Import Controls and Import Permits

Which Goods are Subject to Import Controls?

Canada has a range of goods over which it imposes import controls. These goods are listed in the Import Control List (ICL) of the Export and Import Permits Act.

Paragraphs 70-73 and 91 of the ICL control Military Goods and Firearms. Paragraph 74 of the ICL controls Chemical Weapons Convention items. Applicants must submit Import Permit a pplications, for these items, to the Export Controls Division. Current policy allows for the waiver of an import permit for goods set out in Para 70, (1), most firearms and their parts, when the items are non-restricted or restricted in legal classification and are destined for sporting or recreational use. All handguns, imported into Canada, require an Import Permit prior to entry. Applicants must use the New Export Controls Online (NEXCOL) system to submit all Arms and Munitions import permit applications. For detailed instructions on how to apply, please see section K.1 of the Export and Brokering Controls Handbook.

For all other types of import permits, please download and complete the Application for Import/Export Permit EXT-1466 (PDF Document, 96 KB) or request the for m directly from the Export Controls Division at 613-996-2387. R egistered brokers, and companies, can submit completed applications on-line via the New Export-Import Controls System (NEICS). Companies may alternatively choose to submit via fax to 613-996-3205. Please direct any enquiries, related to completed applications, to 1-877-808-8838.

Applying for an Import Permit

Global Affairs Canada (GAC) issues Import P ermits , pursuant to import allocations or other import authorizations, in accordance with Import Permit Regulations. GAC deducts permit quantities from the authorization balance . Applicants may obtain a  list of Customs Brokers, having access to New Export Import Controls System (NEICS), from the Trade and Export Controls Bureau (TID). The New Export Controls Online (NEXCOL) system processes Import Permit applications for Arms and Munitions and does not require an intermediary to apply for a permit.

What is required to apply for a permit:

Applications by customs brokers

1. Applicants must have an EIPA file number (formerly EICB file number).

To obtain one, applicants must fill out the form Application for an Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA) File Number (PDF version, 168KB) and provide DFAIT with the following: the applicant's name, title, firm name, address, postal code, telephone number, facsimile number and business number issued by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

The applicant must send the form by facsimile at 613-992-9397. This step is required only once.

2. Applicants must then complete the application form Application for Import/Export Permit EXT-1466 (PDF Document, 96 KB) and provide the following: the EIPA file number; the name of the importer (if the importer is represented by a customs broker, the name and address of the broker must be provided); the supplier's name; the country of origin; the country the product is being imported from; the Canadian port of entry; the shipment date; the proposed entry date and the product code; the quantity and value in Canadian dollars.

Up to three separate products may be entered on the same form. This information will then be submitted into the EICS.

3. A fee will be levied for each permit or certificate issued in accordance with the Export and Import Permits and Certificates Fees Order (Notice to Importers No. 508 dated May 16, 1995). The TCTBB's fee is $15.00 to $31.00 per permit according to the total value of the goods imported. However, brokers may apply additional charges.

4. An individual import permit is required for each shipment.

5. Import permits are normally issued with a validity period of 30 days around the date of arrival specified by importers (5 days prior to it and 24 days after). Under no circumstances will utilization of permits for one quota period be allowed in the next quota period. Requests for import permits will be accepted within 30 days prior to the expected date of arrival of the shipment in Canada.

Applications Not Using a Customs Broker

Applications may be sent directly to Global Affairs Canada either by mail or facsimile. Applicants must fill out the application form Application for Import/Export Permit EXT-1466 (PDF Document, 96 KB). However, permits will not be issued unless the applications are accompanied by a cheque for the amount corresponding to the total value of the goods (as set out in Column III of the import permit fee schedule in paragraph 2 of Notice to Importers No. 508 dated May 16, 1995), made out to the Receiver General for Canada, for each permit requested. Applicants may also ask to be put on a monthly billing system. Once payment has been confirmed, issued permits will be delivered to the requestor using the method identified on the application.

For more information on the monthly billing system, please contact Global Affairs Canada's Accounts Receivables officer at 613-944-2496 or by facsimile at 613-995-0725.

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