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Evaluation of CIDA's Honduras Program from 2002 to 2010

In 2002, CIDA identified Honduras as a country prioritized for Canadian official development assistance. By 2010, CIDA's Honduras Program had disbursed $134.5 million dollars, fostering Honduran ownership of development initiatives at the local, regional, and central levels.

Why conduct this evaluation?

The purpose of this evaluation is to contribute to program improvement and to assess both the program's performance and delivery mechanisms between 2002 and 2010. The evaluation sampled 26 projects, representing $40 million dollars of total funding.

What did the evaluation find?

The evaluation found a highly relevant and effective program that implemented successful health and food security projects, contributing to CIDA and Honduran aims for poverty reduction.

More discussion and consultation among Canadian stakeholders can help improve the program's lower levels of coherence.

What is next for the Honduras Program?

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