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Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)

Tentative Agenda for the 7th Round of ACTA Negotiations, Guadalajara, Mexico,
January 26 to 29, 2010 

Tuesday, January 26

  9:30 Introductory Remarks

10:00 Discussion on Civil Enforcement

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Continued discussions

15:30 Coffee Break

17:30 Conclusion of the discussion for the Day

Wednesday, January 27

10:00 (Continued discussions on previous matters, if needed)
          Border Measures

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Continued discusiones

15:30 Coffee Break

17:30 Conclusion of the discussion for the Day

Thursday, January 28

  9:00 (Continued discussions on previous matters, if needed)
          Special Measures Related to Technological Enforcement Means and the Internet

12:30 Refreshments

13:00 Continued discussions

14:30 Coffee Break

15:00 Continued discussions

16:30 Conclusion of the discussion for the Day

 Friday, January 29

10:00 (Continued discussions on previous matters, if needed)

11:00 Other matters

12:00 Press release

12:30 Conclusion of the discussion for the Day