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Global Trade and Gender Arrangement (GTAGA) work plan 2022-2024

Action Items:

1. Share information and best practices on promoting women’s participation and retention in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) related export industries.

Lead: New Zealand

STEM provides the opportunity to generate new research and trade opportunities in goods and services sectors that are increasingly important in an evolving global marketplace. Women continue to be underrepresented in STEM-related industries and do suffer from a persistent gender pay gap. Enhancing opportunities for women to participate more fully in STEM-related industries is another way to improve women’s economic empowerment. STEM has been identified as a cooperation focus for GTAGA activities.     



Deliverable/expected results:

2. Panel discussion on making the shift to digital

Lead: Canada

Digital trade plays an important role in gender empowerment as it helps to increase financial independence and job opportunities. A 2018 PayPal Inc. study found that digital trade/e-commerce tools play a pivotal role in closing revenue gaps and increasing the earnings potential of women entrepreneurs. However, a digital divide continues to exist where women entrepreneurs using digital platforms face barriers, such as securing capital/investors. It is crucial for governments to involve women entrepreneurs and investors in policy making around digital trade.



Deliverable/expected results:

3. Webinar on Trade and Gender and Financing

Lead: TBC


Implementation Plan:

Deliverable/Expected Results:

4. Training/webinar on how to ensure gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the private sector as part of their Responsible Business Conduct strategy

Lead: Chile




5. Building your network: Strategies for women entrepreneurs

Lead: Canada


Women-owned small and medium enterprises (SMEs) often lack access to a range of important inputs to ensure a strong and growing company, including networks, mentors, accelerators and incubators. The objective of this webinar will be to:


Deliverable/expected results:

6. Panel discussion on better data – what gets measured gets improved

Lead: New Zealand

One of the fundamental challenges of addressing gender equality issues in trade (and elsewhere) is understanding the magnitude and drivers of the challenges that women face. Gender disaggregated data has not routinely been well-captured in the trade space and the distribution of women as employees and owners of trading firms is not well understood. Improving the quality of data and analysis will enhance the effectiveness and efficacy of policies aimed at improving women’s economic empowerment.



7. GTAGA expansion:

Lead: All



Deliverable/expected results:

8. GTAGA Three Year Review

Lead:  All




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