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OSCE Informal High-Level Meeting in Helsinki

Statement by the Delegation of Canada

10 July, 2015

Mr. Chairperson,

Today, we gather at Finlandia Hall to commemorate the OSCE achievements of the past 40 years, from the hope the Helsinki process generated for millions behind the Iron Curtain to the Organization's contributions to post Cold War democratization in Europe.

There is indeed much to celebrate about the OSCE's too often un-heralded work, especially in the field through concrete project implementation with local partners. But we meet today under sombre circumstances, in the context of the most serious security crisis in Europe in decades as a result of Russia's ongoing aggression in Ukraine.

Mr. Chairperson,

Since the end of WWII, Canada has contributed to the establishment of a Euro-Atlantic security architecture that has served us well and continues to do so. Our membership in the OSCE and the commitments we have undertaken with the other 56 participating States of the Organization are an intrinsic part of that architecture, together with our NATO obligations and our strategic partnership with the EU.

In the current crisis, that architecture has not failed us (quite the reverse, in fact), but one of us - the Russian Federation - has failed its fellow OSCE participating States, and first and foremost, Ukraine.

In invading Ukraine and illegally annexing part of its territory, the Russian Federation has blatantly trampled OSCE principles and commitments. But these principles and commitments go much beyond the OSCE as they constitute the hard-won, basic rules of state relations in the 21st century.

Once again, with regrets, we see dividing lines emerging in Europe - this time, between those who respect agreed rules and those who do not.  Trust has disappeared.  And this, at a time when there are so many pressing issues on which international cooperation is required, starting with the fight against terrorism and other transnational threats.

Mr. Chairperson,

As we reflect on the role of the OSCE in the current crisis, we must first acknowledge the crucial work of the Special Monitoring Mission in reporting on the situation on the ground, as it continues to face challenging conditions and access restrictions in eastern Ukraine, and no access to illegally-occupied Crimea despite the fact that its mandate covers the entire territory of Ukraine.

We commend the OSCE institutions for stepping up their monitoring activities and project work to support Ukraine's ambitious reform agenda, in close cooperation with the civil society.  We also appreciate the growing activities of the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine to assist in fostering national dialogue and with capacity-building initiatives.

In this context, we took note of the interim Report of the Panel of Eminent Persons on European Security as a Common Project and of its recommendations related to the OSCE's engagement in Ukraine. The challenges identified largely correspond to our own analysis, but most of the proposed solutions are subject to the emergence of a minimum of common ground.

As the Panel pursues its work, one problem it may wish to address is the relative lack of means to ensure compliance with OSCE commitments, other than political pressure and, in some extreme cases, economic sanctions, with the result that the Organizations's dynamics often reward "spoilers".

In our view, the OSCE can and should continue to operate as a consensus-based organization. But we must ensure that we drive that consensus towards increased respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law in all participating States, and identify ways to offer greater collective resistance when consensus is blocked to protect narrow, unrelated or illegal national positions.

Mr. Chairperson,

As we look to the future, Canada is convinced that the OSCE has a role to play in realising the vision of a common security space from Vancouver to Vladivostock, but for this to happen, trust based on the implementation of our agreed commitments must be re-built.

Thank you.

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