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Canada-EU CETA Civil Society Forum Call for Participation (2022)

Due to an ongoing IT outage at Global Affairs Canada, the 2022 CETA Civil Society Forum registration’s form has been temporarily removed. If you attempted to use the registration form and have not received a confirmation email, we encourage you to resubmit your registration by emailing us at

Canada-EU Civil Society Forum under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)

Representatives from employers, unions, labour and business organizations, environmental groups, Indigenous organizations, and other interested civil society organizations are welcome to register for a meeting on the 7th and 8th of February 2022, of the Civil Society Forum on Trade and Sustainable Development established under the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).

Participants will have the chance to exchange with one another, and with officials of the Government of Canada and the European Commission, on matters related to the implementation of CETA’s Chapter 22 (Trade and Sustainable Development), Chapter 23 (Trade and Labour) and Chapter 24 (Trade and Environment), as well as the CETA recommendations on Trade and Gender, SMEs and Trade, Climate Action and the Paris Agreement.

In accordance with the current COVID-19 health guidelines, the Civil Society Forum will be implementing a virtual conference. Canada and the European Union remain committed to this dialogue, acknowledging the important opportunity for civil society to better understand what Canada and the EU are doing to implement the labour, environment and sustainable development provisions of CETA, and to provide their perspectives on these issues.

Practical details

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