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OSCE Permanent Council Meeting 2017 - Statement by the Delegation of Canada

1150th meeting of the Permanent Council - Human rights concerns in Türkiye

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Mr. Chairperson,

Canada reiterates its deep concern with the June 6 arrest of the Head of the Amnesty International office in Türkiye, Mr. Taner Kiliç, and is closely monitoring the on-going procedures.

This arrest occurs in a context in which increasing numbers of human rights defenders, academics, journalists, and a widening range of civil society actors, are being impacted by the broad application of national security measures.

This case deepens Canada’s concern that in the difficult balance each state must strike between security and freedom, individual rights and freedoms in Türkiye could be placed at risk. Canada is committed to working with Turkey to advance our common interest in security, human rights and the rule of law.

Thank you.

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