Statistical Report on International Assistance — by Country Spending

These data sets represent statistics on Canada's assistance disbursed by country, by fiscal year. This data is produced as part of the Government of Canada's annual Statistical Report on International Assistance and corresponds to figures presented in Section D of the report, where international assistance expenditures are broken down by channel and recipient. Given that the data covers all Canadian international assistance spending, it includes both official development assistance (ODA) as per the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act and other official assistance from all levels of government (federal, provincial and municipal).

Keep in mind:

  • The figures are prepared on the fiscal-year basis adopted by the Government of Canada (April 1 to March 31)
  • The data includes total international assistance both ODA and non-ODA
  • All figures are presented in Canadian dollars
  • Details presented in the tables may not add up to exact totals due to rounding errors

For more information on terms and abbreviations used in the data files, please consult the complete Canada’s International Assistance Data.

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Both data sets bellow (A and B) represent "by country spending". The figures provided in both data sets are identical. Data set A is structured for easier import into statistical database programs, while data set B is presented in a sample table. Data set A, in a stacked format, is to be used in conjunction with the two files titled "Recipients" and "Sources" for better understanding of the data.