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Provisional Agenda for the CETA Joint Committee Plenary Session - March 25, 2021 (by videoconference)

1. Welcome and Opening Statements

  1. EU
  2. Canada

2. Procedural Items

  1. Adoption of the Joint Committee plenary agenda (EU to introduce)

3. Exchange of Views on Economic Impact of Covid-19 and Global Supply Chains (EU to introduce)

4. EU-Canada Cooperation at the WTO (Canada to introduce)

5. CETA Successes and EU-Canada Trade Overview (Joint introduction)

6. Reporting from the Specialised Committees

I. EU’s perspectives on reporting from the Specialised Committees, including on:

  1. Management of the CETA Cheese Tariff Rate Quota
  2. CETA provisions on geographical indications
  3. Access to the Canadian Wines & Spirits market

II. Canada’s perspectives on reporting from the Specialised Committees, including on:

  1. CETA Conformity Assessment Protocol
  2. Transparency requirements in relation to temporary entry of business persons
  3. Agricultural Issues   

III. Joint update on Implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter and its Early Review (EU and Canada)

IV. Review of the implementation of the Joint Committee Recommendation on Gender and review of joint reports from Contact Points (Canada to introduce)

V. Review of the implementation of the Joint Committee Recommendation on Climate (EU to introduce)

VI. Review of the implementation of the Joint Committee Recommendation on SMEs and review of joint reports from Contact Points (Canada to introduce)

VII. Joint update on the negotiations of a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) concerning the professional qualifications of architects. (EU to introduce)

VIII. Joint update on the progress of the work of CETA’s Regulatory Cooperation Forum (EU to introduce)

IX. Joint updated on the progress of the work of CETA’s Raw Materials Dialogue (Canada to introduce)

X. Taking note of the adoption of four Decisions on the implementation of the rules on the Investment Court System (EU to introduce)

7. Conclusion of Plenary Meeting

I. Next Meeting of the CETA Joint Committee (Canada)

II. Brief Closing Statements

  1. EU
  2. Canada

III. Requirements for reporting and Adoption of the Joint communiqué

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