Seven grassroots organizations will work on inclusive governance, democracy, peace, and environmental projects with the support of the CFLI
Bogotá, July 17, 2023 - The Embassy of Canada to Colombia has selected the winning projects for the 2023‑2024 call of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI). Seven organizations with local impact were selected for this period, which will receive financial support of between 25,000 and 49,000 Canadian dollars for the implementation of the projects presented. For the 2023‑2024 period, the Fund will have a total of US$270,000 available to finance these local projects.
This year, the Fund's call for proposals prioritized three thematic areas in line with the priorities of Canadian cooperation in Colombia: inclusive governance, including diversity and inclusion of LGBTIQ+ groups, democracy, human rights and rule of law; peace and security, with a focus on conflict prevention and peacebuilding; and environment and climate action, with a focus on adaptation and mitigation, as well as water management.
"We are very happy to support these projects, the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives allows us to reach more grassroots organizations, which are in the regions and with their daily work are transforming the reality of their communities; we hope to contribute to their work, and jointly contribute to the promotion of inclusive governance; peace and security; and the restoration of Colombia's ecosystems," said the Canadian Ambassador, Marianick Tremblay.
The Ambassador also thanked the more than 800 applicant organizations and invited them to continue working together for Colombia and to apply for future FCIL calls and other Canadian initiatives in the country.
The following are the winning projects for the year 2023‑2024, which were selected by an evaluation committee of the Canadian Embassy:
1. Fundación Bosque Colombo Amazónico
Project name: Increase the resilience to climate change of 300 families of the Kankuamo indigenous community through the implementation of an integrated water management plan with a gender-based approach.
Amount financed: Can$25,000
Impact area: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Kankuamo indigenous territory.
2. Asociación Centro de Alternativas al Desarrollo (Cealdes)
Project name: Strengthening of the governance mosaics of the indigenous communities living near the Amazon River by promoting inter-institutional dialogues, exchanges of regional conservation experiences, community advocacy actions, and strengthening local initiatives for the care of ecosystems.
Amount financed: Can$42,000
Impact area: Leticia and Puerto Nariño, Amazonas, Colombia.
3. Coalición contra la vinculación de niños, niñas y jóvenes al conflicto armado en Colombia (COALICO) (Coalition against the involvement of children and youth in the armed conflict in Colombia)
Project name: Strengthening the capacity of civil society to monitor serious violations against children and adolescents and promote actions to prevent their involvement in armed conflict and related violence.
Amount financed: Can$42,000
Impact area: Antioquia, Arauca, Cauca, Norte de Santander, Valle del Cauca, Chocó, Córdoba, Meta, Guaviare, Nariño, Putumayo, Bogotá and Soacha in Cundinamarca.
4. Fundación Social NAKAMA
Project name: Peace with diversity for the transformation of northern Tolima.
Amount financed: Can$40,000
Area of impact: Líbano, Tolima, Colombia
5. Corporación Regional para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos - CREDHOS (Regional Corporation for the Defense of Human Rights)
Project name: Strengthening the work of protecting the environment and water sources and legal support for peasant organizations, environmental leaders, Afro-Colombian population and fishermen in the municipalities of the Magdalena Medio region.
Amount financed: Can$42,000
Impact area: Barrancabermeja, Cantagallo, Cimitarra, Puerto Wilches, San Pablo and Yondó (Middle Magdalena Region, Colombia).
6. Fundación Red Somos
Name of Project: Truth and Democracy Come Out of the Closet
Amount financed: Can$37,000
Impact area: Orito, Putumayo; Popayán, Cauca; El Carmen de Bolívar, Bolívar; Bogotá Region: Bosa-Usme-Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá DC and Soacha, Cundinamarca.
7. ILSA - Instituto Latinamericano para una sociedad y un derecho alternativos (Latin American Institute for an Alternative Society and Alternative Law)
Project name: Territorial peace is consolidated with women.
Amount financed: Can$42,000
Area of impact: Municipalities of Dabeiba and Mutatá, Antioquia, Colombia.
Balance Canada Fund Local Initiatives 2022‑2023
During 2022‑2023, nine projects were developed within the framework of the CFLI. Two projects focused specifically on women's political participation, which were especially relevant given the electoral situation in Colombia in the 2022‑2023 period. In terms of scope, the Artemisas project had a nationwide impact through the participation of 50 young women from different regions, and the second project with the National Women's Network had an impact in Cauca and Montes de María, two vulnerable regions affected by the armed conflict. In the area of economic growth, the CFLI supported the development of local production lines, such as Saccha inchi snacks with the Arhuaco indigenous people of Pueblo Bello (Cesar) and the University of Santander; honey and organic wheat with the farmers of Socotá (Boyacá) and Envolvert, and other urban enterprises led by women in Popayán with Edupaz. In Chocó, a region particularly affected by the armed conflict, Fundación La Paz developed a project that worked with 240 adolescents to prevent teenage pregnancies and prevent them from participating in violent activities or recruitment by armed groups. In Buenaventura, a territory extremely affected by the conflict, PARES strengthened 50 women in tools for peace and self-care. Two additional projects were developed by Venezuelan organizations working in Colombia: Fundación Nueva Ilusión and Venezolanos por Decisión. These projects had a great impact on the dignity and health of the migrant population in Colombia. We congratulate all of our 2022‑2023 partners for their invaluable work on behalf of their communities and Colombia.
About the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
The CFLI is a program designed to support small-scale, high-impact projects that align with Global Affairs Canada's priority thematic areas in 120 countries around the world. The program is aimed at projects conceived and designed by local organizations. Projects are selected and approved by the Canadian Embassy in Colombia. The CFLI also contributes to supporting bilateral relations between Canada and Colombia and its civil society, deepening relations and supporting local efforts.
For more information, please contact:
Sharon Hernandez
Public Affairs Officer, Embassy of Canada to Colombia
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