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Canada-Malawi relations

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Bilateral relations

Canada established diplomatic relations with Malawi in 1973. However, Canada has provided international assistance to Malawi since the latter’s independence in 1964. Canada’s Embassy based in Harare, Zimbabwe, is accredited to Malawi. Malawi maintains its diplomatic relations with Canada from its High Commission in Washington, D.C.

Canada and Malawi maintain positive relations anchored in development cooperation and our Commonwealth ties.

Trade relations

In 2021, two-way merchandise trade between Canada and Malawi totaled $5.8 million, consisting of $4.8 million in exports from Canada and $1 million in imports from Malawi.

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International assistance

The majority of Canada’s assistance is channelled through regional multilateral organizations or is implemented by Canadian and international non-governmental organizations in partnership with Malawian local organizations. Canada’s programming in Malawi focuses on issues of human dignity, particularly supporting projects regarding maternal, newborn and child health. In response to Cyclones Idai and Kenneth, that stuck the country in March/April 2019, Canada provided $2.5 million in humanitarian assistance funding to UN agencies, the Red Cross Movement, and non-governmental organizations. Through these partners, Canada helped to provide access to emergency food rations, safe water and sanitation services, and healthcare to affected communities.


Canada has a solid long-standing working relationship with the Malawi Defence Force through the Military Training Cooperation Program (MTCP). Since 1976, 171 Malawian officers have benefited from MTCP training. With the help of Canadian funding, the Malawian Ministry of Defence opened a Peace Support Training Centre on Lake Malawi in 2012. The centre caters to Malawi’s national training needs and the needs of the Southern African Development Community.

Partnerships and organizations

To develop effective responses to today’s most pressing global challenges, Canada and Malawi work closely in multilateral fora, such as:

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