Peanut butter

In accordance with its commitments under the WTO, the United States established a TRQ for imports of peanut butter in 1995. Canadian exporters have access to a 14,500,000 kilogram country-specific reserve within the US import TRQ, for products meeting the agreement’s rules of origin (i.e. manufactured in Canada). Below you will find information on the administration of Canada's export controls on those commodities. In particular, the Notices to Exporters detail the policies and practices of the Department and which products are covered.

With the entry into force of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), Canada’s preferential access provided in the over-access tariff rate for peanut butter is being phased out through six equal annual cuts (the last on January 1, 2025). To qualify for preferential access, the products must satisfy the applicable rules of origin under CUSMA, whereby the peanuts used to manufacture peanut butter must be wholly obtained or produced in the free trade area, which means Canada, the U.S. or Mexico. Products not meeting this CUSMA rule of origin and imported in volumes in excess of the WTO TRQ will continue to be subject to the U.S. over-quota Most Favoured Nation tariff rate of 131.8%.

U.S./Canada data reconciliation

Quota holders' lists