What we heard report – Shaping the Partnership for Gender Equality

On May 25, 2018, the Government of Canada announced its commitment to contribute up to $300 million to establish a unique and innovative partnership – the Partnership for Gender Equality – with the philanthropic community, private sector and civil society to catalyse new investments and unprecedented levels of financial resources to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in developing countries. The Government of Canada recognizes the funding gap that exists for women’s rights organizations and women’s movements internationally. We also are aware of the need to establish cross-sector partnerships to advance Agenda 2030 to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Thank you for taking part in a series of targeted roundtable discussions held by Global Affairs Canada in four cities across the country to assist in the design and development of the Partnership for Gender Equality (“the Partnership”). Find out below what you – our partners in Canada – had to say about this new Partnership in this “What We Heard” report.

Priorities and issues

Global Affairs Canada produced a Framework Discussion Paper outlining a number of key elements to help guide the roundtable discussions around the design and development of the Partnership. Roundtable participants were asked to focus on key questions related to the Partnership’s potential programming elements, institutional arrangements and governance and investment functions. Participants had much to share and Global Affairs Canada welcomed their perspectives, including messages of support for the overall platform, as well as advice on how to make it work.

Here are the main highlights

We heard eight themes during our discussions with you:

  1. Innovation & practicality. Overall, participants were enthusiastic about the Partnership’s innovative approach and cross-sector collaboration; however, participants also expressed concern about the challenges faced by housing the proposed functions of the Partnership within a single platform.
  2. Focus on enabling outcomes. Participants emphasized the need for the Partnership to always hold at the forefront the ultimate goal of supporting the transformation of systems and structures of power in order to advance true gender equality.
  3. Engage local-level actors in grant-making decisions. Participants affirmed that one of the key principles or values of the Partnership should be local-level empowerment, with grant-making decisions devolved as close to local partners as possible. The Partnership should not itself engage in operational delivery but rather fund existing organizations, funds and movements operating in an inclusive and collaborative manner.
  4. Build and leverage capacity. Participants called for the Partnership to build and leverage existing capacity and programs using grant and non-grant instruments aimed at advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in developing countries, while also including support for advocacy efforts and mutual learning opportunities.
  5. Apply a feminist approach to governance functions. Participants expressed strong support for the Partnership to be governed by and operated on feminist principles with participatory and flexible governance structures as well as decentralized decision-making.
  6. Ensure financial self-sustainability. Participants noted that the ideal investment mechanism of the Partnership should be able to attract donors and social impact investors, preferably gender-smart investors, and able to lead fund-sustaining investment strategies.
  7. Targeted Donor Management. Participants made it clear that the Partnership should avoid competing with other donor-seeking organizations and create net-new donor funding for the Partnership, in ways that resonate with potential partners, including the philanthropic community.
  8. “Canadian Window”. Participants emphasized a strong interest in including a Canadian window as part of the Partnership, in response to the broader Sustainable Development Goals.

How we reached out and how you responded

We conducted four targeted stakeholder roundtable discussions in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver, engaging more than eighty stakeholders. All targeted stakeholder discussions were informed by the Government of Canada’s Framework Discussion Paper on Establishing Canada’s New Partnership for Gender Equality. Each roundtable discussion was organized into small discussion groups to tackle one of the three key question areas outlined in the paper.

We also asked our stakeholders to tell us what is most positively energizing about the Partnership and to give us their top three pieces of advice for its success. This information was captured on individual forms we handed out to participants at the discussions. Global Affairs Canada was encouraged by the discussions and level of engagement of stakeholders.

Programming and grant-making functions

As noted in the Framework Discussion Paper, in 2014, only 8% (USD836 million) of gender equality focused aid earmarked for civil society went directly to civil society organizations in developing countries. In addition, only 2% (USD192 million) of this went directly to women’s rights organizations in the global North and South combined. Participants agreed that the Partnership’s grant-making function should specifically help address the funding gap faced by women’s rights organizations, funds and movements in developing countries. Participants also recommended that the Partnership build on existing research, data and analysis concerning gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, specifically that which enables a systems-view of socio-economic determinants of gender inequality. Global Affairs Canada heard strong messaging about the need to not ‘reinvent the wheel’ but build on existing successes at the local level, and aim to support advocacy efforts and partnerships across and between the local, regional and national levels. Additionally, participants strongly encouraged that results measurement requirements not cripple movement and that the indicators are placed on a properly balanced set of enabling and ultimate outcomes.

Details of what we heard

On the issue of grant-making, Global Affairs Canada heard that the Partnership should:

On the topic of programming decisions, Global Affairs Canada heard that the Partnership should:

Institutional arrangements and governance functions

In the Framework Document, Global Affairs Canada considers that the Partnership should have an oversight mechanism that would include monitoring, reporting and evaluation functions, including the tracking of Official Development Assistance (ODA)-eligible funding by the Partnership, impact assessments of results achieved, and the use of gender-sensitive or feminist approaches to evaluation. Its governance structure would have as a central component due diligence and fiduciary risk-monitoring and management of investments and funding. Participants recognized the very real challenges in balancing the innovative nature of the Partnership with existing legal and legislative restrictions and raised the importance of ensuring that there would be minimal barriers to opening up truly innovative partnership opportunities. Partners also expressed a preference for the Partnership to be at arm’s length from the Government of Canada.

Details of what we heard

On the institutional structure of the Partnership, Global Affairs Canada heard that the Partnership should:

On the topic of governance, leadership, management and culture, Global Affairs Canada heard that:

Investment function

Participants expressed strong support for the unique and innovative vision of the Partnership. Some participants noted that community foundations across Canada are embracing the Sustainable Development Goals and are ready to establish new partnerships to achieve them. Participants recognized that new financial investments are required to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in developing countries. Participants also recognized the importance of the Partnership being set up in a way that would make it financially self-sustaining. Some participants expressed concern about the challenges faced by housing all of the proposed functions of the Partnership in one platform. Another common theme was that the ideal investment mechanism should attract donors and social impact investors, preferably gender-smart investors, and be able to lead fund-sustaining investment strategies.

Details of what we heard

On the issue of how to attract new money, Global Affairs Canada heard that:

On the topic of risk appetite and risk management, Global Affairs Canada heard that:

Moving forward

We were pleased and encouraged by the high level of engagement during this exercise and will continue to engage leading up to the Women Deliver 2019 conference.

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