Norman Hillmer

Norman Hillmer is Professor of History and International Affairs at Carleton University. He was a gold medalist in his graduating year at the University of Toronto and received his doctorate from Cambridge University, where he studied under Professor Nicholas Mansergh and held Commonwealth, Canada Council, IODE, and Mackenzie King scholarships. Dr. Hillmer was Visiting Professor of Modern Commonweath History at Leeds University, 1978-1979, and from 1981 to 1990 Senior Historian at the Department of National Defence, working primarily on the multi-volume official history of the Royal Canadian Air Force. His 28 books and numerous articles concentrate on themes in politics, diplomacy, peacekeeping and defence, and immigration. He is the author of “Negotiating Freer Trade: The United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and the Trade Agreements of 1938”, with Ian M. Drummond, and “Canada’s International Policies: Agendas, Alternatives, and Politics” (with Brian W. Tomlin and Fen Osler Hampson), as well three books with J. L. Granatstein: “For Better or for Worse: Canada and the United States into the Twenty-First Century”; “Empire to Umpire: Canada and the World into the Twenty-First Century”; and “Prime Ministers”, a national bestseller. From 1997 to 2000, Dr. Hillmer was coeditor, with Margaret MacMillan, of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs publication, “International Journal”; he was then coeditor, 2000–2004, of the “Canada Among Nations” series of the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton. His work has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, French, Russian, and Swedish, and he has won several teaching, publishing and research prizes, including the Canada–Japan Prime Minister’s Award and, twice, the Marston LaFrance Research Fellowship. Professor Hillmer is currently completing a biography of Dr. O.D. Skelton.

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