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Canada-Uzbekistan relations

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Bilateral relations

Canada established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Uzbekistan in 1992. Canada is represented in the Republic of Uzbekistan through the Embassy of Canada to Russia, in Moscow and a Consulate headed by an Honorary Consul in Tashkent. Uzbekistan is represented in Canada through its Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Trade relations

Uzbekistan has successfully implemented a first wave of major economic reforms since early 2017. These include foreign exchange liberalization and tax reforms. Further plans include an ambitious trade and investment agenda. Strengthening ties in commercial investment holds great potential for our bilateral relations with Uzbekistan. Canada’s exports to Uzbekistan were $6.3 million in 2018. These exports were mostly chemical products, nuclear reactor machinery and parts, as well as electric machinery. In 2018, Canadian imports from Uzbekistan came in at almost $700,000. Our imports consisted mainly of fruits, nuts, and oil seeds, as well as aluminium products.

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Partnerships and organizations

To develop effective responses to today’s most pressing global challenges, Canada and Uzbekistan work closely in multilateral fora, such as:

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