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Contact Global Affairs Canada: Online form

Privacy statement

In order to respond to your enquiry, Global Affairs Canada (GAC) will need to collect a limited amount of personal information, such as your email address and preferred official language.

Please do not include sensitive personal information in the questions/comments box, such as your social insurance number, personal finance data, or medical or work history.

The information you provide is collected for the purpose of responding to your enquiry and may be used for policy analysis, research and/or evaluation purposes, but only in aggregated form  (e.g. without personal identification information).  Your personal information is collected under the authority of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act.  The collection and use of information is described in the Personal Information Bank, Public Communications (PSU 914).

All personal information collected by GAC is protected under the Privacy Act, which gives you the right of accessing and/or correcting your information.  You also have the right to file a complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at any time regarding GAC’s handling of your personal information.  You may contact GAC’s Access to Information and Privacy Protection Division to exercise these rights. If contacting the department, please refer to this specific service and date.


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