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The Fifteenth Canada-EU Biotech Market Access Dialogue

October 11, 2023 by videoconference
09:00 – 12:00 (Ottawa time) / 15:00 – 18:00 (Brussels time)

Provisional agenda

  1. Introductions and opening remarks
    Speaker: CAN
    Speaker: EU (European Union)
  2. Genetically Modified (GM) event approvals: EFSA assessment and timelines (CAN issue)
    Speaker: EU
    2.1 Status of specific applications under European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) assessment/post-EFSA approval
    2.2 Pre and post EFSA assessment process and timelines
  3. EU stacked GM event review and approval process (CAN Issue)
    Speaker: EU
    3.1 Confirm status of stacked GM event review and approval process
  4. EU policy updates
    (CAN Issue)
    Speaker: EU
    4.1 EU presentation: Legislative proposal on New Genomic Techniques
    4.2 Questions and answers
  5. CAN policy updates
    (EU Issue)
    Speaker: CAN
    5.1 Canada presentation: Updated guidance for Part V of the Seed Regulations
    5.2 Questions and answers
  6. Updates on international activities
    (CAN issue)
    Speaker: CAN
  7. Intersessional meeting and any other business
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