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Canada-New Zealand relations

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Bilateral relations

New Zealand is an important, like-minded partner for Canada on a broad range of issues, including security and defence; international trade; counterterrorism; human rights and humanitarian policy; Indigenous issues; international fisheries and oceans governance; and culture.

New Zealand has a strong commitment to multilateralism and the rules-based international order, and is one of the first countries to which Canada turns when seeking support for priorities in the United Nations (UN); the Commonwealth; the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum; and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum. These close links are further strengthened under the informal Canada-Australia-New Zealand (CANZ) co-operation arrangement within the UN.

In New Zealand, Canada is represented by the High Commission of Canada in Wellington. Canada also has a Consulate/Trade Office in Auckland. New Zealand is represented in Canada by a High Commission in Ottawa and a Consulate General in Vancouver.

Canada formally established diplomatic relations with the Cook Islands and Niue, both self-governing states in free association with New Zealand, through the formal exchange of diplomatic notes in 2023.

As a major player in the South Pacific, New Zealand assists Canada in understanding regional developments and providing practical support, as Canada does reciprocally in the Caribbean and Africa, where New Zealand has limited representation.

New Zealand’s Māori and Canada’s First Nations and Inuit Peoples share a special relationship and are engaged in a broad range of business and cultural exchanges.

About 7,800 people who live in New Zealand were born in Canada according to the 2018 New Zealand census, while 17,755 people who live in Canada claimed ethnic origin from New Zealand according to the 2021 Canadian census.

Canadian and New Zealand institutions have numerous MOUs in the area of academic and student mobility. In 2023, there were 175 study permit holders from New Zealand in Canada.

Trade relations

New Zealand is a reliable and complementary trade partner for Canada, and the two countries cooperate closely in multilateral trade negotiations and the Cairns group of agricultural exporters. In 2023, bilateral merchandise trade between Canada and New Zealand totaled $1.5 billion. Canadian exports to New Zealand were valued at $459 million, and top exports were machinery, fertilizers, electrical and electronic machinery and equipment, aircrafts and parts, and food by-products. Imports were valued at $1 billion and top imports were meat, beverages, dairy & related, machinery, and fruits and nuts. Bilateral services trade in 2022 was valued at $459 million, with Canadian exports accounting for $319 million of that total.

In 2023, Canadian direct investment into New Zealand totalled $844 million whereas New Zealand’s foreign direct investment into Canada was $713 million.

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Partnerships and organizations

To develop effective responses to today’s most pressing global challenges, Canada and New Zealand work closely in multilateral fora and through initiatives such as:

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