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Canada-Georgia relations

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Bilateral relations

Canada and Georgia enjoy friendly relations. Canada has noted the progress that Georgia has made in strengthening its democratic institutions. Canada remains steadfast in its support for Georgian territorial integrity and sovereignty within its internationally recognized borders and supports the Geneva International Discussions as the best mechanism for dialogue over the breakaway territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

The Embassy of Canada to Turkey, in Ankara, represents Canada in Georgia. Since 2011, Canada is also represented by an honorary consul in Tbilisi, Georgia. Georgia is represented in Canada by its embassy in Ottawa.

Trade and investments

In 2020, two-way merchandise trade totalled $51 million. Canadian merchandise exports totalled $29.7 million while imports from Georgia added up to $21.7 million. The stock of Canadian portfolio investment in Georgia was $87 million.

Export and investment opportunities for Canadian companies in this market exist in hydropower, energy, Information and Communications Technology (ICT), agriculture and agri-business, mining, and property development. Export Development Canada has memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia to further promote economic relations between Canada and Georgia.

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Following Georgia’s August 2008 conflict with Russia, Canada committed to humanitarian assistance and a joint funding project with the United States, establishing and expanding the Explosive Remnants of War Coordination Center in Georgia.


Canada is a strong supporter of Georgia’s eventual membership in NATO. In 2014, NATO allies agreed on the Substantial NATO‑Georgia Package, measures that will help Georgia strengthen its defence and interoperability with NATO forces, and further its preparations toward membership in NATO.

Georgia has been part of Canada's Military Training and Cooperation Program (MTCP) since 2012. The MTCP offers bilateral development assistance programs to developing non-NATO countries. Among other objectives, the MTCP aims to:

The three pillars of the MTCP program are language training, staff training and professional development, and peace support operations training. Georgia was the largest non-NATO troop contributor to the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, providing over 1,500 troops until the mission concluded in 2014.

Partnerships and organizations

To develop effective responses to today’s most pressing global challenges, Canada and Georgia work closely in multilateral fora, such as:

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