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11th Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly (resumed) on Ukraine - 10th plenary meeting

Explanation of Vote after the Vote by Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations, Richard Arbeiter

7 April 2022 – UN General Assembly

Checked against delivery

Mr. President,

The Russian Federation, a Permanent Member of the Security Council, has waged an illegal war against the territorial integrity, and the political independence of another Member State of the United Nations, Ukraine.

The outcome of today’s vote clearly shows that the conduct of Russia is incompatible with its status as a member on the Human Rights Council. A Member State which has waged an illegal war against a sovereign nation, and has committed widespread violations and systematic ones of humanitarian law. Clearly the procedure of suspension is for such a case.

We must defend the fundamental principles of the UN Charter: respect for fundamental human rights, the dignity and value of the human person, justice, and international law.

As a member of the Human Rights Council, Russia committed to uphold the highest standards of human rights. Russia’s unprovoked and premeditated war against its neighbor and our friend, Ukraine, clearly demonstrate its contempt for these commitments. The situation in Ukraine has laid bare the Russian military’s most vicious disregard for human life, as it launched hundreds of missiles on residential areas, killings thousands of innocent civilians, bombed hospitals and maternity wards, and targeted civilian infrastructure that has deprived thousands to access to basic needs.

None of these facts are in dispute. Russia has invaded Ukraine, which existed for many years into the rule of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. This terrible example of the Empire striking back can only be seen as a modern day example of colonialism.

Yesterday’s update on the human rights situation in Ukraine by the Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine recorded 3,776 civilian casualties, including 1,563 killed. Let me repeat: 1,563. These are not simply numbers: they are innocent lives that have been taken for no other reason than President Putin’s desire for power. We all know that the full reckoning of these crimes has yet to happen.

The war Russia is waging is having a deliberately disproportionate effect on the most vulnerable; the disabled, women, children, the sick, the elderly. There is no shortage of destruction and carnage the Russian Army has exerted. We have now all seen the horrific images from the towns of Bucha and Irpin of women subjected to sexual violence, of civilians targeted and killed. As both the UN Secretary General and High Commissioner for Human Rights have noted, these acts amount to possible war crimes, grave breaches of international humanitarian law and serious violations of international human rights law. In an attempt to subjugate Ukraine by unleashing hideous violence on its people, Russia has made it impossible to remain indifferent.

We cannot turn away from the horrors we have witnessed. How can we remain silent? As our dear colleague from Kenya said yesterday if we are to truly committed to “never again,” we must act early and decisively in the face of clear evidence.

The international community has sent a strong message to Russia with this vote today. The Russian Federation cannot and will not continue to commit “gross and systematic violations of human rights,” violating the very foundation of this institution and at the same time remain a member of the Human Rights Council. Withdrawal does not negate suspension. The result of today’s vote is clear: evil must not prevail.

To our colleagues that have supported us in this effort: I thank you. To the Ukrainian people I say: your courage and bravery are not in vain. Ukraine will prevail. Justice will prevail.

Thank you.

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