Provisional Agenda: Meeting of the CETA Committee on geographical indications
December 16, 2024 (online)
9am-12pm (Ottawa) / 3-6pm (Brussels)
1. Opening remarks and adoption of the agenda
(09:00-09:10 EST/15:00 -15:10 CET)
- To allow for online participation by EU colleagues, address items 5-9 first, before returning to item 2.
2. Enforcement of CETA GI protection
2. (a) Administrative enforcement and the role of CFIA in assessment of labelling complaints
(10:25-10:40 EST/16:25 -16:40 CET)
2. (b) Alleged unauthorized use of GIs in Canada
(10:40 – 10:55 EST/16:40 – 16:55 CET)
3. List of companies benefiting from grandfathering Clause
(10:55 -11:10 EST/16:55 -17:10 CET)
4. Direct registration: Update on any pending requests for registration in Canada
(11:10 -11:25 EST/17:10 -17:25 CET)
5. Update on new EU GI regulation for wines, spirits and agricultural products
(09:10-09:25 EST/15:10-15:25 CET)
6. EU GI view database update and training for Canadian enforcement authorities
(09:25 -09:40 EST/15:25-15:40 CET)
7. Update on EU regulation on GIs for craft and industrial products
(09:40–09:55 EST/15:40-15:55 CET)
8. Status of Canada’s bilateral trade negotiations
(09:55-10:10 EST/15:55 -16:10 CET)
9. Status of EU’s bilateral trade negotiations
(10:10 -10:25 EST/16:10 -16:25 CET)
10. CETA evaluation by the European Commission
(11:25 -11:40 EST/17:25 -17:40 CET)
11. Update on Canada-Greece table of experts on feta
(11:40 -11:55 EST/17:40 -17:55 CET)
12. Any other business
(11:55-12:00 EST/17:55-18:00 CET)
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