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Provisional agenda: 6th meeting of the CETA Bilateral Dialogue on Forest Products

October 17, 2023 (by videoconference)

  1. Welcome
  2. Opening remarks – European Union
  3. Opening remarks – Canada
  4. Adoption of the agenda
  5. Trade considerations and policies
    • 5.1 EU update on the revised Renewable Energy Directive
    • 5.2 EU update on proposed Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
    • 5.3. Discussion on key points of interest under the EU Deforestation Regulation
  6. Technical information exchange
    • 6.1 Canada update on bioproducts standards
    • 6.2 EU information point on the Construction transition pathway
    • 6.3 ‘’The Power of Wood’’, Canada update on carbon sequestration in harvested wood products 
  7. Any other business and final remarks
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