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Canada’s participation in international trade - Research reports

SMEs going global

Understand how small and medium-sized enterprises may expand Canadian SMEs business footprint by accessing global markets.

Characteristics of SME exporters in Canada

Learn about exporting SMEs in Canada

Measuring the firm-level impact of the Canadian Technology Accelerator program

Evaluation of the Canadian Technology Accelerator Program.

Canada’s Environmental and Clean Technology Sector

Explore the trade and economic performance of Canada’s environmental and clean technology sector.

2020 Canadian export trends by size

Discover how COVID-19 has impacted Canadian exporters throughout 2020

COVID-19 intensifies challenges for Canadian exporters: trade by exporter characteristics

Discover how COVID-19 has impacted Canadian exporters in early 2020.

Global value chains

Gain important knowledge about how Canada is participating in the world production, both as an exporter and importer of goods and services in production and consumption, and how upstream and downstream vulnerabilities to world events affect Canadian businesses and consumers.

The position and length of Canadian supply chains

Find out where Canada is positioned in supply chains, and the length of those supply chains.

Identification of Vulnerable Canadian Imports

Explore how to identify vulnerable Canadian imports.

Products with limited international supply for Canada

Explore which products have very limited international supply.

The Canada-China Global Commerce Picture and Supply Chain Links

Read about the Canada-China commercial relationship.

Vulnerability of Canadian industries to disruptions in global supply chains

Find out which Canadian industries are vulnerable to disruptions in their supply chains.

Canadian supply chain logistics vulnerability

Find out which Canadian industries are vulnerable to transportation disruptions in their supply chains

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