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Canada-Czechia relations

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Bilateral relations 

Canada and Czechia have a friendly and positive bilateral relationship, strengthened by our shared values and commitments as NATO allies. The warm welcome offered by Canada to Czechoslovak political refugees in 1948 and 1968, steadfast support for dissidents throughout the Communist period, and support by Canada in the early 1990s, when Czechia was quickly modernizing, also strengthened the bilateral relationship. Canadian and Czech troops work and train side-by-side in the Canada-led NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) battlegroup in Latvia. 

Canada received multiple waves of Czechoslovak immigration before and after the two World Wars. There are now more than 100,000 Canadians with some Czech heritage.

Canada and Czechia regularly cooperate in multilateral organizations, based on common values and approaches on issues such as support for human rights and democracy. Both countries are also members of the Media Freedom Coalition. Czechia has endorsed the Canada-led Declaration Against Arbitrary Detention in State-to-State Relations.

Bilateral agreements

Canada and Czechia have agreements in respect to foreign investment protection, youth mobility, social security, mutual assistance on criminal matters and facilitation of legal proceedings, cooperation on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and the avoidance of double taxation.

Trade relations

Merchandise exports from Canada to Czechia were $225.1 million in 2023, down 6% from 2022. Exports were led by consumer goods which accounted for 26.4% of the total. Imports from Czechia were $999.7 million in 2023, up 2.7% from 2022. Imports were led by electronic and electrical equipment and parts which accounted for 25.5% of the total.

In 2023, the stock of Canadian direct investment in Czechia was valued at $398 million. The stock of direct investment from Czechia in Canada was valued at $385 million.

In 2022, Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) from Czechia employed 557 people through their affiliates in Canada, a decrease of 37.4% from the previous year. In 2021, Canadian MNEs employed 4,073 people through their affiliates in Czechia, a decrease of 37.4% from the previous year; sales were $1.6 billion, down 22.7% (Source: Statistics Canada).

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Security and defence cooperation

Canada was one of the first countries to support Czechia’s accession to NATO in 1999, which led to closer defence cooperation, including through joint participation in the NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan.

Today, in support of NATO defence and deterrence operations, Czechia deploys support personnel and an electronic warfare element to the Canada-led NATO battlegroup in Latvia.

Partnerships and organizations

To develop effective responses to today’s most pressing global challenges, Canada and Czechia work closely in multilateral forums, such as:

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