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Canada-Haiti relations

Security situation in Haiti

Learn about Canada's response to the crisis in Haiti.

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Bilateral relations

Canada and Haiti officially established diplomatic relations in 1954 and have continued to maintain strong ties ever since. Over the years, their relationship has been strengthened by their geographical proximity, a common language (French), the growth of a substantial Haitian community in Canada (~165,000) and the ongoing presence of Canadian organizations in Haiti. In addition to its embassy in Ottawa, the Republic of Haiti also has a consulate general in Montréal, as well as an honorary consulate in Toronto. The current Haitian Ambassador to Canada, Wien Weibert Arthus, has held office in Canada since November 30, 2020.

Canada has been highly engaged with Haiti for decades to promote security, stability, democracy and sustainable development and has been working with the international community to advance these priorities through vehicles like the United Nations, the Organization of American States, La Francophonie, and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Canada also chairs the United Nations Economic and Social Council’s Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti. More information on further avenues of collaboration can be found at Partnerships and organizations.

For nearly 30 years, Canada has contributed to stabilization and reconstruction efforts. Strengthening the security sector and restoring the rule of law in Haiti is a key Canadian priority and in March 2023, Prime Minister Trudeau announced $100 million in new funding to support directly the Haitian National Police. Following this announcement, in June 2023, Minister Joly announced the establishment of an international security assistance coordination group to leverage and coordinate international efforts to address critical needs of the Haitian security sector and the Haitian National Police. In February 2024, Canada announced that it will provide $80.5 million in funding to the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission.

Canada has also imposed sanctions on individuals who are fueling instability and violence in Haiti under the Special Economic Measures Act and has implemented the UN Security Council sanctions regime on Haiti (UN resolution S/RES/2653 (2022)). These activities are coordinated with Canada’s allies to support Haitian authorities in restoring law and order.

Recently, Canada has also strived to promote a political dialogue in Haiti that would lead to an inclusive agreement between key Haitian stakeholders and pave the way for free and fair elections; some of these actions have taken place during the North American Leaders’ Summit, the CARICOM’s Heads of Government bi-annual meeting and the Canada-CARICOM Summit in Ottawa in October 2023 and more recently on March 11, 2024.

Trade relations

The bilateral trade relationship between Canada and Haiti remains modest. In November 2023, bilateral merchandise trade totaled $166.2 million: $120.4 million in Canadian exports to Haiti (mainly agri-food, automobile and machinery sectors) an increase of 23.1% since 2022; $45.8 million in imports from Haiti (mostly textile and fish and seafood products), a decrease of 25.3% compared to 2022. Bilateral trade in services is still modest (official statistics not available).

Commercial opportunities for businesses, including Canadian companies, are real and open. The country’s heavy dependence on imports (approximately USD $5.2 billion in 2021) offers outlets for Canadian products. The country’s shortfall in terms of access to electricity is significant and renewable energies are underused. Lack of expertise in many sectors is driving a high demand for services.

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Security, development and humanitarian assistance

Since the 2010 earthquake, the Government of Canada has provided over $2 billion worth of funding to Haiti. Canada is the second-largest bilateral donor to Haiti after the United States.

The Government of Canada’s priorities are consistent with the action areas in Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy and Haiti’s National Development Plan (Plan stratégique de développement d’Haïti [PDF in French only]).

Canada is deeply concerned about the impact of expanding gang control on Haiti’s stability.

Since 2022, Canada has committed more than $400 million in development, humanitarian and security assistance to Haiti in health, education, governance, security, justice, food security, economic growth, and climate change.

This also includes $13 million in humanitarian assistance in 2023 mainly focusing on  food and nutrition water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, and protection, particularly in response to gender-based violence. This funding aims to respond to the most pressing needs of crisis-affected Haitians to support longer-term development that addresses the root causes of Haiti’s fragility.

Canadian assistance has also helped strengthen the Haitian national border police, POLIFRONT along the land border with the Dominican Republic.

Global Affairs Canada also focuses on reducing community violence, strengthening the rule of law, and including women in policing and political life in Haiti.

To find out what Canada is doing to support development, stabilization, and humanitarian needs in Haiti, you can search in the Project Browser.

Targeted sanctions

Canada has also imposed sanctions to a total of 31 members of the Haitian elite, in addition to coordinated sanctions with its international partners.

Partnerships and organizations

To develop effective responses to today’s most pressing global challenges, Canada and Haiti work closely in multilateral forums, such as:

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