Notice to Importers

Dairy – Introduction of a Domestic Market Shortage Policy for Cream

On August 30, 2016, the Minister of International Trade introduced a pilot domestic market shortage policy for cream that sets out clear criteria for the assessment of supplement import authorization requests submitted as a result of temporary domestic supply shortages. The Government’s objective in introducing this pilot policy is to create a predictable environment for the Canadian dairy industry to overcome challenges during a time of unprecedented growth in consumer demand for dairy products, as well as for products using butter or cream as ingredients. The Government will monitor the impact of the policy on Canada’s dairy sector over the coming months.

Supplemental import authorizations for cream for manufacturing purposes applied for under the policy will normally be issued only in situations where the Government of Canada is of the opinion that:

  1. the impact on the national industrial milk production quota will be minimal;
  2. the issuance would result in growth in the national dairy market; and
  3. the issuance would not provide the applicant with access to supply at a price below domestic price levels.      

A copy of the policy can be found on the Department’s website at Notice to Importers – Serial No. 882 - Dairy - Domestic Market Shortage Policy - Supplemental Imports (Item 117.1 on the Import Control List).

Further information regarding this policy can be found at: Frequently Asked Questions

If you require additional information, please contact Hugues Leroux of the Trade Controls Policy Division at or 343-203-4370.