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Join the discussion: consulting Canadians and stakeholders on a proposed approach to partnerships in Africa

Current status: Open

This online consultation runs until September 15, 2024.

The Government of Canada is seeking input on the approach for partnerships in Africa currently being developed.

Please read the background information and privacy notice before answering the following questions.

For reasons of confidentiality and security, the submissions and names of contributors to this consultation process will not be released to the public by the Government of Canada.

Join in: How to participate

Send us an email

Send an email to with your ideas or comments to make yourself heard

Participate by mail

Send a letter with your ideas and input to the address in the contact information below

Who is the focus of this consultation?

The Government of Canada invites any interested stakeholder to provide input, including from:

Privacy notice

Please read the privacy notice carefully prior to sending a written submission.

Background information

Africa is a continent of change, aspiration, and renewal that is of growing geopolitical and economic importance on the global stage – a continent with which Canada shares strong people-to-people ties. In this view, and in line with the feminist foreign policy, Canada is reviewing its approach to engaging with African institutions and countries to work towards building a stronger, expanded, and more visible partnership. This approach aims to acknowledge the diversity of the African continent and its subregions, placing an emphasis on mutually beneficial partnerships where Canada can support African-led solutions. The approach will also be informed by Global Affairs Canada’s Action Plan on Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.

Over the past 1.5 years, Canada has undertaken numerous consultations with African and Canadian stakeholders. Thus far, we have heard several common priority areas for Canada, including:

Broad and inclusive engagement

We are launching a final round of consultations to seek the views of the Canadian public and stakeholders on a proposed approach for partnerships in Africa.

We are particularly interested in hearing from Canadians and stakeholders on the proposed priority themes which will guide the creation of future partnerships with African partners. This could include partnerships for:

Of note, the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (AEFA) is currently examining and reporting on Canada’s interests and engagement in Africa. At the same time, the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE) is undertaking a study on Canada’s approach to Africa. Global Affairs Canada has been attentively following and supporting the appearances before these two committees and the proposed approach for partnerships in Africa is directly informed by these ongoing efforts.

Key questions for discussion

The Government of Canada is seeking your input on an approach for partnerships in Africa currently being developed. 

Please read the background information and privacy notice before answering the following questions.

This process will be open until September 15, 2024.

Thank you for your participation.

  1. What are your overall impressions on the proposed priority themes articulated as part of the approach for deepening/further enhancing our partnerships with African partners and institutions?
  2. Are there any aspects of the approach that you believe are particularly strong or weak?
  3. Which peace and security challenges linked to the African continent are top-of-mind for you, and where do you feel there are opportunities for Canada to step up in this space?
  4. How can Global Affairs Canada best leverage economic diplomacy in support of Canadian businesses?
  5. In the international development context, which area of work do you think is most impactful? (i.e., technical and vocational education/training, nutrition, sexual and reproductive health and rights, maternal health, women’s empowerment, smart agriculture etc.)
  6. Is there anything else Canada should consider as it is developing its approach for partnerships in Africa?

Contact information

Pan-Africa Affairs Division
Global Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa ON K1A 0G2

Related links

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