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Statement by Chair of G20 on electoral process in Venezuela

(unofficial translation)

May 21, 2018 - Buenos Aires, Argentina

“The governments of Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Mexico and the United States, taking into account the lack of legitimacy of the Venezuelan electoral process, do not recognize the results of yesterday’s elections, having been organized by an illegitimate authority (National Constitutional Assembly), with political leaders excluded, and without the independent international observers or guarantees required for the process to be accepted as free, fair, transparent and democratic.

The countries making this Declaration understand that this illegitimate election is a clear confirmation of the breakdown of democratic institutions in Venezuela.

Faced with this result, the governments making this Declaration will consider possible political and economic-financial measures sanctioning Maduro’s authoritarian regime, while seeking not to affect the Venezuelan people, the primary victims of this breakdown of democratic institutions in Venezuela.

We reiterate that a solution to the crisis in Venezuela must be reached peacefully and with Venezuelans themselves taking a leading role. The international community must contribute toward that goal, promoting actions and initiatives allowing for the restoration of democracy and respect for human rights in Venezuela.

The humanitarian—social, economic and public health—crisis in Venezuela has worsened and intensified alarmingly, as evidenced by the growing exodus of Venezuelans leaving their country. Over 900,000 Venezuelans have migrated to various countries in our region, and this emergency constitutes a threat to regional stability and security in terms of public health and epidemiology, migrations, food, social issues, education, and more. The countries of the region are working actively, in collaboration with extra-regional partners, to address the severe crisis afflicting a kindred people.

Our governments urge Maduro’s authoritarian regime to end its indifference to the plight of the Venezuelan people, recognize the crisis and, above all, to establish a humanitarian channel allowing for the receipt, without delay, of international aid in the form of the food and medicine that are today so badly needed by the Venezuelan people.”

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