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Benefits for Quebec

What is CETA?

  • The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is a free trade agreement between Canada and the European Union, covering virtually all sectors and aspects of Canada-EU trade.
    • Prior to CETA’s provisional application, only 25 percent of EU tariff lines on Canadian goods were duty-free.
    • Following CETA’s provisional application, the EU removed tariffs on 98 percent of its tariff lines.
    • After seven years, the EU will have eliminated tariffs on 99 percent of its tariff lines.
  • For service providers, CETA grants the best market access that the EU has ever provided in a free trade agreement.
  • CETA helps create middle-class jobs, strengthen economic relations with the EU, and boost Canada’s trade with the world’s second-largest market with over 500 million consumers and a $22 trillion GDP.

Benefits for Quebec:

  • Under CETA, 98 percent of EU tariff lines are immediately duty free for Quebec goods, including information and communications technology (ICT) products, iron and steel, chemicals and plastics, machinery and equipment, and most agriculture and agri-food.
  • Improved access to the EU for Quebec service suppliers in areas such as ICT services, engineering services, and other professional services.
  • Enhanced labour mobility for business-related travel.
  • Ability to bid on procurement contracts at all levels of EU government.
  • Greater certainty, transparency, and protection for investments.

To learn more about CETA, visit our website:

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service provides expert advice and key contacts for exporters, partners and investors.
Contact a Trade Commissioner today:

Merchandise Exports from Quebec to the EU (2012 – 2016)
Merchandise Exports from Quebec to the EU (2012 – 2016). Description follows.

Source: Statistics Canada

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  • 2016: $9.9 B
  • 2015: $9.2 B
  • 2014: $8.9 B
  • 2013: $6.9 B
  • 2012: $7.4 B
Principal Merchandise Exports from Quebec to the EU (2016)
Principal Merchandise Exports from Quebec to the EU (2016). Description follows.

Source: Statistics Canada

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  • Aerospace: 35%
  • Iron & Steel: 14%
  • Metals & Minerals: 8%
  • Forestry: 6%
  • Machineray & Equipment: 5%
  • Other: 32%

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Services

Professional Services


Pre-CETA tariffsUnder CETA
iron and steel productsup to 5.7%0%
machinery and equipmentup to 8%0%
gas turbines and partsup to 4.1%0%
ICT productsup to 14%0%
chemicals and plasticsup to 6.5%0%


Pre-CETA tariffsUnder CETA
maple syrupup to 8%0%
frozen blueberriesup to 9.6%0%
sweet dried cranberries17.6%0%
sweet potatoes3%0%
condiments and saucesup to 10.2%0%
dog and cat foodup to €948/tonne0%
Pre-CETA tariffs
processed cerealsup to €54.30/100 kg
breads, pastries, and cakesstart at €3.80/100 kg
food preparationsstart at 12.8%
toffees, caramel candy, and chocolateup to 9% + EA MAX 18.7% + AD S/Z

Fish and Seafood

Pre-CETA tariffsUnder CETA
frozen shrimp12%0%
cooked and peeled shrimp in retail packages20%0%
live lobster8%0%
frozen lobsterup to 16%tariff phase-out over 3 years
processed lobster20%tariff phase-out over 5 years
dried and salted cod13%0%


Pre-CETA tariffsUnder CETA
plywood7% to 10%0%
veneer sheetsup to 4%0%
oriented strand board7%0%

Mining, Metals and Minerals

Pre-CETA tariffsUnder CETA
unwrought aluminum3%0%
unwrought aluminum alloys6%0%
titanium powders and alloysup to 7%0%
copper wire4.8%0%
unwrought zinc2.5%0%

Aerospace and Aviation

Life Sciences and Innovation

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