Management Response to the Evaluation of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) International Assistance Program (2012/13 ‑ 2018/19)

PDF Version (400 KB) SummaryFinal report

Note: Target completion dates are tentative due to COVID‑19.

Recommendation 1

The DRC Program should establish a multi-year planning mechanism for bilateral programming in the DRC. This mechanism would be informed by updated analysis of the context, of the causes and factors of conflict, of the actors involved, and of Canada's positioning in the DRC. The DRC Program should also explore ways to respond more quickly to emerging needs in the context of fragility and conflict in the DRC.


Partially Accepted: The DRC Bilateral Development Program multi‑year planning is informed by key strategic programming resources that include the Vision Statement and responds to the local context and to Canada’s international assistance priorities. The DRC Bilateral Program will ensure that its Investment Plan is informed by ongoing conflict and fragility analysis.


The Program will develop a strategic program‑level logic model, performance‑measurement framework and a multi‑year investment plan to guide Global Affairs Canada (GAC) multi‑year programming in the DRC.

The Program will undertake conflict analysis to better inform and guide bilateral programming in the DRC.

The Program will participate in intradepartmental meetings to identify flexible and rapid response mechanisms to respond to emerging needs in the DRC.

Responsibility Centre


Target Completion Date

Q2 FY 2020‑21

Recommendation 2

The DRC Program, in consultation with Global Issues and Development (MFM), Peace and Stabilization Operations Program (PSOPs), and Partnerships for Development Innovation (KFM), should identify options to enable Canada to further engage in the triple nexus process taking place in the DRC under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) Joint Office.


Accepted: The DRC Bilateral Program will ensure greater engagement in the UN triple nexus process, which includes continued policy dialogue and humanitarian, development and peacebuilding activities.


The DRC Program, in consultation with MFM, PSOPS and KFM, will identify a pilot project (funded by Canada) as part of the UN Joint Office‑led triple nexus process in one of the following priority areas for Canada’s international assistance: sexual and reproductive health and rights or preventing gender-based violence.

In collaboration with the UN Joint Office, the DRC Program will convene a meeting with partners to advance nexus coordination and policy dialogue.

Responsibility Centre

WWC in collaboration with IFM, KFM and MFM

Target Completion Date

Q4 FY 2020‑21

Recommendation 3

The DRC Program should lead a joint reflection with MFM and KFM on the direction of Canada's engagement in the health sector in the DRC taking into consideration its different programming and policy dialogue channels.


Accepted: The Program agrees with this recommendation and will lead a health sector analysis with KFM and MFM to better inform programming and policy dialogue.


The Program will complete a health sector analysis report for the DRC to better inform future programming and policy dialogue.

Responsibility Centre

WWC in collaboration with KFM and MFM

Target Completion Date

Q3 FY 2020‑21

Recommendation 4

The DRC Program at headquarters and the mission should build the necessary capacity (or optimize the use of existing resources) to better integrate a fragility lens into programming choices and their implementation, and to enable Canada to better play its role in the DRC as a conflict‑ and fragility‑sensitive donor with a strong humanitarian commitment.


Accepted: DRC Bilateral Program staff and at mission will access resources to better integrate conflict and fragility analysis into programming and policy dialogue.


The DRC Program’s staff will participate in the Canadian Foreign Service Institute’s training (Introduction to Conflict Analysis and Fragile and Conflict Affected Situations: Policy Framework and Options), and use the following conflict analysis tool to ensure that a fragility lens is being applied in program-management decisions:

Responsibility Centre


Target Completion Date

Q4 FY 2020‑21

Recommendation 5

PSOPs, in collaboration with the DRC Program, should identify and formalize modalities for providing targeted technical support to the DRC Program, to assist in better integrating a conflict and fragility lens in programming. This should be done by taking into consideration PSOPs’ budgetary and human resource constraints when it comes to supporting non‑priority countries such as the DRC.


Accepted: IFM (PSOPS) is committed to working with the DRC program to better integrate a conflict and fragility lens in its programming.


IFM (PSOPS) will identify and formalize modalities (e.g. technical support) at various stages of the program/project cycle to support the integration of a conflict and fragility lens.

Responsibility Centre

IFM (PSOPs/IRZ) in collaboration with WWC

Target Completion Date

Q4 FY 2020‑21

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