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Canada-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement

On November 16, 2021, Canada and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) agreed to undertake free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations. ASEAN is a regional intergovernmental organization comprising 10 member states. As a group, ASEAN member states’ economies represent Canada’s fourth-largest merchandise trading partner (2021). In 2021, merchandise trade between Canada and ASEAN reached CAD$40.7 billion, and there is potential remaining to significantly enhance the relationship. According to the 2018 Joint Feasibility Study for a Canada-ASEAN FTA, the economic modelling projects that an FTA could increase Canada’s GDP by US$2.54 billion and boost exports to ASEAN countries to US$2.67 billion.

In order to enhance our commercial relations and strengthen our presence in this fast-growing market, Canada is committed to negotiating a comprehensive FTA with ASEAN. This agreement would help create new market opportunities for Canadian goods and services, while supporting a more transparent and predictable environment for trade and investment.

From September 1 to October 18, 2018, the Government of Canada conducted public consultations through The Canada Gazette to seek the views of Canadians on a possible FTA with ASEAN. On September 10, 2019, Canada and ASEAN announced the conclusion of exploratory discussions for a possible FTA at the ASEAN Economic Ministers – Canada Consultation in Bangkok, Thailand.

Canada and ASEAN have held six rounds of negotiations – with Chief Negotiators (CNs) meeting in August 2022, November 2022, April 2023, June 2023, September 2023, and January 2024. Four of the five meetings were held virtually. The fifth round of negotiations took place in a hybrid format, where CNs and select leads met in-person from September 25 to 29th, 2023 in Indonesia; most other leads met virtually. Officials from Canada and ASEAN also held a special hybrid meeting focused on Labour, Environment and Inclusive Trade in Bandung, Indonesia on February 23, 2023.Canada will host the seventh round in late February 2024, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Trade Ministers have agreed to work toward substantially concluding negotiations in 2025.  

Stakeholder Debrief Reports

Consulting Canadians

Related links

Additional information on Canada’s relationship with ASEAN countries

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