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Meeting of the CETA Committee on Agriculture – 15 November 2021

by videoconference


    1. Welcome, introduction and committee business
    2. CETA implementation
      • 2.1 Review of bilateral trade performance
      • Canada issues
      • 2.2 EU beef and pork tariff rate quotas (TRQs)
      • 2.3 Impact on WTO TRQ’s post-Brexit
      • EU issues
      • 2.4 Canadian cheese TRQ management – update on TRQ review
      • 2.5 Cheese TRQs (CETA and WTO) and impact of Brexit 
    3. Other trade issues
      • Canada issues
      • 3.1 EU approach to country-of-origin-labelling
      • 3.2 Maximum residue limits and import tolerances for plant protection products
      • 3.3 EU veterinary medicinal products regulation
      • 3.4 Contaminants and maximum levels
      • 3.5 Sustainability certification of Canadian canola exports to the EU
      • EU Issues
      • 3.6 Canada sugar countervailing duties
      • 3.7 Canada anti-dumping investigation into wheat gluten
      • 3.8 Update on Canadian food origin labelling legislation
    4. Any other business
    5. Action Items – including reporting to CETA Committee on trade in goods
    6. Time and venue of next meeting

Canada-European Union Agriculture Dialogue

    1. Update on the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) progress and linkages to Member States strategic plans
    2. Canada-EU Agriculture Dialogue workshops update
    3. EU Fit for 55 and potential impacts on agriculture
    4. Canada's climate change plan and considerations for emissions reductions in the agriculture sector 
    5. Information on EC Product Environmental Footprint pilots
    6. Update on Canada and EU support measures introduced in response to COVID.
    7. Update on the implementation of Regulation 2018/848 on organic production and labelling of organic products 
    8. Update on EU and Canada’s international trade negotiations
    9. Compensation for dairy producers Linked to FTAs
    10. Amendments to the food and drug regulation
    11. Information on EU proposal for nutritional labelling
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