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OSCE Belgrade Conference on the Safety of Journalists

Opening Statement by the Delegation of Canada to the OSCE

March 26, 2015

Madam Chairperson,

Around the world, we are increasingly witnessing attacks on the freedom of speech and freedom of expression. These fundamental freedoms are the founding principles of a democracy. This assault cannot continue unnoticed and unchallenged.  The issue of the safety of journalists must be understood in the broader context of defending these freedoms. As OSCE participating States, we recognized in 1991 and 1994 that “independent media are essential to a free and open society and accountable systems of government, and are of particular importance in safeguarding human rights and fundamental freedoms”. 

Regrettably, violations of these rights and commitments continue to occur in the OSCE region and beyond, including attacks or acts of intimidation on journalists, both online and offline. We are deeply concerned by the censorship, persecution and imprisonment of bloggers and online journalists. Laws and government actions that limit the freedom of expression must be prescribed by law, must be transparent and must be demonstrably justified as reasonable limits in a free and democratic society.

Participating States must also abide by their OSCE commitment to “condemn all attacks on and harassment of journalists and to endeavour to hold those directly responsible for such attacks and harassment accountable”.  In the OSCE Declaration on the terrorist attacks in Paris, the participating States reiterated their intention to defend freedom of expression and of the media. Such commitment must be reflected not only in our response to terrorism, but also in our response to more insidious forms of violence and harassment, notably against female journalists online.

Canada reiterates its support to the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media. We appreciate her engagement in addressing a broad range of issues, including online freedoms, the use of freedom of expression to promote tolerance and understanding in our diverse societies, as well as addressing the serious challenges posed to journalists and free media in the context of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. 

Madam Chairperson,

Canada will continue its efforts to promote and protect freedom of expression and freedom of the media, be it through the UN, through regional organizations such as the OSCE or through groups such as the Online Freedom Coalition.  We look forward to today’s and tomorrow’s discussions.

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