
Foreign representatives may seek permission to obtain firearms licences in Canada by submitting an application to the Canadian Firearms Program for the desired licence.

It is understood that any foreign representative who applies to obtain a firearms permit in Canada agrees to abide by all standard fees, restrictions and regulations that will apply to any use or importation of firearms into Canada, irrespective of the immunity enjoyed by the applicant.

Hunting Licences

In Canada, hunting licences are the jurisdiction of the provincial government (normally administered by a ministry of natural resources), each of which is responsible for designating the hunting seasons within its provincial borders. Many provinces have a multi-part licencing system which may consist of a personal identification card, animal tags, and other documents pertaining to the specific game being hunted. The seasons during which particular game can be hunted, and the manner in which it may be hunted, is also regulated and closely monitored.

You can find out more about the services provided by the different provincial governments in Canada.