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Declaration on the situation in Venezuela

The following countries, members of the Organization of American States (OAS), Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and the United States of America:

Express our profound concern for the serious alteration of the democratic order in Venezuela, the worsening crisis, and the increase in violence.

Call urgently for the absolute respect for human rights, and constitutional order, including the separation of powers, and, in this regard, condemn the attack on the National Assembly and other acts of violence.

Urge the government of Venezuela to suspend the National Constituent Assembly process, which would mean the definitive dismantling of the democratic institutional framework and would run contrary to the popular will expressed in the public consultation on July 16.

Declare our willingness to support initiatives to address the most urgent economic, social, and humanitarian needs, especially the delivery of food and medicines.

Express anew the importance of establishing as soon as possible a group or other facilitation mechanism to support a process of dialogue and negotiation between the government and opposition as a means to contribute to the reestablishment of the democratic order in Venezuela, and to accompany and promote the timely fulfillment of commitments undertaken by the parties.

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