hydrocarbon products which are suitable as feed for other refinery units for conversion into lighter products; and
(h) Isomerization – The refinery process of converting petroleum compounds into their isomers.
- (i) Thermal cracking - Exposes the distillate to temperatures of approximately 540-650C (1000-1200F) for varying periods of time. Process produces modest yields of gasoline and higher yields of residual products for fuel oil blending,
- Note 3: For the purpose of heading 27.10, "direct blending" is defined as a refinery process whereby various petroleum streams from processing units and petroleum components from holding/storage tanks combine to create a finished product, with pre-determined parameters, classified under heading 27.10, provided that the non-originating material constitutes no more than 25 per cent by volume of the good.
27.05-27.09: Delete heading 27.05-27.09 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 27.05-27.06 A change to heading 27.05 through 27.06 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
- 2707.10-2707.91 A change to subheading 2707.10 through 2707. 91 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 2707.10 through 2707. 91 from any other subheading within heading 27.07, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that the good resulting from such change is the product of a chemical reaction.
- 2707.99 A change to subheading 2707.99 from any other heading;
A change to phenols of subheading 2707.99 from within that subheading or any other subheading within heading 27.07, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that the good resulting from such change is the product of a chemical reaction; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2707.99 from phenols of that subheading or any other subheading within heading 27.07, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that the good resulting from such change is the product of a chemical reaction.
- 27.08-27.09 A change to heading 27.08 through 27.09 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
27.10-27.15: Delete heading 27.10-27.15 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 27.10 A change to heading 27.10 from any other heading, except from heading 27.11 through 27.15;
Formatting only – no change in intent.
Production of any good of heading 27.10 as the result of atmospheric distillation, vacuum distillation, catalytic hydroprocessing, catalytic reforming, alkylation, catalytic cracking, thermal cracking, coking or isomerization; or
Production of any good of heading 27.10 as the result of direct blending, provided the non-originating material constitutes no more than 25 per cent by volume of the good.
- 2711.11 A change to a good of subheading 2711.11 from within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 2711.12-2711.14 A change to a good of any of subheading 2711.12 through 2711.14 from within that subheading or any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 2711.19 A change to subheading 2711.19 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2711.29.
- 2711.21 A change to subheading 2711.21 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2711.11.
- 2711.29 A change to subheading 2711.29 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2711.12 through 2711.21.
- 27.12 A change to heading 27.12 from any other heading.
- 2713.11-2713.12 A change to subheading 2713.11 through 2713.12 from any other heading.
- 2713.20 A change to a good of subheading 2713.20 from within that subheading or any other subheading, provided that the non originating feedstock of heading 27.13 constitutes no more than 49 per cent by volume of the good.
- 2713.90 A change to subheading 2713.90 from any other heading.
- 27.14 A change to heading 27.14 from any other heading.
- 27.15 A change to heading 27.15 from any other heading, except from subheading 2713.20 or heading 27.14.
Chapter 28: Immediately after Chapter 28 and its title, insert the following chapter notes:
- Note 1: Notes 3 through 4 of this Chapter confer origin to a good of any heading or subheading in this Chapter.
- Note 2: Notwithstanding Note 1, a good is an originating good if it meets the applicable change in tariff classification specified in the rules of origin of this Chapter.
- Note 3: Chemical Reaction
A good of this Chapter that results from a chemical reaction in the territory of one or both of the Parties shall be treated as an originating good.For the purpose of this section, a "chemical reaction" is a process (including a biochemical process) that results in a molecule with a new structure by breaking intramolecular bonds and by forming new intramolecular bonds, or by altering the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule.
The following are not considered to be chemical reactions for the purpose of determining whether a good is originating:
(a) dissolution in water or in another solvent;
(b) the elimination of solvents, including solvent water; or
(c) the addition or elimination of water of crystallization
- Note 4: Purification
A good of this Chapter that is subject to purification shall be treated as an originating good provided that the purification occurs in the territory of one or both of the Parties and results in the elimination of not less than 80 per cent of the impurities.
- Note 5: Separation Prohibition
A good that undergoes a change from one classification to another in the territory of one or both of the Parties as a result of the separation of one or both materials from a man-made mixture shall not be treated as an originating good unless the isolated material underwent a chemical reaction in the territory or one or both of the Parties.
2801.10-2801.30, 28.02-28.03, 2804.10-2804.50, 2804.61-2804.69, 2804.70-2804.90, 2805.11-2805.12, 2805.19, 2805.30-2805.40, 2806.10, 2806.20, 28.07-28.08, 2809.10 2814.20, 2815.11-2815.12, 2815.20, 2815.30, 2816.10, 2816.40, 2817.00 2818.30, 2819.10, 2819.90, 2820.10, 2820.90, 2821.10-2821.20, 28.22-28.23, 2824.10-2824.90, 2825.10-2826.90, 2827.10-2827.36, 2827.39, 2827.41-2827.60, 2828.10-2828.90, 2829.11, 2829.19-2829.90, 2830.10-2833.40, 2834.10-2834.21, 2834.29, 2835.10 2835.39, 2836.10, 2836.20-2836.30, 2836.40-2836.99, 2837.11 2840.30, 2841.10-2841.30, 2841.50, 2841.61-2841.90, 2842.10, 2842.90, 2843.10-2850.00, and 28.51: Delete subheading 2801.10-2801.30, heading 28.02 28.03, subheadings 2804.10-2804.50, 2804.61-2804.69, 2804.70-28.0490, 2805.11-2805.12, 2805.19, 2805.30-2805.40, 2806.10, 2806.20, 28.07-28.08, 2809.10 2814.20, 2815.11-2815.12, 2815.20, 2815.30, 2816.10, 2816.40, 2817.00 2818.30, 2819.10, 2819.90, 2820.10, 2820.90, 2821.10-2821.20, heading 28.22-28.23, subheadings 2824.10-2824.90, 2825.10-2826.90, 2827.10-2827.36, 2827.39, 2827.41 2827.60, 2828.10-2828.90, 2829.11, 2829.19-2829.90, 2830.10 2833.40, 2834.10-2834.21, 2834.29, 2835.10 2835.39, 2836.10, 2836.20 2836.30, 2836.40-2836.99, 2837.11 2840.30, 2841.10-2841.30, 2841.50, 2841.61-2841.90, 2842.10, 2842.90, 2843.10-2850.00, and heading 28.51 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 2801.10-2803.00 A change to subheading 2801.10 through 2803.00 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 2804.10-2804.50 A change to subheading 2804.10 through 2804.50 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 2804.61-2804.69 A change to subheading 2804.61 through 2804.69 from any other heading.
- 2804.70-2804.90 A change to subheading 2804.70 through 2804.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 2805.11-2814.20 A change to subheading 2805.11 through 2814.20 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 2815.11-2815.12 A change to subheading 2815.11 through 2815.12 from any subheading outside that group.
- 2815.20-2815.30 A change to subheading 2815.20 through 2815.30 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 2816.10-2853.00 A change to subheading 2816.10 through 2853.00 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Chapter 29: Immediately after Chapter 29 and its title, insert the following chapter notes:
- Note 1: Notes 3 through 5 of this Chapter confer origin to a good of any heading or subheading in this Chapter, except as otherwise specified in those notes.
- Note 2: Notwithstanding Note 1, a good is an originating good if it meets the applicable change in tariff classification specified in the rules of origin of this Chapter.
- Note 3: Chemical Reaction
A good of this Chapter that results from a chemical reaction in the territory of one or both of the Parties shall be treated as an originating good.
For the purpose of this section, a "chemical reaction" is a process (including a biochemical process) that results in a molecule with a new structure by breaking intramolecular bonds and by forming new intramolecular bonds, or by altering the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule.
The following are not considered to be chemical reactions for the purpose of determining whether a good is originating:
(a) dissolution in water or in another solvent;
(b) the elimination of solvents, including solvent water; or
(c) the addition or elimination of water of crystallization
- Note 4: Purification
A good of this Chapter that is subject to purification shall be treated as an originating good provided that the purification occurs in the territory of one or both of the Parties and results in the elimination of not less than 80 per cent of the impurities.
- Note 5: Isomer Separation
A good of this Chapter, shall be treated as an originating good if the isolation or separation of isomers from mixtures of isomers occurs in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
- Note 6: Separation Prohibition
A good that undergoes a change from one classification to another in the territory of one or both of the Parties as a result of the separation of one or both materials from a man-made mixture shall not be treated as an originating good unless the isolated material underwent a chemical reaction in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
2901.10-2901.29, 2902.11-2902.44, 2902.50, 2902.60-2902.90,2903.11-2903.15, 2903.19, 2903.21-2903.30, 2903.41-2903.69, 2904.10-2904.90, 2905.11-2905.49, 2905.51-2905.59, 2906.11-2906.29, 2907.11-2907.23, 2907.29, 2908.10-2908.90, 2909.11-2909.20, 2909.30, 2909.41-2909.60, 2910.10-2911.00, 2912.11, 2912.12, 2912.13-2912.50, 2912.60, 29.13, 2914.11-2914.70, 2915.11, 2915.12, 2915.13, 2915.21, 2915.22-2915.31, 2915.33-2915.34, 2915.35, 2915.39-2915.40, 2915.50 2915.70, 2915.90, 2916.11-2917.39, 2918.11-2918.16, 2918.19, 2918.11, 2918.22-2918.23, 2918.29-2918.30, 2918.90, 29.19, 2920.10-2920.90, 2921.11 2921.12, 2921.19, 2921.21-2921.29, 2921.30,2921.41-2921.45, 2921.46 2921.49, 2921.51-2921.59, 2922.11-2922.13, 2922.14-2922.19, 2922.21 2922.29, 2922.31 2922.39, 2922.41-2922.43, 2922.44-2922.29, 2922.50, 2923.1 2923.90, 2924.11 2924.19, 2924.23, 2924.24-2924.29, 2925.11, 2925.12 2925.19, 2925.20, 2926.10 2926.20, 2926.30-2926.90, 29.27-29.28, 2929.10 2929.90, 2930.10-2930.90, 29.31, 2932.11-2932.94, 2932.95-2932.99, 2933.11 2933.32, 2933.33-2933.39, 2933.41 2933.49, 2933.52-2933.54, 2933.55 2933.59, 2933.61-2933.69, 2933.71, 2933.72 2933.79, 2933.91-2933.99, 2934.10 2934.30, 2934.91-2934.99, 29.35, 2936.10 2936.90, 2937.11-2937.90, 2938.10 2938.90, 2939.11, 2939.19, 2939.21 2939.42, 2939.43-2939.49, 2939.51 2939.59, 2939.61-2939.69, 2939.91 2939.99, 29.40, 2941.10-2941.90, 29.42: Delete subheadings 2901.10 2901.29, 2902.11 2902.44, 2902.50, 2902.60-2902.90, 2903.11-2903.15, 2903.19, 2903.21 2903.30, 2903.41-2903.69, 2904.10-2904.90, 2905.11-2905.49, 2905.51 2905.59, 2906.11 2906.29, 2907.11 2907.23, 2907.29, 2908.10-2908.90, 2909.11 2909.20, 2909.30, 2909.41 2909.60, 2910.10-2911.00, 2912.11, 2912.12, 2912.13 2912.50, 2912.60, heading 29.13, subheadings 2914.11-2914.70, 2915.11, 2915.12, 2915.13, 2915.21, 2915.22 2915.31, 2915.33 2915.34, 2915.35, 2915.39-2915.40, 2915.50 2915.70, 2915.90, 2916.11 2917.39, 2918.11-2918.16, 2918.19, 2918.11, 2918.22-2918.23, 2918.29 2918.30, 2918.90, heading 29.19, subheadings 2920.10-2920.90, 2921.11 2921.12, 2921.19, 2921.21-2921.29, 2921.30, 2921.41-2921.45, 2921.46 2921.49, 2921.51-2921.59, 2922.11-2922.13, 2922.14-2922.19, 2922.21 2922.29, 2922.31 2922.39, 2922.41 2922.43, 2922.44 2922.29, 2922.50, 2923.1 2923.90, 2924.11 2924.19, 2924.23, 2924.24 2924.29, 2925.11, 2925.12 2925.19, 2925.20, 2926.10 2926.20, 2926.30 2926.90, 29.27-29.28, 2929.10 2929.90, 2930.10-2930.90, heading 29.31, subheadings 2932.11 2932.94, 2932.95-2932.99, 2933.11 2933.32, 2933.33-2933.39, 2933.41 2933.49, 2933.52 2933.54, 2933.55 2933.59, 2933.61-2933.69, 2933.71, 2933.72 2933.79, 2933.91 2933.99, 2934.10 2934.30, 2934.91-2934.99, heading 29.35, subheadings 2936.10 2936.90, 2937.11 2937.90, 2938.10 2938.90, 2939.11, 2939.19, 2939.21 2939.42, 2939.43 2939.49, 2939.51 2939.59, 2939.61-2939.69, 2939.91 2939.99, heading 29.40, subheadings 2941.10 2941.90, and heading 29.42 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 2901.10-2942.00 A change to subheading 2901.10 through 2942.00 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
3001.10-3006.60: Delete subheading 3001.10-3006.60 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 3001.20 A change to subheading 3001.20 from any other subheading.
- 3001.90 A change to a gland or other organ, dried, whether or not powdered, of subheading 3001.90 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3001.90 from a gland or other organ, dried, whether or not powdered, within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 3002.10-3005.90 A change to a good of any of subheading 3002.10 through 3005.90 from within that subheading or any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 3006.10-3006.60 A change to subheading 3006.10 through 3006.60 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
3006.80: Delete subheading 3006.80 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 3006.91 A change to subheading 3006.91 from any other heading.
- 3006.92 A change to subheading 3006.92 from any other chapter.
3102.10-3105.90: Delete subheading 3102.10-3105.90 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 3102.10-3102.80 A change to subheading 3102.10 through 3102.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 3102.90 A change to calcium cyanamide of subheading 3102.90 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3102.90 from calcium cyanamide within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 3103.10 A change to subheading 3103.10 from any other subheading.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 3103.90 A change to basic slag of subheading 3103.90 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3103.90 from basic slag within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 3104.20-3104.30 A change to subheading 3104.20 through 3104.30 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 3104.90 A change to carnallite, sylvite or other crude natural potassium salts of subheading 3104.90 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3104.90 from carnallite, sylvite or other crude natural potassium salts within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 3105.10-3105.90 A change to subheading 3105.10 through 3105.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
3206.11-3207.40: Delete subheading 3206.11-3207.40 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 3206.11-3206.42 A change to subheading 3206.11 through 3206.42 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 3206.49 A change to a pigment and preparation based on cadmium compounds of subheading 3206.49 from within that subheading 3206.49 or from any other subheading;
A change to a pigment and preparation based on hexacyanoferrates of subheading 3206.49 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3206.49 from a pigment and preparation based on cadmium compounds or on hexacyanoferrates within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 3206.50 A change to subheading 3206.50 from any other subheading.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 3207.10-3207.40 A change to subheading 3207.10 through 3207.40 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
32.13: Delete heading 32.13 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 3213.10 A change to a set of subheading 3213.10 from any other subheading, provided that;
(a) at least one of the component products, or all the packaging materials and containers for the set, is originating, and
(b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 35 per cent under the transaction value method.
- 3213.90 A change to subheading 3213.90 from any other heading.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
3301.11: Delete subheading 3301.11 and the rule of origin applicable thereto.
3301.14: Delete subheading 3301.14 and the rule of origin applicable thereto.
3301.19: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 3301.19 and replace with the following:
- 3301.19 A change to essential oils of bergamot of subheading 3301.19 from within that subheading or any other subheading;
A change to essential oils of lime of subheading 3301.19 from within that subheading or any other subheading;
A change to any other good of subheading 3301.19 from any other chapter; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3301.19 from essential oils of bergamot or of lime within that subheading or any other subheading within Chapter 33, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 50 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 40 per cent where the net cost method is used.
3301.21-3301.26, 3301.29-3301.90: Delete subheading 3301.21-3301.26 and 3301.29 3301.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 3301.24-3301.25 A change to subheading 3301.24 through 3301.25 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 3301.29 A change to essential oils of geranium, jasmine, lavender, lavandin or vetiver of subheading 3301.29 from within that subheading or any other subheading;
A change to any other good of subheading 3301.29 from any other chapter; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3301.29 from essential oils of geranium, jasmine, lavender, lavandin or vetiver within that subheading or any other subheading within Chapter 33, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 50 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 40 per cent where the net cost method is used.
- 3301.30-3301.90 A change to subheading 3301.30 through 3301.90 from any other chapter; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to subheading 3301.30 through 3301.90 from any other subheading within Chapter 33, including another subheading within that group, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 50 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 40 per cent where the net cost method is used.
3404.10-3404.90: Delete subheading 3404.10-3404.90 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 3404.20 A change to subheading 3404.20 from any other subheading.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 3404.90 A change to artificial waxes or prepared waxes of chemically modified lignite of subheading 3404.90 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3404.90 from artificial waxes or prepared waxes of chemically modified lignite within that subheading or any other subheading.
34.06-34.07: Delete heading 34.06-34.07 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 34.06 A change to heading 34.06 from any other heading.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 34.07 A change to heading 34.07 from any other heading; or
A change to a set of heading 34.07 from within that heading, whether or not there is a change from any other heading, provided that:
(a) at least one of the component products, or all the packaging materials and containers for the set, is originating, and
(b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 35 per cent under the transaction value method.
3805.10-3805.90: Delete subheading 3805.10-3805.90 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 3805.10 A change to subheading 3805.10 from any other subheading.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 3805.90 A change to pine oil of subheading 3805.90 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3805.90 from pine oil within that subheading or any other subheading.
38.21: Delete the rules of origin applicable to heading 38.21 and replace with the following:
- 38.21 A change to heading 38.21 from any other heading.
3824.10-3824.20, 3824.30, 3824.40-3824.60, and 3824.71-3824.90: Delete subheadings 3824.10-3824.20, 3824.30, 3824.40-3824.60, 3824.71-3824.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 38.24 A change to heading 38.24 from any other heading.
38.26: Insert new heading 38.26 and the rule of origin applicable thereto as follows:
- 38.26 A change to heading 38.26 from any other heading.
39.01-39.20: Delete heading 39.01-39.20 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 39.01-39.14 A change to heading 39.01 through 39.14 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
- 39.15-39.19 A change to heading 39.15 through 39.19 from any other heading, including another heading within that group, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 60 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 50 per cent where the net cost method is used.
(Formatting only – no change in intent).
- 3920.10-3920.20 A change to subheading 3920.10 through 3920.20 from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 60 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 50 per cent where the net cost method is used.
(Formatting only – no change in intent).
- 3920.30-3920.51 A change to subheading 3920.30 through 3920.51 from any other heading.
- 3920.59-3920.99 A change to subheading 3920.59 through 3920.99 from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 60 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 50 per cent where the net cost method is used.
(Formatting only – no change in intent).
4016.99.aa Delete the rule of origin applicable to tariff item 4016.99.aa and replace with the following:
- 4016.99.aa A change to tariff item 4016.99.aa from any other subheading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
41.01, 41.02, 41.03, 41.04, 41.05, 4106.21-4106.22, 4106.31-4106.32, 4106.40 4106.92, 41.07, 41.12, 41.13, 41.14-41.15: Delete headings 41.01, 41.02, 41.03, 41.04, 41.05, subheadings 4106.21-4106.22, 4106.31-4106.32, 4106.40 4106.92, headings 41.07, 41.12, 41.13, and 41.14-41.15 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 41.01-41.03 A change to heading 41.01 through 41.03 from any other chapter.
- 4104.11-4104.19 A change to subheading 4104.11 through 4104.19 from any other heading.
- 4104.41-4104.49 A change to subheading 4104.41 through 4104.49 from subheading 4104.11 through 4104.19 or any other heading.
- 4105.10 A change to subheading 4105.10 from any other heading.
- 4105.30 A change to subheading 4105.30 from subheading 4105.10 or any other heading.
- 4106.21 A change to subheading 4106.21 from any other heading.
- 4106.22 A change to subheading 4106.22 from subheading 4106.21 or any other heading.
- 4106.31 A change to subheading 4106.31 from any other heading.
- 4106.32 A change to subheading 4106.32 from subheading 4106.31 or any other heading.
- 4106.40 A change to tanned hides and skins in the wet state (including wet-blue) of subheading 4106.40 from any other heading; or
A change to crust hides and skins of subheading 4106.40 from tanned hides and skins in the wet state (including wet-blue) within that subheading or any other heading.
- 4106.91 A change to subheading 4106.91 from any other heading.
- 4106.92 A change to subheading 4106.92 from subheading 4103.91 or any other heading.
- 41.07 A change to heading 41.07 from any other heading.
- 41.12 A change to heading 41.12 from any other heading.
- 41.13 A change to heading 41.13 from any other heading.
- 4114.10-4114.20 A change to subheading 4114.10 through 4114.20 from any other heading.
- 41.15 A change to heading 41.15 from any other heading
45.01-45.02, 45.03-45.04: Delete headings 45.01-45.02, 45.03-45.04 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 45.01-45.04 A change to heading 45.01 through 45.04 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
48.01, 48.02, 48.03-48.07, 48.08-48.09, 48.10, 48.11, 48.12-48.13, 48.14-48.15, 48.16, 48.17-48.22, 48.23: Delete headings 48.01, 48.02, 48.03-48.07, 48.08-48.09, 48.10, 48.11, 48.12-48.13, 48.14-48.15, 48.16, 48.17-48.22, and 48.23 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 48.01-48.09 A change to heading 48.01 through 48.09 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
- 4810.13-4811.90 A change to subheading 4810.13 through 4811.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 48.12-48.23 A change to heading 48.12 through 48.23 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
51.11-51.13: Delete heading 51.11-51.13 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 51.11 A change to heading 51.11 from any other heading, except from heading 51.06 through 51.10, 51.12 through 51.13, 52.05 through 52.06, 54.01 through 54.04 or 55.09 through 55.10.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 5112.11 A change to a woven fabric, other than a tapestry fabric or upholstery fabric of a weight not exceeding 140 grams per square metre, of combed fine animal hair of subheading 5112.11 from yarn of combed camel hair or combed cashmere of subheading 5108.20 or any other heading, except from heading 51.06 through 51.07, any other good of heading 51.08 or heading 51.09 through 51.11, 51.13, 52.05 through 52.06, 54.01 through 54.04 or 55.09 through 55.10; or
A change to any other good of subheading 5112.11 from any other heading, except from heading 51.06 through 51.11, 51.13, 52.05 through 52.06, 54.01 through 54.04 or 55.09 through 55.10.
- 5112.19 A change to a woven fabric, other than a tapestry fabric or upholstery fabric, of combed fine animal hair of subheading 5112.19 from yarn of combed camel hair or combed cashmere of subheading 5108.20 or any other heading, except from heading 51.06 through 51.07, any other good of heading 51.08 or heading 51.09 through 51.11, 51.13, 52.05 through 52.06, 54.01 through 54.04 or 55.09 through 55.10; or
A change to any other good of subheading 5112.19 from any other heading, except from heading 51.06 through 51.11, 51.13, 52.05 through 52.06, 54.01 through 54.04 or 55.09 through 55.10.
- 5112.20-5112.90 A change to subheading 5112.20 through 5112.90 from any other heading, except from heading 51.06 through 51.11, 51.13, 52.05 through 52.06, 54.01 through 54.04 or 55.09 through 55.10.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 51.13 A change to heading 51.13 from any other heading, except from heading 51.06 through 51.12, 52.05 through 52.06, 54.01 through 54.04 or 55.09 through 55.10.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
52.01-52.07: Delete heading 52.01-52.07 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 52.01-52.03 A change to heading 52.01 through 52.03 from any other chapter.
- 52.04-52.07 A change to heading 52.04 through 52.07 from heading 52.01 through 52.03 or any other chapter, except from heading 54.01 through 54.05.
54.01-54.06: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 54.01-54.06 and replace with the following:
- 54.01-54.06 A change to heading 54.01 through 54.06 from any other heading.
5407.61.aa, 54.07: Delete tariff item 5407.61.aa, heading 54.07 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 5407.10-5407.54 A change to subheading 5407.10 through 5407.54 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.10, 52.05 through 52.06 or 55.09 through 55.10.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 5407.61 A change to voile1of subheading 5407.61 from any other heading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 5407.61 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.10, 52.05 through 52.06 or 55.09 through 55.10.
1"Voile" means, for the purpose of this rule, fabric, solely of polyester, of single yarns measuring not less than 75 decitex but not more than 80 decitex (prior to twisting/in the untwisted state), having 24 filaments per yarn and with a twist of 900 or more turns per metre, of subheading 5407.61.
- 5407.69–5407.94 A change to subheading 5407.69 through 5407.94 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.10, 52.05 through 52.06 or 55.09 through 55.10.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
54.08: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 54.08 and replace with the following:
- 54.08 A change to heading 54.08 from filament yarn of viscose rayon of heading 54.03 or any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.10, 52.05 through 52.06 or 55.09 through 55.10.
55.01-55.11: Delete heading 55.01-55.11 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 55.01-55.07 A change to heading 55.01 through 55.07 from any other chapter, except from heading 54.01 through 54.05.
- 55.08 A change to heading 55.08 from any other heading, except from heading 54.01 through 54.05.
- 5509.11-5509.22 A change to subheading 5509.11 through 5509.22 from any other chapter, except from heading 54.01 through 54.05.
- 5509.31 A change to subheading 5509.31 from acid-dyeable acrylic tow of subheading 5501.30 or any other chapter, except from heading 54.01 through 54.05.
- 5509.32-5509.99 A change to subheading 5509.32 through 5509.99 from any other chapter, except from heading 54.01 through 54.05.
- 55.10-55.11 A change to heading 55.10 through 55.11 from any other chapter, except from heading 54.01 through 54.05.
56.01-56.09: Delete heading 56.01-56.09 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 56.01 A change to heading 56.01 from any other heading.
- 56.02-56.05 A change to heading 56.02 through 56.05 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.09 through 55.16.
- 56.06 A change to heading 56.06 from flat yarns2of subheading 5402.45 or any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, or Chapter 54 or heading 55.09 through 55.16.
2"Flat yarns" means, for the purpose of this rule, 7 denier/5 filament, 10 denier/7 filament or 12 denier/5 filament, all of nylon 66, untextured (flat) semi-dull yarns, multifilament, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 50 turns per metre, of subheading 5402.45.
- 56.07-56.09 A change to heading 56.07 through 56.09 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.09 through 55.16.
57.01-57.05: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 57.01-57.05 and replace with the following:
- 57.01-57.05 A change to heading 57.01 through 57.05 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
58.01-58.11: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 58.01-58.11 and replace with the following:
- 58.01-58.11 A change to heading 58.01 through 58.11 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.09 through 55.16.
59.02: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 59.02 and replace with the following:
- 59.02 A change to heading 59.02 from any other heading, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12 or 53.06 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.09 through 55.16.
59.10: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 59.10 and replace with the following:
- 59.10 A change to heading 59.10 from any other heading, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.09 through 55.16.
60.01-60.06: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 60.01-60.06 and replace with the following:
- 60.01-60.06 A change to heading 60.01 through 60.06 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.09 through 55.16.
6101.10-6101.30, 6101.90: Delete subheading 6101.10-6101.30, the rule of origin applicable thereto and the rule of origin applicable to 6101.90 and replace with the following:
- 6101.20-6101.30 A change to subheading 6101.20 through 6101.30 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that:
(a) the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties, and
(b) the visible lining fabric listed in Note 1 to Chapter 61 satisfies the tariff change requirements provided therein.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 6101.90 A change to a good of wool or fine animal hair of subheading 6101.90 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that:
(a) the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties, and
(b) the visible lining fabric listed in Note 1 to Chapter 61 satisfies the tariff change requirements provided therein; or
A change to any other good of subheading 6101.90 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
6103.11-6103.12, 6103.19.aa, 6103.19: Delete subheading 6103.11-6103.12, tariff item 6103.19.aa, subheading 6103.19 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 6103.10 A change to a suit of textile material other than wool or fine animal hair, synthetic fibre, artificial fibre or cotton of subheading 6103.10 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties; or
A change to any other good of subheading 6103.10 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that:
(a) the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties, and
(b) the visible lining fabric listed in Note 1 to Chapter 61 satisfies the tariff change requirements provided therein.
6103.21-6103.29: Delete subheading 6103.21-6103.29 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 6103.22-6103.29 A change to subheading 6103.22 through 6103.29 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that:
(a) the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties, and
(b) the visible lining fabric listed in Note 1 to Chapter 61 satisfies the tariff change requirements provided therein.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
6104.11-6104.13, 6104.19.aa, 6104.19: Delete subheading 6104.11-6104.13, tariff item 6104.19.aa, subheading 6104.19 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 6104.13 A change to subheading 6104.13 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that:
(a) the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties, and
(b) the visible lining fabric listed in Note 1 to Chapter 61 satisfies the tariff change requirements provided therein.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 6104.19 A change to a good of other than artificial fibre of subheading 6104.19 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties; or
A change to any other good of subheading 6104.19 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that:
(a) the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties; and
(b) the visible lining fabric listed in Note 1 to Chapter 61 satisfies the tariff change requirements provided therein.
6104.21-6104.29: Delete subheading 6104.21-6104.29 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 6104.22-6104.29 A change to subheading 6104.22 through 6104.29 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that:
(a) the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties, and
(b) with respect to a garment described in heading 61.02, a jacket or a blazer described in heading 61.04, or a skirt described in heading 61.04, of wool, fine animal hair, cotton or man-made fibre, imported as part of an ensemble of these subheadings, the visible lining fabric listed in Note 1 to Chapter 61 satisfies the tariff change requirements provided therein.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
6107.11-6107.19 Delete subheading 6107.11-6107.19 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 6107.11-6107.19 A change to subheading 6107.11 through 6107.19 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.11 through 51.13, 52.08 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.12 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
6108.21-6108.29 Delete subheading 6108.21-6108.29 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 6108.21-6108.29 A change to subheading 6108.21 through 6108.29 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.11 through 51.13, 52.08 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.12 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
61.09-61.11 Delete subheading 61.09-61.11 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 61.09-61.11 A change to heading 61.09 through 61.11 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.11 through 51.13, 52.08 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.12 through 55.16 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
6203.21-6203.29: Delete subheading 6203.21-6203.29 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 6203.22-6203.29 A change to subheading 6203.22 through 6203.29 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16, 58.01 through 58.02 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that:
(a) the good is both cut and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties, and
(b) with respect to a garment described in heading 62.01 or a jacket or a blazer described in heading 62.03, of wool, fine animal hair, cotton or man-made fibre, imported as part of an ensemble of these subheadings, the visible lining fabric listed in Note 1 to Chapter 62 satisfies the tariff change requirements provided therein.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
6205.10: Delete subheading 6205.10 and the rule of origin applicable thereto.
6205.20-6205.30: Delete paragraph (a) from the Note above the rule of origin applicable to subheading 6205.20-6205.30 and replace with the following:
- (a) Fabric of subheading 5208.21, 5208.22, 5208.29, 5208.31, 5208.32, 5208.39, 5208.41, 5208.42, 5208.49, 5208.51, 5208.52, 5208.59, other than 3-thread or 4 thread twill, including cross twill, fabric of subheading 5208.59, of average yarn number3exceeding 135 metric;
3For definition of "average yarn number" see Annex C-00-B, Section 6: Definitions
62.06-62.10: Delete heading 62.06-62.10 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 62.06 A change to heading 62.06 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16, 58.01 through 58.02 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 6207.11
- Note: Men’s or boys’ boxer shorts of cotton shall be considered to originate if they are both cut and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties and if the plain weave fabric of the outer shell, exclusive of waistbands, is wholly of one or both of the following:
(a) Fabric of subheading 5208.41, yarn-dyed, with a fibre content of 100 per cent cotton, 95 to 100 grams per square metre, of average yarn number4 37 to 42 metric;
4For definition of "average yarn number" see Annex C-00-B, Section 6: Definitions
(b) Fabric of subheading 5208.42, yarn-dyed, with a fibre content of 100 per cent cotton, weighing not more than 105 grams per square metre, of average yarn number 47 to 53 metric;
(c) Fabric of subheading 5208.51, printed, with a fibre content of 100 per cent cotton, 93 to 97 grams per square metre, of average yarn number 38 to 42 metric;
(d) Fabric of subheading 5208.52, printed, with a fibre content of 100 per cent cotton, 112 to 118 grams per square metre, of average yarn number 38 to 42 metric;
(e) Fabric of subheading 5210.11, greige, with a fibre content of 51 to 60 per cent cotton, 49 to 40 per cent polyester, 100 to 112 grams per square metre, of average yarn number 55 to 65 metric;
(f) Fabric of subheading 5210.41, yarn-dyed, with a fibre content of 51 to 60 per cent cotton, 49 to 40 per cent polyester, 77 to 82 grams per square metre, of average yarn number 43 to 48 metric;
(g) Fabric of subheading 5210.41, yarn-dyed, with a fibre content of 51 to 60 per cent cotton, 49 to 40 per cent polyester, 85 to 90 grams per square metre, of average yarn number 69 to 75 metric;
(h) Fabric of subheading 5210.51, printed, with a fibre content of 51 to 60 per cent cotton, 49 to 40 per cent polyester, 107 to 113 grams per square metre, of average yarn number 33 to 37 metric;
(i) Fabric of subheading 5210.51, printed, with a fibre content of 51 to 60 per cent cotton, 49 to 40 per cent polyester, 92 to 98 grams per square metre, of average yarn number 43 to 48 metric; or
(j) Fabric of subheading 5210.51, printed, with a fibre content of 51 to 60 per cent cotton, 49 to 40 per cent polyester, 105 to 112 grams per square metre, of average yarn number 50 to 60 metric.
A change to subheading 6207.11 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16, 58.01 through 58.02 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
- Note: Men’s or boys’ boxer shorts of cotton shall be considered to originate if they are both cut and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties and if the plain weave fabric of the outer shell, exclusive of waistbands, is wholly of one or both of the following:
- 6207.19-6207.99 A change to subheading 6207.19 through 6207.99 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16, 58.01 through 58.02 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 62.08-62.10 A change to heading 62.08 through 62.10 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.11 through 51.13, 52.08 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.12 through 55.16, 58.01 through 58.02 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
6211.31-6211.49: Delete subheading 6211.31-6211.49 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 6211.32-6211.49 A change to subheading 6211.32 through 6211.49 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.06 through 51.13, 52.04 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54 or heading 55.08 through 55.16, 58.01 through 58.02 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
63.01-63.02, 6303.92.aa, 63.03, 63.04-63.10: Delete heading 63.01-63.02, tariff item 6303.92.aa, headings 63.03, and 63.04-63.10 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 63.01–63.08 A change to heading 63.01 through 63.08 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.11 through 51.13, 52.08 through 52.12, 53.07 through 53.08 or 53.10 through 53.11, Chapter 54, heading 55.12 through 55.16, 58.01 through 58.02 or 60.01 through 60.06, provided that the good is both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of one or both of the Parties.
- 63.09 A change to heading 63.09 from any other heading; or
No required change in tariff classification to heading 63.09, provided that the goods were last collected and packed for shipment in a Party.
- 63.10 A change to a new rag of heading 63.10 from any other chapter, except from heading 51.11 through 51.13, 52.08 through 52.12, 53.10 through 53.11, 54.07 through 54.08, 55.12 through 55.16, 58.01 through 58.02 or 60.01 through 60.06;
A change to any other good of heading 63.10 from any other heading.
64.01-64.05: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 64.01-64.05 and replace with the following:
- 64.01-64.05: A change to heading 64.01 through 64.05 from any heading outside that group, except from subheading 6406.10; or
A change to heading 64.01 through 64.05 from subheading 6406.10, whether or not there is also a change from any heading outside that group, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 50 per cent where the transaction value method is used; or
(b) 40 per cent where the net cost method is used.
6406.10: Delete the rule of origin applicable to subheading 6406.10 and replace with the following:
- 6406.10 A change to subheading 6406.10 from any other heading, except from heading 64.01 through 64.05; or
A change to subheading 6406.10 from subheading 6406.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, except from heading 64.01 through 64.05, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 50 per cent where the transaction value method is used; or
(b) 40 per cent where the net cost method is used.
6406.20-6406.99: Delete subheading 6406.20-6406.99 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 6406.20-6406.90 A change to subheading 6406.20 through 6406.90 from any other chapter.
65.03-65.07: Delete heading 65.03-65.07 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 65.04-65.07 A change to heading 65.04 through 65.07 from any heading outside that group.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
6701.00.aa, 67.01, 67.02, 67.03, 67.04: Delete tariff item 6701.00.aa, headings 67.01, 67.02, 67.03, 67.04 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 67.01 A change to heading 67.01 from any other heading; or
A change to a good of feather or down of heading 67.01 from within that heading or any other heading.
- 67.02 - 67.04 A change to heading 67.02 through 67.04 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
6812.50, 6812.60-6812.90: Delete subheading 6812.50 and 6812.60-6812.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 6812.80 A change to clothing, clothing accessories, footwear and headgear of subheading 6812.80 from any other subheading;
A change to fabricated crocidolite fibre or mixtures with a basis of crocidolite or with a basis of crocidolite and magnesium carbonate of subheading 6812.80 from any other chapter;
A change to yarn or thread of subheading 6812.80 from within that subheading or any other subheading;
A change to cord or string, whether or not plaited, of subheading 6812.80 from within that subheading or any other subheading, except from woven or knitted fabric of subheading 6812.80;
A change to woven or knitted fabric of subheading 6812.80 from within that subheading or any other subheading, except from cord or string, whether or not plaited, of subheading 6812.80; or
A change to any other good of subheading 6812.80 from fabricated crocidolite fibre or mixtures with a basis of crocidolite and magnesium carbonate, yarn or thread, cord or string, whether or not plaited, or woven or knitted fabric within that subheading or from any subheading.
- 6812.91 A change to subheading 6812.91 from any other subheading.
- 6812.92-6812.99 A change to fabricated asbestos fibre or mixtures with a basis of asbestos or with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate of subheading 6812.99 from any other chapter;
A change to yarn or thread of subheading 6812.99 from within that subheading or any other subheading;
A change to cord or string, whether or not plaited, of subheading 6812.99 from within that subheading or any other subheading, except from woven or knitted fabric of subheading 6812.99;
A change to woven or knitted fabric of subheading 6812.99 from within that subheading or any other subheading, except from cord or string, whether or not plaited, of subheading 6812.99; or
A change to any other good of subheading 6812.92 through 6812.99 from fabricated asbestos fibre or mixtures with a basis of asbestos or with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate, yarn or thread, cord or string, whether or not plaited, or woven or knitted fabric of subheading 6812.99 or any subheading outside that group.
70.01-70.02: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 70.01-70.02 and replace with the following:
- 70.01-70.02 A change to heading 70.01 through 70.02 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
71.01-71.12: Delete heading 71.01-71.12 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 71.01-71.05 A change to heading 71.01 through 71.05 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 7106.10-1706.92 A change to subheading 7106.10 through 7106.92 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group; or
No required change in tariff classification to subheading 7106.91, whether or not there is also a change from another subheading, provided that the non-originating materials undergo electrolytic, thermal or chemical separation or alloying.
- 71.07 A change to heading 71.07 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 7108.11-7108.20 A change to subheading 7108.11 through 7108.20 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group; or
No required change in tariff classification to subheading 7108.12, whether or not there is also a change from another subheading, provided that the non-originating materials undergo electrolytic, thermal or chemical separation or alloying.
- 71.09 A change to heading 71.09 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 7110.11-7110.49 A change to subheading 7110.11 through 7110.49 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 71.11 A change to heading 71.11 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 71.12 A change to heading 71.12 from any other heading.
71.13-71.18: Delete the note and rule of origin applicable to heading 71.13 71.18 and replace with the following:
- 71.13-71.18 A change to heading 71.13 through 71.18 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
7304.10-7304.39: Delete subheading 7304.10-7304.39 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 7304.11-7304.39 A change to subheading 7304.11 through 7304.39 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
7321.12-7321.83: Delete subheading 7321.12-7321.83 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 7321.12-7321.89 A change to subheading 7321.12 through 7321.89 from any other heading; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to subheading 7321.12 through 7321.89 from subheading 7321.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 50 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 40 per cent where the net cost method is used.
74.01-74.02, 74.03: Delete heading 74.01-74.02, 74.03 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 74.01-74.03 A change to heading 74.01 through 74.03 from any other heading, including another heading within that group, except from heading 74.04; or
A change to heading 74.01 through 74.03 from heading 74.04, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, including another heading within that group, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 60 per cent where the transaction value method is used; or
(b) 50 per cent where the net cost method is used.
74.11: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 74.11 and replace with the following:
- 74.11 A change to heading 74.11 from any other heading, except from tariff item 7407.10.aa, 7407.21.aa or 7407.29.aa or heading 74.09.
74.14-74.18: Delete heading 74.14-74.18 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 74.15-74.18 A change to heading 74.15 through 74.18 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
7419.91-74.19.99: Delete subheading 7419.91-7419.99 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 7419.91 A change to subheading 7419.91 from any other heading.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 7419.99 A change to cloth (including endless bands), grill, netting or expanded metal of subheading 7419.99 from within that subheading or any other heading;
A change to springs of subheading 7419.99 from within that subheading or any other heading;
A change to non-electric cooking or heating apparatus of a kind used for domestic purposes and parts thereof of subheading 7419.99 from within that subheading or any other heading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 7419.99 from cloth (including endless bands), grill, netting, expanded metal, springs or non-electric cooking or heating apparatus of a kind used for domestic purposes and parts thereof within that subheading or any other heading.
76.01-76.03, 76.04-76.06: Delete heading 76.01-76.03, 76.04-76.06 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 76.01 A change to heading 76.01 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 76.02 A change to heading 76.02 from any other heading.
- 76.03 A change to heading 76.03 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 76.04 A change to heading 76.04 from any other heading.
- 76.05 A change to heading 76.05 from any other heading, except from heading 76.04; or
A change to heading 76.05 from heading 76.04, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that, if bar or rod is used, the cross-sectional area of the bar or rod is reduced by at least 50 per cent.
- 76.06 A change to heading 76.06 from any other heading.
78.03-78.06: Delete heading 78.03-78.06 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 7804.11-7804.20 A change to subheading 7804.11 through 7804.20 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group; or
A change to foil of a thickness not exceeding 0.15 mm (excluding backing) of subheading 7804.11 from within that subheading, whether or not there is also a change from any other subheading.
- 78.06 A change to a good of heading 78.06 from any other good of 78.06 or any other heading.
79.01-79.03, 79.04-79.05, and 79.06-79.07: Delete headings 79.01-79.03, 79.04-79.05, and 79.06-79.07 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 79.01-79.02 A change to heading 79.01 through 79.02 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 7903.10 A change to subheading 7903.10 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 7903.90 A change to subheading 7903.90 from any other heading.
- 79.04 A change to heading 79.04 from any other heading; or
A change to wire of heading 79.04 from within that heading, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that, if bar or rod is used, the cross-sectional area of the bar or rod is reduced by at least 50 per cent.
- 79.05 A change to heading 79.05 from any other heading; or
A change to foil of a thickness not exceeding 0.15 mm (excluding backing) of heading 79.05 from within that heading, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading.
- 79.07 A change to heading 79.07 from any other heading.
80.03-80.04, 80.05-80.07: Delete heading 80.03-80.04, 80.05-80.07 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 80.03 A change to heading 80.03 from any other heading; or
A change to wire of heading 80.03 from within that heading, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that, if bar or rod is used, the cross-sectional area of the bar or rod is reduced by at least 50 per cent.
- 80.07 A change to heading 80.07 from any other heading.
8101.10-8101.94, 8101.95, 8101.96-8101.97, 8101.99, 8102.10-8102.94, 8102.95, 8102.96, 8102.97, 8102.99, 8103.20-8103.30, 8103.90, 8104.11-8104.30, 8104.90, 8105.20-8105.30, 8105.90, 81.06, 8107.20-8107.30, 8107.90, 8108.20-8108.30, 8108.90, 8109.20-8109.30, 8109.90, 81.10, 8111.00.aa, 81.11, 81.12-81.13: Delete subheadings 8101.10-8101.94, 8101.95, 8101.96-8101.97, 8101.99, 8102.10-8102.94, 8102.95, 8102.96, 8102.97, 8102.99, 8103.20-8103.30, 8103.90, 8104.11-8104.30, 8104.90, 8105.20-8105.30, 8105.90, heading 81.06, subheadings 8107.20-8107.30, 8107.90, 8108.20-8108.30, 8108.90, 8109.20-8109.30, 8109.90, heading 81.10, tariff item 8111.00.aa, headings 81.11, 81.12-81.13 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8101.10-8101.97 A change to subheading 8101.10 through 8101.97 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 8101.99 change to bar or rod, other than those obtained simply by sintering, profiles, plates, sheets, strips or foil of subheading 8101.99 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8101.99 from bar or rod, other than those obtained simply by sintering, profiles, plates, sheets, strip or foil, within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 8102.10-8110.90 A change to subheading 8102.10 through 8110.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 81.11 A change to manganese powder or articles of manganese of heading 81.11 from within that heading; or
A change to any other good of heading 81.11 from any other heading.
- 8112.12-8113.00 A change to subheading 8112.12 through 8113.00 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
82.03-82.06: Delete heading 82.03-82.06 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 82.03-82.04 A change to heading 82.03 through 82.04 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 8205.10-8205.70 A change to subheading 8205.10 through 8205.70 from any other heading.
- 8205.90 A change to subheading 8205.90 from any other heading; or
A change to a set of subheading 8205.90 from within that subheading or subheading 8205.10 through 8205.70, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that:
(a) at least one of the component goods, or all the packaging materials and containers for the set, is originating, and
(b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 35 per cent under the transaction value method.
- 82.06 A change to heading 82.06 from any other heading, except from heading 82.02 through 82.05; or
A change to heading 82.06 from heading 82.02 through 82.05, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that:
(a) at least one of the component goods, or all the packaging materials and containers for the set, is originating, and
(b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 35 per cent under the transaction value method.
8207.13, 8207.19-8207.90, 82.08-82.10, 8211.10, 8211.91-8211.93, 8211.94-8211.95: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheadings 8207.13, 8207.19-8207.90, heading 82.08-82.10, subheadings 8211.10, 8211.91-8211.93, 8211.94-8211.95 and replace with the following:
- 8207.13 A change to subheading 8207.13 from any other heading, except from heading 82.09; or
A change to subheading 8207.13 from subheading 8207.19 or heading 82.09, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 60 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 50 per cent where the net cost method is used.
- 8207.19-8207.90 A change to subheading 8207.19 through 8207.90 from any other heading.
- 82.08-82.10 A change to heading 82.08 through 82.10 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
- 8211.10 A change to subheading 8211.10 from any other heading, except from heading 82.14 through 82.15; or
A change to subheading 8211.10 from subheading 8211.91 through 8211.93 or heading 82.14 through 82.15, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that
(a) at least one of the component goods of the set, is originating, and
(b) the regional content of the set is not less than 35 per cent under the transaction value method.
- 8211.91-8211.93 A change to subheading 8211.91 through 8211.93 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 8211.91 through 8211.93 from subheading 8211.94 through 8211.95, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 60 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 50 per cent where the net cost method is used.
- 8211.94-8211.95 A change to subheading 8211.94 through 8211.95 from any other heading.
82.12-82.15: Delete heading 82.12-82.15 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 82.12-82.13 A change to heading 82.12 through 82.13 from any other heading including another heading within that group.
- 8214.10 A change to subheading 8214.10 from any other heading.
- 8214.20 A change to subheading 8214.20 from any other heading; or
A change to a set of subheading 8214.20 from within that subheading, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that:
(a) at least one of the component goods of the set is originating, and
(b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 35 per cent under the transaction value method.
- 8214.90 A change to subheading 8214.90 from any other heading.
- 8215.10–8215.20 A change to subheading 8215.10 through 8215.20 from any other heading, except from heading 82.11; or
A change to subheading 8215.10 through 8215.20 from heading 82.11 or subheading 8215.91 through 8215.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that:
(a) at least one of the component goods of the set is originating, and
(b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 35 per cent under the transaction value method.
- 8215.91-8215.99 A change to subheading 8215.91 through 8215.99 from any other heading.
8301.20: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 8301.20 and replace with the following:
- 8301.20 A change to subheading 8301.20 from any other chapter; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to subheading 8301.20 from subheading 8301.60, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Note 1 to Chapter 84: Delete Note 1 to Chapter 84 and replace with the following:
- Note 1: For the purpose of this Chapter, the term "printed circuit assembly" means a good consisting of one or both printed circuits of heading 85.34 with one or both active elements assembled thereon, with or without passive elements. For the purpose of this Note, "active elements" means diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices, whether or not photosensitive, of heading 85.41 and integrated circuits of heading 85.42 and microassemblies of heading 85.43 or 85.48.
Note 2 to Chapter 84: Delete Note 2 to Chapter 84.
8407.31–8407.34: Delete the rule of origin applicable to subheading 8407.31 8407.34 and replace with the following:
- 8407.31–8407.34 A change to subheading 8407.31 through 8407.34 from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8408.20: Delete the rule of origin applicable to subheading 8408.20 and replace with the following:
- 8408.20 A change to subheading 8408.20 from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8414.40-8414.80: Delete subheading 8414.40-8414.80 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8414.40 A change to subheading 8414.40 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 8414.40 from subheading 8414.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 8414.51 A change to subheading 8414.51 from any other subheading.
- 8414.59-8414.80 A change to subheading 8414.59 through 8414.80 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 8414.59 through 8414.80 from subheading 8414.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
8415.20: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 8415.20 and replace with the following:
- 8415.20 A change to subheading 8415.20 from any other subheading, except from subheading 8415.81 through 8415.83, tariff item 8415.90.aa or assemblies incorporating more than one of the following: compressor, condenser, evaporator, connecting tubing; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to subheading 8415.20 from tariff item 8415.90.aa or assemblies incorporating more than one of the following: compressor, condenser, evaporator, connecting tubing, whether or not there is also a change from any other subheading, except from subheading 8415.81 through 8415.83, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8418.22: Delete subheading 8418.22 and the rule of origin applicable thereto.
8418.29-8418.40: Delete subheading 8418.29-8418.40 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8418.29 A change to an absorption-type electrical household refrigerator of subheading 8418.29 from any other heading;
A change to an absorption-type electrical household refrigerator of subheading 8418.29 from subheading 8418.91 through 8418.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8418.29 from any other subheading, except from subheading 8418.30, 8418.40 or 8418.91, door assemblies incorporating more than one of the following: inner panel, outer panel, insulation, hinges, handles of subheading 8418.99 or assemblies incorporating more than one of the following: compressor, condenser, evaporator, connecting tubing.
- 8418.30-8418.40 A change to subheading 8418.30 through 8418.40 from any subheading outside that group, except from any good, other than absorption-type electrical household refrigerators, of subheading 8418.29, subheading 8418.91, door assemblies incorporating more than one of the following: inner panel, outer panel, insulation, hinges, handles of subheading 8418.99 or assemblies incorporating more than one of the following: compressor, condenser, evaporator, connecting tubing.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
8442.10-8442.30: Delete subheading 8442.10-8442.30 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8442.30 A change to subheading 8442.30 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 8442.30 from subheading 8442.40 through 8442.50, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
8443.11-8443.59, 8443.60, 8443.90: Delete subheadings 8443.11-8443.59, 8443.60 and 8443.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8443.11-8443.99 A change to subheading 8443.11 through 8443.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8452.10-8452.30: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 8452.10-8452.30 and replace with the following:
- 8452.10-8452.30 A change to subheading 8452.10 through 8452.30 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 8452.10 through 8452.30 from subheading 8452.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8452.40-8452.90: Delete subheading 8452.40-8452.90 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8452.90 A change to subheading 8452.90 from any other heading.
8456.20-8456.99: Delete subheading 8456.20-8456.99 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8456.20-8456.90 A change to subheading 8456.20 through 8456.90 from any other heading, except from more than three of the following:
- - subheading 8413.50 through 8413.60,
- - tariff item 8466.93.aa,
- - subheading 8501.32 or 8501.52,
- - subheading 8537.10.
8469.11-8469.30: Delete subheading 8469.11-8469.30 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 84.69 A change to heading 84.69 from any other heading, except from heading 84.73;
A change to heading 84.69 from heading 84.73, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
8471.10: Delete subheading 8471.10 and the rule of origin applicable thereto.
8471.30-8471.41, 8471.49 and the Note applicable thereto, 8471.50, 8471.60, 8471.70, 8471.80.aa,, 8471.80, 8471.90: Delete subheadings 8471.30-8471.41, 8471.49 and the Note applicable thereto, 8471.50, 8471.60, 8471.70, tariff items 8471.80.aa and, subheadings 8471.80, 8471.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8471.30-8471.90 A change to a good of any of subheading 8471.30 through 8471.90 from within that subheading or any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8473.10.aa,, 8473.10: Delete tariff items 8473.10.aa and, subheading 8473.10 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8473.10 A change to subheading 8473.10 from any other heading. Delete tariff item and the rule of origin applicable thereto.
84.84-84.85: Delete heading 84.84-84.85 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8484.10-8484.20 A change to subheading 8484.10 through 8484.20 from any other heading.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 8484.90 A change to subheading 8484.90 from any other subheading, provided that:
a) at least one of the component products, or all the packaging materials and containers for the set, is originating, and
b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 35 per cent under the transaction value method.
84.86, 84.87: Add new headings 84.86 and 84.87 and the rules of origin applicable thereto as follows:
- 8486.10-8406.90 A change to a good of any of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.90 from within that subheading or any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 84.87 A change to heading 84.87 from any other heading.
Note 1 to Chapter 85: Delete Note 1 to Chapter 85 and replace with the following:
- Note 1: For the purpose of this Chapter, the term "printed circuit assembly" means a good consisting of one or both printed circuits of heading 85.34 with one or both active elements assembled thereon, with or without passive elements. For the purpose of this Note, "active elements" means diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices, whether or not photosensitive, of heading 85.41 and integrated circuits of heading 85.42 and microassemblies of heading 85.43 or 85.48.
Note 2 to Chapter 85: Delete Note 2 to Chapter 85.
Note 3 to Chapter 85: Renumber as "Note 2", as follows:
- Note 2: For the purpose of this Chapter:
(a) references to "high definition" as it applies to television receivers and cathode-ray tubes refers to goods having
- (i) an aspect ratio of the screen equal to or greater than 16:9, and
- (ii) a viewing screen capable of displaying more than 700 scanning lines; and
(b) the video display diagonal is determined by measuring the maximum straight line dimension across the visible portion of the face plate used for displaying video.
- (i) an aspect ratio of the screen equal to or greater than 16:9, and
Note 4 to Chapter 85: Delete Note 4 to Chapter 85.
Note 5 to Chapter 85: Renumber as "Note 3", as follows:
- Note 3: For the purpose of tariff item 8540.91.aa, the term "front panel assembly" refers to:
(a) with respect to a color cathode-ray television picture tube, video monitor tube or video projector tube, an assembly which consists of a glass panel and a shadow mask or aperture grille, attached for ultimate use, which is suitable for incorporation into a color cathode-ray television picture tube, video monitor tube or video projector tube and which has undergone the necessary chemical and physical processes for imprinting phosphors on the glass panel with sufficient precision to render a video image when excited by a stream of electrons; or
(b) with respect to a monochrome cathode-ray television picture tube, video monitor tube or video projector tube, an assembly which consists of either a glass panel or a glass envelope, which is suitable for incorporation into a monochrome cathode-ray television picture tube, video monitor tube or video projector tube and which has undergone the necessary chemical and physical processes for imprinting phosphors on the glass panel or glass envelope with sufficient precision to render a video image when excited by a stream of electrons.
Note 6 to Chapter 85: Renumber as "Note 4", as follows:
- Note 4: The origin of a television combination unit shall be determined in accordance with the rule of origin that would be applicable to such unit if it were solely a television receiver.
8504.10-8504.34: Delete subheading 8504.10-8504.34 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8504.10 A change to subheading 8504.10 from any other subheading.
- 8504.21–8504.23 A change to subheading 8504.21 through 8504.23 from subheading 8504.90 or any other heading.
- 8504.31- 8504.34 A change to subheading 8504.31 through 8504.34 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 8504.31 through 8504.34 from subheading 8504.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
8504.40.aa,, 8504.40: Delete tariff items 8504.40.aa and, subheading 8504.40 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8504.40 A change to subheading 8504.40 from any other subheading., 8504.90: Delete tariff item, subheading 8504.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8504.90 A change to subheading 8504.90 from any other heading.
8505.11-8505.30: Delete subheading 8505.11-8505.30 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8505.11-8505.20 A change to subheading 8505.11 through 8505.20 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 8505.11 through 8505.20 from subheading 8505.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
8506.10-8506.80: Delete subheading 8506.10-8506.80 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8506.10–8506.40 A change to subheading 8506.10 through 8506.40 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 8506.50–8506.80 A change to subheading 8506.50 through 8506.80 from any subheading outside that group.
8508.11-8508.60: Add new subheading 8508.11-8508.60 and the rules of origin applicable thereto as follows:
- 8508.11-8508.60 A change to subheading 8508.11 through 8508.60 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 8508.11 through 8508.60 from subheading 8508.70, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8508.70: Add new subheading 8508.70 and the rule of origin applicable thereto as follows:
- 8508.70 A change to subheading 8508.70 from any other heading.
8509.10-8509.40, 8509.80: Delete subheadings 8509.10-8509.40, 8509.80 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8509.40-8509.80 A change to subheading 8509.40 through 8509.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8516.10-8516.29, 8516.31, 8516.32, 8516.33, 8516.40, 8516.50, 8516.60.aa, 8516.60, 8516.71, 8516.72, 8516.79, 8516.80: Delete subheadings 8516.10-8516.29, 8516.31, 8516.32, 8516.33, 8516.40, 8516.50, tariff item 8516.60.aa, subheadings 8516.60, 8516.71, 8516.72, 8516.79, 8516.80 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8516.10-8516.80 A change to subheading 8516.10 through 8516.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8517.11, 8517.19.aa, 8517.19, 8517.21, 8517.22-8517.30, 8517.50.aa,, 8517.50, 8517.80.aa, 8517.80, 8517.90.aa,,, 8517.90.dd,, 8517.90.ff,, 8517.90: Delete subheading 8517.11, tariff item 8517.19.aa, subheadings 8517.19, 8517.21 and 8517.22-8517.30, tariff items 8517.50.aa and, subheading 8517.50, tariff item 8517.80.aa, subheading 8517.80, tariff items 8517.90.aa,,, 8517.90.dd,, 8517.90.ff, and and subheading 8517.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8517.11-8517.70 A change to a good of any of subheading 8517.11 through 8517.70 from within that subheading or any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8518.30.aa, 8518.30, 8519.40-8518.50: Delete tariff item, subheadings 8518.30, 8518.40-8518.50 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8518.30 A change to subheading 8518.30 from any other heading; or
A change to a set of subheading 8518.30 from subheading 8518.10, 8518.21 through 8518.29 or 8518.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that:
(a) at least one of the component products, or all the packaging materials and containers for the set, is originating, and
(b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 35 per cent under the transaction value method.
- 8518.40 A change to subheading 8518.40 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 8518.40 from subheading 8518.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than :
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 8518.50 A change to subheading 8518.50 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 8518.50 from any other subheading within heading 85.18, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that:
(a) at least one of the component goods, or all the packaging materials and containers for the set, is originating, and
(b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 35 per cent under the transaction value method.
8519.10-8519.99: Delete subheading 8519.10-8519.99 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8519.20-8519.89 A change to subheading 8519.20 through 8519.89 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
8520.10-8520.90: Delete subheading 8520.10-8520.90 and the rule of origin applicable thereto.
85.23-85.24: Delete heading 85.23-85.24 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8523.21 A change to a prepared unrecorded card incorporating a magnetic stripe of subheading 8523.21 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to a recorded card incorporating a magnetic stripe of subheading 8523.21 from within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 8523.29 A change to a prepared unrecorded magnetic tape or disc of subheading 8523.29 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to a recorded magnetic tape or disc of subheading 8523.29 from within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 8523.41-8523.49 A change to subheading 8523.41 through 8523.49 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
- 8523.51 A change to prepared unrecorded semiconductor media of subheading 8523.51 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to recorded semiconductor media of subheading 8523.51 from within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 8523.52
- Note: Notwithstanding Article D-11 (Transshipment), a "smart card" of subheading 8523.52 qualifying under the rule of origin below as an originating good may undergo further production outside the territory of the Parties and, when imported into the territory of a Party, will originate in the territory of a Party, provided that such further production did not result in a change to any other subheading.
No required change in tariff classification to a "smart card" which contain a single integrated circuit or parts of a "smart card" of subheading 8523.52;
A change to any other "smart card" of subheading 8523.52 from within that subheading, except from parts of any other such "smart card" within that subheading or any other heading; or
A change to any other "smart card" of subheading 8523.52 from parts of any other such "smart card" within that subheading, whether or not there is also a change from within that subheading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transactional value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used;
A change to parts of any other "smart card" of subheading 8523.52 from any other heading; or
No required change in tariff classification to parts of any other "smart card" of subheading 8523.52, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transactional value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
- Note: Notwithstanding Article D-11 (Transshipment), a "smart card" of subheading 8523.52 qualifying under the rule of origin below as an originating good may undergo further production outside the territory of the Parties and, when imported into the territory of a Party, will originate in the territory of a Party, provided that such further production did not result in a change to any other subheading.
- 8523.59 A change to prepared unrecorded semiconductor media of subheading 8523.59 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to recorded semiconductor media of subheading 8523.59 from within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 8523.80 A change to prepared unrecorded media of subheading 8523.80 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to recorded media of subheading 8523.80 from within that subheading or any other subheading.
8525.10-8525.20, 8525.30.aa, 8525.30, 8525.40: Delete subheading 8525.10 8525.20, tariff item 8525.30.aa, and subheadings 8525.30 and 8525.40 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8525.50-8525.80 A change to subheading 8525.50 through 8525.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group; or
A change to a gyrostabilized camera of subheading 8525.80 from within that subheading, whether or not there is also a change from any other subheading.
8526.10, 8526.91-8526.92: Delete subheading 8526.10, 8526.91-8526.92 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8526.10–8526.92 A change to subheading 8526.10 through 8526.92 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8527.12-8527.39, 8527.90: Delete subheading 8527.12-8527.39, 8527.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8527.12-8527.99 A change to subheading 8527.12 through 8527.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8528.12.aa, and the note applicable thereto, and the note applicable thereto, 8528.12.dd,, 8528.12.ff,, 8528.12, 8528.13, 8528.21.aa, and the note applicable thereto, and the note applicable thereto, 8528.21.dd,, 8528.21.ff,, 8528.21, 8528.22 and the note applicable thereto, and the note applicable thereto,, 8528.30.ff,, 8528.30: Delete tariff items 8528.12.aa and and the note applicable thereto, and the note applicable thereto, 8528.12.dd,, 8528.12.ff,, subheadings 8528.12 and 8528.13, tariff items 8528.21.aa and and the note applicable thereto, and the note applicable thereto, 8528.21.dd,, 8528.21.ff and, subheadings 8528.21 and 8528.22 and the note applicable thereto, tariff items and the note applicable thereto,, 8528.30.ff and, subheading 8528.30 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 85.28 A change to heading 85.28 from any other heading, except from heading 85.29; or
A change to heading 85.28 from heading 85.29, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8529.10, 8529.90.aa,,, 8529.90.dd,, 8529.90.ff,, 8529.90: Delete subheading 8529.10, tariff items 8529.90.aa,,, 8529.90.dd,, 8529.90.ff and, subheading 8529.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 85.29 A change to heading 85.29 from any other heading.
8531.10, 8531.20-8531.80: Delete subheadings 8531.10, 8531.20-8531.80 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8531.10–8531.80 A change to subheading 8531.10 through 8531.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8536.41.aa: Delete the rule of origin applicable to tariff item 8536.41.aa and replace with the following:
- 8536.41.aa A change to tariff item 8536.41.aa from any other tariff item, except from tariff item 8538.90.aa; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to tariff item 8536.41.aa from tariff item 8538.90.aa, whether or not there is also a change from any other tariff item, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8536.50.aa: Delete the rule of origin applicable to tariff item 8536.50.aa and replace with the following:
- 8536.50.aa A change to tariff item 8536.50.aa from any other tariff item, except from tariff item 8538.90.aa; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to tariff item 8536.50.aa from tariff item 8538.90.aa, whether or not there is also a change from any other tariff item, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used. Delete the rule of origin applicable to tariff item and replace with the following:
- A change to tariff item from any other tariff item, except from tariff item 8538.90.aa; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to tariff item from tariff item 8538.90.aa, whether or not there is also a change from any other tariff item, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8536.70: Immediately below tariff item and the rules of origin applicable thereto, add new subheading 8536.70 and the rule of origin applicable thereto as follows:
- 8536.70 A change to a plastic connector of subheading 8536.70 from within that subheading or any other subheading, except from heading 39.26, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used;
A change to a ceramic connector of subheading 8536.70 from within that subheading or any other subheading, except from Chapter 69; or
A change to a copper connector of subheading 8536.70 from within that subheading or any other subheading, except from heading 74.19.
8536.90.aa: Delete the rule of origin applicable to tariff item 8536.90.aa and replace with the following:
- 8536.90.aa A change to tariff item 8536.90.aa from any other tariff item, except from tariff item 8538.90.aa; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to tariff item 8536.90.aa from tariff item 8538.90.aa, whether or not there is also a change from any other tariff item, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
85.36: Delete the rules of origin applicable to heading 85.36 and replace with the following:
- 85.36 A change to any other good of heading 85.36 from any other heading, except from tariff item or; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to any other good of heading 85.36 from tariff item or, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used. Delete the rules of origin applicable to tariff item and replace with the following:
- A change to tariff item from any other heading, except from tariff item or; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to tariff item from tariff item or, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8540.40-8540.60: Delete the rule of origin applicable to subheading 8540.40 8540.60 and replace with the following:
- 8540.40–8540.60 A change to subheading 8540.40 through 8540.60 from any subheading outside that group.
8540.71-8540.79, 8540.81-8540.89: Delete subheadings 8540.71-8540.79, 8540.81-8540.89 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8540.71 A change to subheading 8540.71 from any other subheading.
- 8540.79 A change to klystrons of subheading 8540.79 from within that subheading or any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8540.79 from klystrons within that subheading or any other subheading.
- 8540.81-8540.89 A change to subheading 8540.81 through 8540.89 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8540.99.aa, 8540.99: Delete tariff item 8540.99.aa, subheading 8540.99 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8540.99 A change to subheading 8540.99 from any other heading.
8541.10-8542.90: In the Note for the rule of origin applicable to subheading 8541.10 8542.90, delete the reference to “8542.10 through 8542.70” and replace with “8542.31 through 8542.39”, as follows:
- Note: Notwithstanding Article D-11 (Transshipment), a good provided for in subheading 8541.10 through 8541.60 or 8542.31 through 8542.39 qualifying under the rule of origin below as an originating good may undergo further production outside the territory of the Parties and, when imported into the territory of a Party, will originate in the territory of a Party, provided that such further production did not result in a change to a subheading outside of that group.
8543.11-8543.81: Delete subheading 8543.11-8543.81 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8543.10–8543.70 A change to subheading 8543.10 through 8543.70 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8543.89.aa, 8543.89: Delete tariff item 8543.89.aa, subheading 8543.89 and the rules of origin applicable there to.
- 8543.90
- Note: Notwithstanding Article D-11 (Transshipment), electronic microassemblies of subheading 8543.90 qualifying under the rule of origin below as an originating good may undergo further production outside the territory of the Parties and, when imported into the territory of a Party, will originate in the territory of a Party, provided that such further production did not result in a change to any other subheading.
No required change in tariff classification to electronic microassemblies of subheading 8543.90;
A change to any other good of subheading 8543.90 from electronic microassemblies within that subheading or any other heading; or
No required change in tariff classification to subheading 8543.90, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
- Note: Notwithstanding Article D-11 (Transshipment), electronic microassemblies of subheading 8543.90 qualifying under the rule of origin below as an originating good may undergo further production outside the territory of the Parties and, when imported into the territory of a Party, will originate in the territory of a Party, provided that such further production did not result in a change to any other subheading.
8548.90: Delete the rule of origin applicable to subheading 8548.90 and replace with the following:
- 8548.90
- Note: Notwithstanding Article D-11 (Transshipment), electronic microassemblies of subheading 8548.90 qualifying under the rule of origin below as an originating good may undergo further production outside the territory of the Parties and, when imported into the territory of a Party, will originate in the territory of a Party, provided that such further production did not result in a change to any other subheading.
No required change in tariff classification to electronic microassemblies of subheading 8548.90; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8548.90 from electronic microassemblies within that subheading or any other heading.
- Note: Notwithstanding Article D-11 (Transshipment), electronic microassemblies of subheading 8548.90 qualifying under the rule of origin below as an originating good may undergo further production outside the territory of the Parties and, when imported into the territory of a Party, will originate in the territory of a Party, provided that such further production did not result in a change to any other subheading.
86.01, 8602.10, 8602.90: Delete heading 86.01 and subheadings 8602.10 and 8602.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 86.01-86.02 A change to heading 86.01 through 86.02 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
8607.11-8607.12: Delete the rule of origin applicable to subheading 8607.11 8607.12 and replace with the following:
- 8607.11–8607.12 A change to subheading 8607.11 through 8607.12 from any subheading outside that group.
87.01: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 87.01 and replace with the following:
- 87.01 A change to heading 87.01 from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 30 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 20 per cent where the net cost method is used.
87.02: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 87.02 and replace with the following:
- 87.02 A change to heading 87.02 from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 30 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 20 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8703.21-8703.90: Delete the rule of origin applicable to subheading 8703.21 8703.90 and replace with the following:
- 8703.21-8703.90 A change to subheading 8703.21 through 8703.90 from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 30 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 20 per cent where the net cost method is used.
87.04: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 87.04 and replace with the following:
- 87.04 A change to heading 87.04 from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 30 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 20 per cent where the net cost method is used.
87.05: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 87.05 and replace with the following:
- 87.05 A change to heading 87.05 from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 30 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 20 per cent where the net cost method is used.
87.06: Delete the rule of origin applicable to heading 87.06 and replace with the following:
- 87.06 A change to heading 87.06 from any other heading, except from subheading 8708.50, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
87.07: Delete the rules of origin applicable to heading 87.07 and replace with the following:
- 87.07 A change to heading 87.07 from any other chapter; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to heading 87.07 from heading 87.08, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.10: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 8708.10 and replace with the following:
- 8708.10 A change to subheading 8708.10 from any other heading; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to subheading 8708.10 from subheading 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.21: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 8708.21 and replace with the following:
- 8708.21 A change to subheading 8708.21 from any other heading; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to subheading 8708.21 from subheading 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.29: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 8708.29 and replace with the following:
- 8708.29 A change to subheading 8708.29 from any other heading; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
No required change in tariff classification to subheading 8708.29, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.31, 8708.39: Delete subheadings 8708.31 and 8708.39 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8708.30 A change to a mounted brake lining of subheading 8708.30 from any other heading;
A change to a mounted brake lining of subheading 8708.30 from parts of a mounted brake lining, a brake or a servo-brake within that subheading or subheading 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used;
A change to any other good of subheading 8708.30 from any other heading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8708.30 from a mounted brake lining or parts of a brake or a servo-brake within that subheading or subheading 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.40: Delete the rule of origin applicable to subheading 8708.40 and replace with the following:
- 8708.40 A change to a gear box of subheading 8708.40 from any other heading;
A change to a gear box of subheading 8708.40 from within that subheading or subheading 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used;
A change to any other good of subheading 8708.40 from any other heading; or
No required change in tariff classification to any other good of subheading 8708.40, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.50.aa, 8708.50, 8708.60.aa, 8708.60: Delete tariff item 8708.50.aa, subheading 8708.50, tariff item 8708.60.aa and subheading 8708.60 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8708.50 A change to a drive-axle with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, for a vehicle of heading 87.03, of subheading 8708.50 from any other heading, except from subheading 8482.10 through 8482.80;
A change to a drive-axle with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, for a vehicle of heading 87.03, of subheading 8708.50 from subheading 8482.10 through 8482.80 or parts of a drive-axle of subheading 8708.50, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used;
A change to any other drive-axle with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, of subheading 8708.50 from any other heading;
A change to any other drive-axle with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, of subheading 8708.50 from subheading 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used;
A change to a non-driving axle and parts thereof, for a vehicle of heading 87.03, of subheading 8708.50 from any other heading, except from subheading 8482.10 through 8482.80;
A change to a non-driving axle and parts thereof, for a vehicle of heading 87.03, of subheading 8708.50 from subheading 8482.10 through 8482.80 or 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used;
A change to any other non-driving axle and parts thereof of subheading 8708.50 from any other heading; or
A change to any other non-driving axle and parts thereof of subheading 8708.50 from subheading 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used;
A change to any other good of subheading 8708.50 from any other heading; or
No required change in tariff classification to any other good of subheading 8708.50, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.70: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 8708.70 and replace with the following:
- 8708.70 A change to subheading 8708.70 from any other heading; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to subheading 8708.70 from subheading 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.80.aa, 8708.80: Delete tariff item 8708.80.aa and subheading 8708.80 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 8708.80 A change to subheading 8708.80 from any other heading;
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to a suspension system (including a shock absorber) of subheading 8708.80 from parts thereof within that subheading or subheading 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used; or
No required change in tariff classification to parts of a suspension system (including a shock absorber) of subheading 8708.80, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.91: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 8708.91 and replace with the following:
- 8708.91 A change to subheading 8708.91 from any other heading; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
No required change in tariff classification to subheading 8708.91, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.92: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 8708.92 and replace with the following:
- 8708.92 A change to a silencer (muffler) or exhaust pipe of subheading 8708.92 from any other heading;
A change to a silencer (muffler) or exhaust pipe of subheading 8708.92 from within that subheading, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used; or
No required change in tariff classification to any other good of subheading 8708.92, provided there is a regional value content of not less:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.93: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 8708.93 and replace with the following:
- 8708.93 A change to subheading 8708.93 from any other heading; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to subheading 8708.93 from subheading 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.94: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 8708.94 and replace with the following:
- 8708.94 A change to subheading 8708.94 from any other heading;
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to a steering wheel, steering column or steering box of subheading 8708.94 from parts thereof within that subheading or subheading 8708.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used; or
No required change in tariff classification to parts of a steering wheel, steering column or steering box of subheading 8708.94, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.95: Add subheading 8708.95 and the rules of origin applicable thereto as follows:
- 8708.95 A change to subheading 8708.95 from any other heading; or
No required change in tariff classification to subheading 8708.95, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.99.aa: Delete the rule of origin applicable to tariff item 8708.99.aa and replace with the following:
- 8708.99.aa A change to tariff item 8708.99.aa from any other subheading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used. Delete the rules of origin applicable to tariff item and replace with the following:
- A change to tariff item from any other heading, except from subheading 8482.10 through 8482.80 or tariff item 8482.99.aa; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to tariff item from subheading 8482.10 through 8482.80 or tariff item 8482.99.aa, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8708.99: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 8708.99 and replace with the following:
- 8708.99 A change to subheading 8708.99 from any other heading; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
No required change in tariff classification to subheading 8708.99, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
8801.10-8803.90: Delete subheading 8801.10-8803.90 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 88.01 A change to a glider or hang glider of heading 88.01 from within that heading or any other heading; or
A change to any other good of heading 88.01 from a glider or hang glider within that heading or any other heading.
- 8802.11-8803.90 A change to subheading 8802.11 through 8803.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Note 1 to Chapter 90: Delete Note 1 to Chapter 90 and replace with the following:
- Note 1: For the purpose of this Chapter, the term "printed circuit assembly” means a good consisting of one or both printed circuits of heading 85.34 with one or both active elements assembled thereon, with or without passive elements. For the purpose of this Note, "active elements" means diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices, whether or not photosensitive, of heading 85.41 and integrated circuits of heading 85.42 and microassemblies of heading 85.43 or 85.48.
Note 3 to Chapter 90: Delete Note 3 to Chapter 90.
9007.11 and 9007.19, tariff item 9007.19.aa: Delete subheadings 9007.11 and 9007.19, tariff item 9007.19.aa and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 9007.10 A change to a gyrostabilized camera of subheading 9007.10 from within that subheading or any other subheading;
A change to any other good of subheading 9007.10 from any other subheading, except from subheading 9007.20.
9008.10-9008.40: Delete subheading 9008.10-9008.40 the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 9008.50 A change to subheading 9008.50 from any other subheading.
9009.11-9009.30, 9009.91-9009.93, 9009.99.aa, 9009.99: Delete subheadings 9009.11 9009.30, 9009.91-9009.93, tariff item 9009.99.aa, subheading 9009.99 and the rules of origin applicable thereto.
9017.10-9017.80: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 9017.10 9017.80 and replace with the following:
- 9017.10-9017.80 A change to subheading 9017.10 through 9017.80 from any other heading; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to subheading 9017.10 through 9017.80 from subheading 9017.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
9027.40-9027.50: Delete subheading 9027.40-9027.50 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 9027.50 A change to subheading 9027.50 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 9027.50 from subheading 9027.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
9030.10, 9030.20-9030.39, 9030.40-9030.89: Delete subheading 9030.10, subheadings 9030.20-9030.39 and 9030.40-9030.89 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 9030.10-9030.89 A change to subheading 9030.10 through 9030.89 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
9031.10-9031.30: Delete subheading 9031.10-9031.30 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 9031.10-9031.20 A change to subheading 9031.10 through 9031.20 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 9031.10 through 9031.20 from subheading 9031.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
91.04: Delete the rules of origin applicable to heading 91.04 and replace with the following:
- 91.04 A change to heading 91.04 from any other chapter; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to heading 91.04 from any other heading within Chapter 91, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
91.05-91.07: Delete heading 91.05-91.07 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 91.05-91.06 A change to heading 91.05 through 91.06 from any other chapter; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to heading 91.05 through 91.06 from any heading outside that group within Chapter 91, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
- 91.07 A change to heading 91.07 from any other chapter; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to heading 91.07 from heading 91.14, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 35 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 25 per cent where the net cost method is used.
9401.20: Delete the rules of origin applicable to subheading 9401.20 and replace with the following:
- 9401.20 A change to subheading 9401.20 from any other chapter; or
Formatting only – no change in intent.
A change to subheading 9401.20 from subheading 9401.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 40 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 30 per cent where the net cost method is used.
9403.10-9403.80: Delete subheading 9403.10-9403.80 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 9403.10-9403.89 A change to subheading 9403.10 through 9403.89 from any other chapter; or
A change to subheading 9403.10 through 9403.89 from subheading 9403.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 50 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 40 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
95.01, 9502.10, 9502.91-9502.99, 95.03-95.05: Delete heading 95.01, subheadings 9502.10, 9502.91-9502.99, heading 95.03-95.05 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 95.03 A change to a doll representing only a human being of heading 95.03 from any other chapter; or
A change to a doll representing only a human being of heading 95.03 from within that heading, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 60 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 50 per cent where the net cost method is used;
A change to parts and accessories for a doll representing only a human being of heading 95.03 from within that heading, except from a doll, or any other heading; or
A change to any other good of heading 95.03 from any other heading.
- 95.04-95.05 A change to heading 95.04 through 95.05 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
96.01-96.05: Delete heading 96.01-96.05 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 96.01-96.04 A change to heading 96.01 through 96.04 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 96.05 A change to heading 96.05 from any other chapter; or
A change to a set of heading 96.05 from any other heading within Chapter 96, provided that:
(a) at least one of the component goods, or all the packaging materials and containers for the set, is originating, and
(b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 50 per cent under the transaction value method.
9608.10-9608.50: Delete subheading 9608.10-9608.50 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 9608.10-9608.40 A change to subheading 9608.10 through 9608.40 from any other chapter; or
A change to subheading 9608.10 through 9608.40 from subheading 9608.60 through 9608.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided there is a regional value content of not less than:
(a) 60 per cent where the transaction value method is used, or
(b) 50 per cent where the net cost method is used.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 9608.50 A change to subheading 9608.50 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 9608.50 from subheading 9608.10 through 9608.40, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that
(a) at least one of the component goods, or all the packaging materials and containers for the set, is originating, and
(b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 50 per cent under the transaction value method.
96.09-96.12: Delete heading 96.09-96.12 and the rule of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 96.09-96.10 A change to heading 96.09 through 96.10 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
- 96.11 A change to heading 96.11 from any other heading; or
A change to a set of heading 96.11 from within that heading, whether or not there is also a change from any other heading, provided that:
(a) at least one of the component goods, or all the packaging materials and containers for the set, is originating, and
(b) the regional value content of the set is not less than 50 per cent under the transaction value method.
- 96.12 A change to heading 96.12 from any other chapter.
Formatting only – no change in intent.
9614.20.aa, 9614.20, 9614.90: Delete tariff item 9614.20.aa, subheading 9614.20 and 9614.90 and the rules of origin applicable thereto and replace with the following:
- 96.14 A change to a roughly shaped block of wood or root for the manufacture of a pipe of heading 96.14 from any other chapter;
A change to a pipe of heading 96.14 from a roughly shaped block of wood or root for the manufacture of a pipe within that heading or any other heading; or
A change to any other good of heading 96.14 from any other heading.
96.19: Insert new heading 96.19 and the rule of origin applicable thereto as follows:
- 96.19 A change to a good of heading 96.19 from within that heading or any other heading.
- 8414.40 A change to subheading 8414.40 from any other heading; or
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