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Canada supports the fight against human trafficking in Colombia

The Embassy of Canada in Colombia is pleased to announce Government of Canada support to Lawyers Without Borders Canada (ASFC) and the Office of the Colombian Ombudsperson for Human Rights (Defensoria del Pueblo) for a new project to combat the crime of human trafficking in Colombia.

Through a Cdn$1.1 million contribution from Global Affairs Canada’s Anti-Crime Capacity Building Programme, the “No More Trafficking” project will focus on strengthening the capacity of the Ombudsperson's Office and justice actors involved in the fight against human trafficking in Colombia.  The aim is to promote respect for the rights of victims and potential victims of human trafficking in different regions of the country, including in border regions.

"I am proud to work with the Ombudsperson's Office for Human Rights, a key institution for the promotion and protection of human rights in Colombia, and ASFC who have a long history of supporting access to justice by victims of the conflict" said Canadian Ambassador to Colombia Marcel Lebleu, who launched the project on April 8, 2021.  In Colombia, Canada is concerned for the victims, mostly women and children, including migrants and refugees from Venezuela who are victims of this terrible crime” he added.

Canada strongly supports efforts to combat human trafficking, and this new project exemplifies Canada's commitment.

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