Management Response and Action Plan (MRAP): Evaluation of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (2014-15 to 2019-20)

Recommendation 1: [APF Canada] Undertake a strategic review of the current business model. In the context of the CGA review, a new President and CEO appointed in 2021, and new Board members expected to be appointed, a stock-taking opportunity exists to determine whether changes should be made to enhance the overall impact of the Foundation.

Linked to Findings 1, 3, 6, 8, 9


APF Canada partially accepts this recommendation, as the Board conducts regular reviews of the Foundation's strategic approach to its operations. Elements of this recommendation will be included in Board discussions with the new CEO over the next 12 months.


As shared with the evaluators and cited in the report, APF Canada's Board-approved business model change was measured and strategic, shifting from a 'think-tank' to a 'do-tank' over the past five years.

  1. Brief incoming President and CEO on current business model, including rationale and current level of impact.
  2. Over a 12-month period, regular discussions between the Board and APF Canada executive team around strategic approach to determine if changes are appropriate. Board discussions will cover:
    1. Research programs
    2. Business development strategy
    3. Communications strategy
  3. The Board and CEO will initiate any changes to the business model as a result of this process.

Responsibility centre

APF Canada executive team

Completion date

  1. October, 2021
  2. November, 2022
  3. November, 2022 Board Meeting

Recommendation 2: [APF Canada] Be proactive in engaging the Distinguished Fellows. The cohort of Distinguished Fellows associated with the Foundation offer a wide range of expertise and regional experience. Methods should be developed to ensure that the Fellows are proactively engaged in supporting the Foundation's work.

Linked to Finding 3


APF Canada accepts this recommendation. APF Canada has made a similar assessment in the recent past and already conducted actions to better engage the Fellows.


Actions conducted to date:

  1. A new cohort of Distinguished Fellows was engaged in January 2021, with selection based geographic area of expertise, field of expertise, and a diversity matrix. APF Canada expanded the network to include individuals from the Asia Pacific and the US with research interests in Canada to provide further perspectives, and, to broaden the network's reach on behalf of the Foundation.
  2. New Terms of Reference were established and signed by all Distinguished Fellows to outline expectations vis-à-vis engagement.
  3. An annual budget has been allocated in FY22 to incentivize proactive scholarly engagement supporting the Foundation's work.
  4. APF Canada established two 'Distinguished Fellow Emeritus' positions to keep long-term Fellows engaged and to establish mentorship opportunities within the cohort.
  5. Separate to the Distinguished Fellows program, APF Canada has established the John H. McArthur Research Fellowship which engages two exceptional mid-career scholars, annually, to act as non-resident experts and contribute to publications, outreach, and other engagements.

Actions upcoming:

  1. Two Distinguished Fellows meetings in 2022 to explore engagement opportunities in terms of strategic input internally to the Foundation, and representation of the Foundation externally.
  2. Allocate budget in FY23 to continue to provide incentives for specific types of engagement.

Responsibility centre

APF Canada Research and Networks team

Completion date

Recommendation 3: [GAC] Clarify the department's oversight roles and responsibilities, or authority framework, with respect to the Foundation.

Linked to Finding 10


In collaboration with APF Canada, GAC will seek to clarify the Department's roles and responsibilities vis-à-vis the endowment funding with a focus on accountability for results. Please note that with the APFC Act, and Treasury Board Directive on Transfer Payments, any framework will need to acknowledge both these obligations


  1. In collaboration with APF Canada, as well as GAC internal stakeholders, develop an MOU or other agreed-upon mechanism clarify GAC's oversight roles and responsibilities with regards to the endowment.
  2. Amend the CGA in consultation with the APF Canada Board and key stakeholders and seeking Treasury Board approval via a Treasury Board submission (detailed in the actions for Recommendation 4)
  3. Implement the new CGA terms and conditions once Treasury Board approval is obtained.

Responsibility centre

Completion date

March, 2023
(subject to Treasury Board approval)

Recommendation 4: [GAC] Develop a funding framework for GAC to allow more flexibility and timely support of APF Canada to respond to additional departmental needs that fall outside of the CGA. As the department's priorities for the region evolve, flexibility in the funding arrangements is needed to facilitate contracting processes and reduce the transaction costs and administrative burden for GAC.

Linked to Findings 4, 6 and 11


Seeking amendment of program authority via Treasury Board approval.


  1. KPMG has been engaged to conduct a CGA review concurrently with this Evaluation and produced a set of recommendations. As the next step, OGM will validate the recommendations with internal stakeholders as well as central agency.
  2. Rewriting the CGA (Amendment) in consultation and negotiation with APF Canada and other stakeholders.
  3. Preparing submission documentation and seeking Treasury Board approval.
  4. Implementing the new funding framework once the new Terms and Conditions are approved.

Responsibility centre

Completion date

March, 2023
(subject to Treasury Board approval)

Recommendation 5: [APF Canada and GAC] Develop an operations and communications plan to address requirements of the Act and the CGA, in particular:

  1. Develop a plan to address the legal requirements of the Act, particularly to address GAC's duty to consult the Board and ensure an appropriate timeline for the process of GIC appointments, as well as other Ministerial appointments. The current four GIC appointments for the Foundation's Board will be up for renewal or replacement by July 2022. By establishing a suitable timeline for the appointment process, new GIC Board members could be appointed as soon as the terms of the current members' end, ensuring a smooth transition.
    Linked to Finding 11
  2. Develop a communication and consultation mechanism between the Foundation and the Government of Canada. For example, Board materials could be shared, a Memorandum of Understanding could be developed, or annual consultation meetings could be held with key Government of Canada departments and the Foundation to supplement the current informal channels of communication. The purpose is to agree on appropriate methods or forums for both sides to regularly exchange information and discuss plans and priorities.
    Linked to Findings 12 and 13


Both parties are committed to strengthening collaboration.

APF Canada notes that per Section 5.8 of the Conditional Grant Agreement (CGA), the Foundation's strategic plans are to be "consistent with the Government of Canada's priorities with regard to the Asia Pacific region." The evaluation recognizes that the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada Act (the Act) established the Foundation to be independent, and not an Agency of the Crown, with governance and oversight being the responsibility of the Board of Directors. APF Canada has observed that there are differing priorities with respect to the Foundation across various Government departments. While APF Canada values a mechanism to ensure our strategic plans are consistent with the Government of Canada's priorities, it is important that the independence of the Foundation be maintained, and the Government of Canada has a coordinated set of priorities in dealing with the Foundation. GAC will endeavour to provide to the Foundation as helpful information and context the various priorities of the Government of Canada


5.a Regarding GIC Appointments

APF Canada response:

  1. Regarding upcoming July 2022 GIC renewals or replacements, APF Canada proposes that at the November 2021 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors confirms GIC appointments' desire for renewal and communicates with GAC around renewal or recruitment accordingly. Board Directors are limited to a maximum of three, three-year terms.
  2. APF Canada and GAC to discuss and jointly define a timeline and process for future renewals that respects the requirements of the Act and gives sufficient time for consultation and GAC to conduct the recruitment process as necessary.

OGM response:

In GAC, this is a Corporate Secretariat (DCC) led process. OGM branch will liaise between DCC and APF Canada to clarify the process and ensure that the process is initiated as the appropriate timing and duly provide support as required.

5.b Regarding the development of a communication and consultation mechanism

Establish annual GAC senior management and APF Canada Board-level discussions to share respective institutional perspectives

Responsibility centre


APF Canada response:

OGM response:


Completion date

5.a. APF Canada response: April, 2022
5.a. OGM response: June, 2022
5.b.1. April, 2022
5.b.2. April 2022
5.b.3. Yearly

Date Modified: