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Consultations on the Origin Quota for Vehicles Exported to the European Union Under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and European Union (EU) includes an Origin Quota for Vehicles exported from Canada to the EU. The annual origin quota quantity for vehicles is 100,000 units. The Origin Quota year runs from January 1 to December 31. Information on utilization is available on the EU website (Order Number 098361).

Origin Quota

An Origin Quota is a mechanism whereby a specified quantity of a particular product can qualify for preferential tariff treatment under the CETA. In order to receive this treatment the product must meet the specified product description and satisfy the product-specific rule of origin associated with that Origin Quota. The Origin Quota for Vehicles is listed in Annex 5-A (Origin Quotas and Alternatives to the Product-Specific Rules of Origin).

Canada’s Current Administration of the Origin Quota for Vehicles

Following consultations in 2016/2017, Global Affairs Canada implemented an administration policy, which established an allocation methodology for vehicles.  The administration of the Origin Quota for Vehicles is published on the Global Affairs Canada website in the Notice to Exporters – Vehicles for Export to the European Union and its Member States (Item 5210 on Canada’s Export Control List) dated September 1, 2017 (the ‘Notice’).

Export Permits

In order to access the preferential tariff for light passenger vehicles eligible under the provisions of Annex 5-A of the CETA for export to the EU, a valid Canadian-government issued shipment-specific export permit is required.

Allocation Methodology

As outlined in the Notice, the Department established two pools of 50,000 units each, with distinct allocation methodologies to accommodate the preferences of stakeholders:

Pool One: Applicants were required to indicate their interest in receiving an equal-share allocation from this pool; and

Pool Two: Applicants were required to demonstrate an active program for exporting to the EU. Successful applicants to this pool received the amount of quota necessary to accommodate their export program.

Under the policy, a company’s total allocation of quota cannot exceed its quota needs based on its export forecast.  Furthermore, once a company receives an allocation from Pool Two, it cannot request additional quota until it has exhausted its total allocation of quota from both pools.

Generally, allocation methodologies vary from quota to quota. The following are some examples:

Allocation Period

Under the CETA, origin quotas are administered on a calendar year basis (e.g. January 1 – December 31). As established in the Notice, an allocation period of 3 years was implemented in order to provide allocation holders with predictable access to the origin quota over a period of time. Allocation holders were notified of their annual allocation for each of the 3 years of the allocation period. The allocation each year may change depending on forecasted requirements.

Allocations are valid only for the year in which they have been granted.


As defined in the Notice, an eligible applicant is an establishment in Canada that manufactures light passenger vehicles of the type eligible to benefit from the CETA origin quota for vehicles.

Eligibility criteria can be used to determine who is eligible to obtain an allocation under a quota or a permit to export products that are controlled under the Export and Import Permits Act.  In some cases, there is only one eligibility criterion, which is that the applicant be a resident of Canada.

Often, there are additional eligibility criteria, depending on the type of product, whether it is destined for retail sale or for manufacturing purposes, or depending on the number of applicants who are interested in exporting that product. Eligible applicants could include exporters, manufacturers, or distributors.

Return Policy

As established in the Notice, a voluntary return policy was implemented to enable companies to return surplus quota in order to make it available to others who may be able to export. Allocation holders may return any portion of their origin quota no later than September 30 in each Origin Quota year.

A return policy contributes to maximum utilization of the quota. The return date may vary from quota to quota.

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