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Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement

Appendix III.1.5.1 - Flexibility Provisions

Adjustments to annual specific limits (SLs), may be made as follows:

The exporting Party may increase the SL for a calendar year by no more than six per cent ("swing").

In addition to any increase of its SL under subparagraph (a), the exporting Party may increase its unadjusted SL for that year by no more than 11 per cent by allocating to such SL for that calendar year (the "receiving year") an unused portion ("shortfall" ) of the corresponding SL for the previous calendar year ("carryover") or a portion of the corresponding SL for the following calendar year ("carryforward"), as follows:

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Appendix III.1.6.1 - Special Provisions

Preferential Tariff Treatment for Non-Originating Goods of the Other Party


Each Party shall apply the rate of duty applicable to originating goods set out in its Schedule to Annex III.3.1 (Tariff Elimination), up to the annual quantities specified in Schedule 6.B.1, in SME, to apparel goods provided for in Chapters 61 and 62 that are both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in the territory of a Party from fabric or yarn produced or obtained outside the free trade area, and that meet other applicable conditions for preferred tariff treatment under this Agreement. The SME shall be determined in accordance with the conversion factors set out in Appendix III.1.6.2.

The annual tariff preference levels (TPLs) set out in Schedule 6.B.1 shall be increased annually by two per cent for three consecutive years beginning one year after the entry into force of this Agreement.

Fabric and Made-Up Goods

Each Party shall apply the rate of duty applicable to originating goods set out in its Schedule to Annex III.3.1 (Tariff Elimination), up to the annual quantities specified in Schedule 6.B.2, in SME, to cotton or man-made fibre fabric and cotton or man-made fibre made-up textile goods provided for in Chapters 52 through 55 (excluding goods containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair), 58 through 60and 63 that are woven or knit in a Party from yarn produced or obtained outside the free trade area, or knit in a Party from yarn spun in a Party from fibre produced or obtained outside the free trade area, and to goods of subheading 9404.90 that are finished and cut and sewn or otherwise assembled from fabrics of subheadings 5208.11 through 5208.29, 5209.11 through 5209.29, 5210.11 through 5210.29, 5211.11 through 5211.29, 5212.11, 5212.12, 5212.21, 5212.22, 5407.41, 5407.51, 5407.71, 5407.81, 5407.91, 5408.21, 5408.31, 5512.11, 5512.21, 5512.91, 5513.11 through 5513.19, 5514.11 through 5514.19, 5516.11, 5516.21, 5516.31, 5516.41 or 5516.91 produced or obtained outside the free trade area, and that meet other applicable conditions for preferred tariff treatment under this Agreement. The SME shall be determined in accordance with the conversion factors set out in Appendix III.

Each Party shall apply the rate of duty applicable to originating goods set out in its Schedule to Annex III.3.1 (Tariff Elimination), up to the annual quantities specified in Schedule 6.B.2, in SME, to wool fabric and wool made-up textile goods provided for in Chapters 51 through 55 (containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair), 58, 60, and 63 that are woven or knit in a Party from yarn produced or obtained outside the free trade area, or knit in a Party from yarn spun in a Party from fibre produced or obtained outside the free trade area, and that meet other applicable conditions for preferred tariff treatment under this Agreement. The SME shall be determined in accordance with the conversion factors set out in Appendix III.1.6.2.

Spun Yarn

Each Party shall apply the rate of duty applicable to originating goods set out in its Schedule to Annex III.3.1 (Tariff Elimination), up to the annual quantities specified in Schedule 6.B.3, in kilograms (kg), to cotton or man-made fibre yarns provided for in headings 52.05 through 52.07 or 55.09 through 55.11 that are spun in a Party from fibre of headings 52.01 through 52.03 or 55.01 through 55.07, produced or obtained outside the free trade area and that meet other applicable conditions for preferred tariff treatment under this Agreement.

Textile or apparel goods that enter the territory of a Party under paragraph 1, 2 or 3 shall not be considered to be originating goods.

Certification and Verification Requirements

In order that goods may be traded under the TPL regime, prior to the entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall:

Agree on and establish the documentation or certification requirements for the importation of the goods for which the benefit of TPL will be claimed; and

Notify each other of the method of verification, by the administration of the Party from which the goods are exported, of the eligibility of the goods for TPL status.

Review and Consultations

Trade in the goods referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall be monitored by the Parties on request of any Party wishing to adjust any annual TPL, based on the ability to obtain supplies of particular fibres, yarns and fabrics, as appropriate, that can be used to produce originating goods. The Parties shall consult with a view to adjusting such level. Any adjustment in the TPL requires the mutual consent of the Parties.

The Parties shall review the rules of origin applicable to textiles and apparel goods, within four years of the date of entry into force of this Agreement to take into account the effect of increasing global competition on textile and apparel goods and the implications of any integration of these goods into the WTO. In this review, the Parties will take into account changed circumstances such as technological advances, changes in market conditions and developments with respect to international trade in textiles and apparel.

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Schedule 6.B.1 - Preferential Tariff Treatment for Non-Originating Apparel

Imports into Canada from Costa Rica

1,300,000 SME

Imports into Costa Rica from Canada

1,300,000 SME

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Schedule 6.B.2 - Preferential Tariff Treatment for Non-Originating Fabrics and Made-Up Goods

Imports into Canada from Costa Rica

Imports into Costa Rica from Canada

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Schedule 6.B.3 - Preferential Tariff Treatment for Non-Originating Cotton or Man-made Fibre Spun Yarn

Imports into Canada from Costa Rica

150,000 kg

Imports into Costa Rica from Canada

150,000 kg

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Appendix III.1.6.2 - Conversion FactorsFootnote 1

This Schedule applies to restrictions and consultation levels applied pursuant to Sections 4 and 5 and Appendix III.1.6.1.

Unless otherwise provided in this Annex, or as may be mutually agreed between the Parties with respect to trade between them, the rates of conversion into SME set out in paragraphs 3 through 6 shall apply.

The following conversion factors shall apply to the goods covered by the following U.S. categories:

Table 1: Conversion Factors
U.S. CategoryConversion FactorDescriptionPrimary
Unit of Measure
2006.60yarn for retail sale, sewing threadkg
2016.50specialty yarnskg
2181.00fabric of yarns of different colourssm
2191.00duck fabricsm
2201.00fabric of special weavesm
2226.00knit fabrickg
22314.00non-woven fabrickg
2241.00pile & tufted fabricsm
2251.00blue denim fabricsm
2261.00cheesecloth, batiste, lawn & voilesm
2271.00oxford clothsm
22913.60special purpose fabrickg
23719.20playsuits, sunsuits, etcdz
2396.30babies' garments & clothing
3008.50carded cotton yarnkg
3018.50combed cotton yarnkg
3131.00cotton sheeting fabricsm
3141.00cotton poplin & broadcloth fabricsm
3151.00cotton printcloth fabricsm
3171.00cotton twill fabricsm
3261.00cotton sateen fabricsm
3301.40cotton handkerchiefsdz
3312.90cotton gloves and mittensdpr
3323.80cotton hosierydpr
33330.30m&b suit-type coats, cottondz
33434.50other m&b coats, cottondz
33534.50w&g cotton coatsdz
33637.90cotton dressesdz
3386.00m&b cotton knit shirtsdz
3396.00w&g cotton knit shirts/blousesdz
34020.10m&b cotton shirts, not knitdz
34112.10w&g cotton shirts/blouses,not knitdz
34214.90cotton skirtsdz
34530.80cotton sweatersdz
34714.90m&b cotton trousers/breeches/shortsdz
34814.90w&g cotton trousers/breeches/shortsdz
3494.00brassieres, other body support garmentsdz
35042.60cotton dressing gowns, robes
35143.50cotton nightwear/pajamasdz
3529.20cotton underweardz
35334.50m&b cotton down-filled coatsdz
35434.50w&g cotton down-filled coatsdz
3598.50other cotton apparelkg
3600.90cotton pillowcasesno
3615.20cotton sheetsno
3625.80other cotton beddingno
3630.40cotton terry & other pile towelsno
3698.50other cotton manufactureskg
4003.70wool yarnkg
4101.00wool woven fabricsm
4142.80other wool fabrickg
4311.80wool gloves/mittensdpr
4322.30wool hosierydpr
43330.10m&b wool suit-type coatsdz
43445.10other m&b wool coatsdz
43545.10w&g wool coatsdz
43641.10wool dressesdz
43812.50wool knit shirts/blousesdz
4396.30babies' wool garm/clothing
44020.10wool shirts/blouses, not-knitdz
44215.00wool skirtsdz
4433.76m&b wool suitsno
4443.76w&g wool suitsno
44512.40m&b wool sweatersdz
44612.40w&g wool sweatersdz
44715.00m&b wool trousers/breeches/shortsdz
44815.00w&g wool trousers/breeches/shortsdz
4593.70other wool apparelkg
4642.40wool blanketskg
4651.00wool floor coveringssm
4693.70other wool manufactureskg
6006.50textured filament yarnkg
6036.30yarn ³ 85% artificial staple fibrekg
6047.60yarn ³ 85% synthetic staple fibrekg
60620.10non-textured filament yarnkg
6076.50other staple fibre yarnkg
6111.00woven fabric ³ 85% artificial staplesm
6131.00mmf sheeting fabricsm
6141.00mmf poplin & broadcloth fabricsm
6151.00mmf printcloth fabricsm
6171.00mmf twill and sateen fabricsm
6181.00woven artificial filament fabricsm
6191.00polyester filament fabricsm
6201.00other synthetic filament fabricsm
62114.40impression fabrickg
6221.00glass fibre fabricsm
6241.00woven mmf fabric, 15% to 36% woolsm
6251.00mmf staple/filament poplin
& broadcloth fabric
6261.00mmf staple/filament printcloth fabricsm
6271.00mmf staple/filament sheeting fabricsm
6281.00mmf staple/filament twill/sateen fabricsm
6291.00other mmf staple/filament fabricsm
6301.40mmf handkerchiefsdz
6312.90mmf gloves and mittensdpr
6323.80mmf hosierydpr
63330.30m&b mmf suit-type coatsdz
63434.50other m&b mmf coatsdz
63534.50w&g mmf coatsdz
63637.90mmf dressesdz
63815.00m&b mmf knit shirtsdz
63912.50w&g mmf knit shirts & blousesdz
64020.10m&b not-knit mmf shirtsdz
64112.10w&g not-knit mmf shirts & blousesdz
64214.90mmf skirtsdz
6433.76m&b mmf suitsno
6443.76w&g mmf suitsno
64530.80m&b mmf sweatersdz
64630.80w&g mmf sweatersdz
64714.90m&b mmf trousers/breeches/shortsdz
64814.90w&g mmf trousers/breeches/shortsdz
6494.00mmf bras & other body
support garments
65042.60mmf robes, dressing gowns,
65143.50mmf nightwear & pajamasdz
65213.40mmf underweardz
65334.50m&b mmf down-filled coatsdz
65434.50w&g mmf down-filled coatsdz
65914.40other mmf apparelkg
6651.00mmf floor coveringssm
66614.40other mmf furnishingskg
66914.40other mmf manufactureskg
6703.70mmf flat goods, handbags,
8008.50yarn, silk blends/
vegetable fibre
8101.00woven fabric, silk blends/
vegetable fibre
8312.90gloves & mittens, silk blends/vegetable fibredpr
8323.80hosiery, silk blends/vegetable fibredpr
83330.30m&b suit-type coats, silk blends/vegetable fibredz
83434.50other m&b coats, silk blends/vegetable fibredz
83534.50w&g coats, silk blends/vegetable fibredz
83637.90dresses, silk blends/vegetable fibredz
83811.70knit shirts & blouses, silk blends/vegetable fibredz
8396.30babies' garm & clothing accessories, silk/veg fibrekg
84016.70not-knit shirts & blouses, silk blends/vegetable fibredz
84214.90skirts, silk blends/vegetable fibresdz
8433.76m&b suits, silk blends/vegetable fibreno
8443.76w&g suits, silk blends/vegetable fibreno
84530.80sweaters, non-cotton vegetable fibresdz
84630.80sweaters, silk blendsdz
silk blends/vegetable fibre
85042.60robes, dressing gowns, etc,
silk blends/vegetable fibre
85143.50nightwear & pyjamas, silk blends/
vegetable fibre
85211.30underwear, silk blends/
vegetable fibre
8586.60neckwear, silk blends/
vegetable fibre
85912.50other silk blend/vegetable
fibre apparel
8630.40towels, silk blends/vegetable fibresno
8703.70luggage, silk blends/vegetable fibreskg
8713.70handbags & flatgoods, silk
blends/vegetable fibre
89911.10other silk blends/vegetable
fibre manufactures
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The following conversion factors shall apply to the following goods not covered by a U.S. category:

Table 2: Conversion Factors for goods not covered by a U.S. Category
Harmonized System
Statistical Provision
Primary Unit of
5208.31.20001.00smwoven fabric, 85%> cotton, <100g/m2
certified hand-loom fabric, dyed
5208.32.10001.00smwoven fabric, 85%> cotton, 100-200g/
m2 certified hand-loom fabric, dyed
5208.41.20001.00smwoven fabric, ³85% cotton
#100g/m2 certified hand-loom,
yarns of different colours
5208.42.10001.00smwoven fabric, ³85% cotton
100-200g/m2 certified hand-loom,
yarns of different colours
5208.51.20001.00smwoven fabric, 85%> cotton
#100g/m2 plain weave, certified
hand-loom, printed
5208.52.10001.00smwoven fabric, ³85% cotton 100-
200g/m2 plain weave, certified
hand-loom, printed
5209.31.30001.00smwoven fabric, 85%> cotton
>200g/m2 plain weave, certified
hand-loom, dyed
5209.41.30001.00smwoven fabric, 85%> cotton
>200g/m2, plain weave, yarns
of different colours
5209.51.30001.00smwoven fabric, >85% cotton
>200g/m2, plain weave, certified
hand-loom, printed
5307.10.00008.50kgyarn, jute or other textile bast fibre
(excluding flax/hemp/ramie), single
5307.20.00008.50kgyarn, jute or other textile bast fibre (ex. flax/hemp/ramie), multiple/cable
5308.10.00008.50kgyarn, coir
5308.30.00008.50kgyarn, paper
5310.10.00201.00smwoven fabric, jute or other textile
bast fibre (ex flax/hemp/ramie),
£130cm wide, unbleached
5310.10.00401.00smwoven fabric, jute or other textile
bast fibre (ex flax/hemp/ramie) >130
to£ #250 cm wide, unbleached
5310.10.00601.00smwoven fabric, jute or other textile
bast fibre (ex flax/hemp/ramie),
>250 cm wide, unbleached
5310.90.00001.00smwoven fabric, jute or other textile
bast fibre (excluding flax/hemp/ramie),
5311.00.60001.00smwoven fabric of paper yarn
5402.10.302020.10kgnylon high tenacity yarn, <5 turns
per metre, not for retail sale
5402.20.302020.10kgpolyester high tenacity yarn, <5 turns
per metre, not for retail sale
5402.41.001020.10kgnylon multifilament yarn, partially
oriented, untwist/twist <5 turns /
metre, not for retail sale
5402.41.002020.10kgnylon mono/multifilament yarn,
untwist / twist <5 turns/metre,
not for retail sale, nes
5402.41.003020.10kgnylon mono/multifilament yarn,
untwist/twist <5 turns/metre,
not for retail sale

polyester yarn, partially oriented,
untwist/twist£ 50 turns/metre,
not for retail sale

5402.43.002020.10kgpolyester yarn, monofilament,
untwist/twist £ 5 turns/metre,
not for retail sale
filament yarn, untwist/twist <5
turns/metre, not for retail sale
5402.49.005020.10kgsynthetic filament yarn, untwist /
twist <5 turns/metre, not for
retail sale, nes
5403.10.302020.10kgviscose rayon high tenacity
filament yarn, untwist/twist
<5 turns/metre, not for retail sale
5403.31.002020.10kgviscose rayon filament yarn, single,
untwist/twist <5 turns/metre, not
for retail sale
5403.33.002020.10kgcellulose acetate filament yarn,
single, untwist/twist <5 turns/metre,
not for retail sale
5403.39.002020.10kgartificial filament yarn, untwist/twist
<5 turns/metre, not for retail sale, nes
5404.10.100020.10kgsynthetic monofilament racket strings,
$67 decitex, cross-sect. dimension >1mm
5404.10.202020.10kgnylon monofilament, ³ 67 decitex, cross-
sectional dimension >1mm,
5404.10.204020.10kgpolyester monofilament, >67 decitex,
cross-sectional dimension >1mm
5404.10.209020.10kgsynthetic monofilament ³67 decitex,
cross-sectional dimension >1mm, nes
5404.90.000020.10kgsynthetic strip width £ 5mm
5405.00.300020.10kgartificial monofilament, ³67 decitex,
cross-sectional dimension £1mm
5405.00.600020.10kgartificial strip and the like,
width #£ 5mm
5407.30.10001.00smwoven synthetic filament fabric with
yarn at acute/right angles, >60% plastic
5501.10.00007.60kgnylon/other polyamide filament tow
5501.20.00007.60kgpolyester filament tow
5501.30.00007.60kgacrylic or modacrylic filament tow
5501.90.00007.60kgsynthetic filament tow, nes
5502.00.00006.30kgartificial filament tow
5503.10.00007.60kgnylon/other polyamide staple fibres not carded/combed or otherwise processed
5503.20.00007.60kgpolyester staple fibres not carded/
combed, or otherwise processed
5503.30.00007.60kgacrylic/modoacrylic staple fibres, not carded/combed or otherwise processed
5503.40.00007.60kgpolypropylene staple fibres not carded/
combed or otherwise processed
5503.90.00007.60kgsynthetic staple fibre not carded/
combed, or otherwise processed, nes
5504.10.00006.30kgviscose rayon staple fibres not carded/
combed or otherwise processed
5504.90.00006.30kgartificial staple fibres not carded/
combed or otherwise processed, nes
5505.10.00207.60kgwaste, nylon and other polyamides
5505.10.00407.60kgwaste, polyester
5505.10.00607.60kgwaste, mmf synthetic fibres, nes
5505.20.00006.30kgwaste, mmf artificial fibres
5506.10.00007.60kgnylon/other polyamides fibres, carded/
combed or otherwise processed
5506.20.00007.60kgpolyester staple fibre, carded/combed,
or otherwise processed
5506.30.00007.60kgacrylic/modoacrylic staple fibre,
carded/combed or otherwise processed
5506.90.00007.60kgsynthetic staple fibre carded/combed
or otherwise processed, nes
5507.00.00006.30kgartificial staple fibres, carded/combed,
or otherwise processed
5801.90.20101.00smwoven pile fabric, >85% silk
or silk waste
5802.20.00101.00smterry towelling fabric, >85% silk
or silk waste
5802.30.00101.00smtufted textile fabric, >85% silk
or silk waste
5803.90.40101.00smgauze, >85% silk or silk waste
5804.10.001011.10kgtulles & other netting fabric, knit
or crocheted, >85% silk or silk waste
5804.29.001011.10kglace in the piece/strip/motif,
>85% silk or silk waste
5804.30.001011.10kghand-made lace in piece/strip/motif,
>85% silk or silk waste
5805.00.10001.00smhand-woven tapestries for
wallhangings, valued at >$215\sm
5805.00.20001.00smhand-woven tapestries, nes, wool,
certified hand-loomed
5805.00.40901.00smhand-woven tapestries, nes
5806.10.301011.10kgnarrow woven pile & chenille fabric,
>85% silk or silk waste
5806.39.301011.10kgnarrow woven fabric, not pile,
>85% silk or silk waste
5806.40.000013.60kgnarrow fabric, warp without weft
with an adhesive (bolducs)
5807.10.109011.10kgwoven labels, textile materials, not
embroidered, not cotton or mmf
5807.10.20108.50kgwoven badges and similar articles,
cotton, not embroidered
5807.10.202014.40kgwoven badges/similar articles,
mmf, not embroidered
5807.10.209011.10kgwoven badges/similar articles,
textile materials, not embroidered,
not cotton/mmf
5807.90.109011.10kgnot-woven labels of textile
materials, not embroidered,
not cotton/mmf
5807.90.20108.50kgnot-woven badges/similar articles,
cotton, not embroidered
5807.90.202014.40kgnot-woven badges/similar articles,
mmf, not embroidered
5807.90.209011.10kgnot-woven badges/similar articles,
tex materials, not embroidered,
not cotton/mmf
5808.10.209011.10kgbraids in piece for headwear, other
textile materials, nes, not knit
or embroidered
5808.10.309011.10kgbraid in piece, nes, nes
5808.90.009011.10kgornamental trimming in piece, textile
materials, not knit or embroidered,
not cotton/mmf
5810.92.004014.40kgembroidered badges/emblems/motifs
with visible ground, mmf
5810.99.009011.10kgembroidery pieces/strips/motifs with
visible ground, textile materials, nes
5811.00.40001.00smquilted pieces, 1³ layer textile
materials, textile materials, nes
6001.99.00101.00smknit or crocheted pile fabric ³85%
silk or silk waste
6002.99.001011.10kgknit or crocheted fabric, nes ³85%
silk or silk waste
6301.90.002011.10noblanket/travelling rugs, >85% silk
or silk waste
6302.29.001011.10nobed linen, printed >85% silk
or silk waste
6302.39.002011.10nobed linen, nes, >85% silk
or silk waste
6302.99.100011.10nolinen, nes, >85% silk or
silk waste
6303.99.003011.10nocurtains, interior blinds, not
knit or crocheted, >85% silk
or silk waste
6304.19.303011.10nobedspreads, not knit or
crocheted, >85% silk
or silk waste
6304.91.006011.10nofurnishing articles, nes,
knit or crocheted >85%
silk or silk waste
6304.99.10001.00smwall hangings, wool or fine
animal hair, certified hand-
loomed/folklore, not knit
6304.99.250011.10kgwall hangings, jute, not knit
6304.99.40003.70kgpillow covers, wool or fine
animal hair, certified hand-
6304.99.603011.10kgother furnishing articles, not
knit, nes >85% silk or silk waste
6305.10.000011.10kgsacks & bags, jute/bast fibres
6306.21.00008.50kgtents of cotton
6306.22.100014.40nobackpack tents, synthetic fibres
6306.22.901014.40kgscreen houses, synthetic fibres
6306.29.000014.40kgtents, textile materials nes
6306.31.000014.40kgsails, synthetic fibres
6306.39.00008.50kgsails, textile materials nes
6306.41.00008.50kgpneumatic mattresses, cotton
6306.49.000014.40kgpneumatic mattresses, textile
materials nes
6306.91.00008.50kgcamping goods nes, cotton
6306.99.000014.40kgcamping goods, textile
materials nes
6307.10.20308.50kgcleaning cloths nes
6307.20.000011.40kglifejackets and lifebelts
6307.90.60108.50kgperineal towels, fabric
with paper base
6307.90.60908.50kgother surgical drapes,
fabric with paper base
6307.90.701014.40kgsurgical drapes, disposal
& nonwoven mmf
6307.90.70208.50kgsurgical drapes nes
6307.90.75008.50notoys for pets, textile materials
6307.90.85008.50kgwall banners, manmade fibres
6307.90.942514.50nonational flags of the
united states
6307.90.943514.50nonational flags of nations
other than the united states
6307.90.949014.50kgother made-up articles nes
6309.00.00108.50kgworn clothing & other
worn articles
6309.00.00208.50kgworn clothing & other worn
articles, nes
rope/cables, sorted, wool
or fine animal hair
rope/cables, sorted, cotton
rope/cables, sorted, mmf
rope/cables, sorted,
not cotton/mmf
rope/cables, not sorted, wool
or fine animal hair
rope/cables, not sorted,
not wool
6501.00.304.4dzhat forms/bodies, not blocked,
no brims, fur, men's and boys'
6501.00.604.4dzhat forms/bodies, not blocked,
no brims, fur, women's and girls'
6502.00.2018.7dzhat shapes, assembled from
strips, vegetable fibre, sewed
6502.00.4018.7dzhat shapes, plaited or assembled
from strips, vegetable fibre,
not-sewed, not bleached/coloured
6502.00.6018.7dzhat shapes, plaited or assembled
from strips, vegetable fibre,
not-sewed, bleached/coloured
6503.00.305.8dzfelt hats and other headgear,
men's and boys'
6503.00.605.8dzfelt hats and other headgear, nes
6504.00.307.5dzhats and other headgear, assembled
from strips, vegetable fibre, sewed
6504.00.607.5dzhats and other headgear,
assembled from strips
6601.10.0017.9dzgarden or similar umbrellas
6601.91.0017.8dzother umbrellas, telescopic shaft
6601.99.0011.2dzother umbrellas, nes
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The primary unit of measure for the following tariff items in U.S. category 666 shall be NO and shall be converted into SME by a factor of 5.5:

The primary unit of measure for the following tariff items in u.s. category 666 shall be no and shall be converted into sme by a factor of 0.9:

The primary unit of measure for garment parts of subheadings 6117.90 and 6217.90 shall be KG and shall be converted into SME by applying the following factors:

For the purposes of this Schedule:

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Appendix III.1.7 - Country-Specific Definitions

Definitions Specific to Canada

General import statisticsmeans statistics issued by Statistics Canada or, where available, import permit data provided by the Export and Import Permits Bureau of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, or their successors.

Definitions Specific to Costa Rica

General import statistics means statistics issued by the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INEC) or its successor.

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